Text copyright © 2017 by Peter Meisel

Illustrations copyright © 2017 by Paul Meisel

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First published in the United States of America in March 2017 by Bloomsbury Children’s Books


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Meisel, Peter, author. | Meisel, Paul, illustrator.

Title: Stinky Spike and the royal rescue / by Peter Meisel ; illustrated by Paul Meisel.

Description: New York : Bloomsbury, 2017. | Series: Read & bloom

Summary: Stinky Spike the dog and Captain Fishbeard the pirate are thick as thieves now that Spike has proved his treasure-sniffing ability. When Spike and his crew come across a sign offering a reward for finding the Princess’s lost poodle, they can hardly resist. Surely finding a fluffy royal pooch can’t be very difficult? When blundering pirates are involved, things never go according to plan.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016024740 (print) | LCCN 2016036828 (e-book)
ISBN 978-1-61963-883-9 (hardcover) • ISBN 978-1-61963-884-6 (e-book) • ISBN 978-1-61963-885-3 (e-PDF)

Subjects: | CYAC: Dogs—Fiction. | Smell—Fiction. | Pirates—Fiction. | Humorous stories. | BISAC: JUVENILE FICTION / Readers / Chapter Books. | JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dogs. | JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / Pirates. | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories.

Classification: LCC PZ7.1.M469 Sq 2017 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.M469 (e-book) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016024740

ISBN: 978-1-6196-3883-9 (HB)
ISBN: 978-1-6196-3884-6 (eBook)
ISBN: 978-1-6196-3885-3 (ePDF)

Art created using pencil on Strathmore Bristol and colored digitally

Book design by Yelena Safronova

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