A few years later
I give my outfit one last look over before I grab a coat. Fall has quickly changed into winter, and I’m not the least bit mad about it. I’m excited for our first Christmas with our little ones. Getting excited for the holidays is new to me. Before Reese, it was like any other day. Even when I was little I don’t remember my mother ever doing much.
“Don’t you rush home,” Mae says as she enters the bedroom with a baby monitor in her hand. “They’ll be tuckered out for a while, and there is more than enough breast milk stored away. You two enjoy some free time.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
My face flushes with heat. I think Mae knows I’ve been given the green light from the doctor. I’m open for business. It’s hard going without sex for so long. Sure, you can do other things, but there is something about being taken by your man that hits all the spots a wife needs from her husband.
“All right. No rushing.” I give Mae a kiss on the cheek before I head out. She’s become like a real mom to me. I love Reese’s mom and all, but Mae and I have a bond that’s different. I actually love all of Reese’s family. Even Tino.
The driver is already waiting for me when I leave the house. Reese has no idea of my little plan for today. It’s been a little over three years since we found each other. We’d never practiced safe sex, but I don’t think we’d been really trying to get knocked up either. We knew it would happen when it was right. It had taken a few years, which was nice. As much as we both knew we wanted children one day, we wanted to enjoy each other too.
After I’d been kicked out of the university, I wasn’t upset like I would have thought. It’s hard to be anything but happy when you find the man of your dreams who wants to marry you and show you the world. I’d only been going to college because I thought it was what I should do.
We spent the next year of our lives traveling. You’ll never convince me I would have learned more in college than I did seeing the world for myself with Reese by my side.
Reese never intended to be a professor, so he hadn’t given a crap when he quit. They tried to talk him out of it. Even said they’d let me come back and change my classes around, but we said no. He does still get asked to do guest lectures at different universities. He has one today that I’m going to be dropping in on. I thought it would be a nice surprise.
I make sure I’m extra late before I enter. When I open the door to the class, everyone turns to look my way. Reese stops speaking.
“Sorry. I overslept,” I lie.
“Your name?” Reese asks.
“Chastity.” His brows lift at my response. “Miller,” I add, knowing he hates when I’m called by my maiden name. My ass is really going to hurt for that one.
“Find a seat quickly,” he snaps at me.
I make my way toward the front of the classroom, dropping down in the first seat I find. Reese clears his throat and continues speaking to the rest of the class. I unbutton my coat, letting it slip off.
My buttoned-up white top is a bit snug. I pumped my breasts this morning, but they are once again about to explode. A few of the buttons strain to stay put. I probably should have grabbed another top, but it goes so well with the pleated skirt and Mary Janes.
“Dr. Davis,” someone calls when Reese goes quiet for a long moment.
I don’t have to look up to know what caught my husband's attention. I’m trying to focus on not wiggling in my seat. From the second I stepped into the classroom, my body started to heat. My panties are already soaked and sticking to my sex. He clears his throat before he begins once again.
“Are you new?” the boy next to me whispers. His eyes are all over me. He leans over closer. I swear he’s almost about to fall out of his chair. “I don’t remember you being in here. I’m—” Reese’s hand slams down on the boy's desk.
“Get out.”
“What? I’m sorry. I—”
“I said out,” he growls. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. The kid gets his crap together and rushes out of the room. “You stay after.”
“Yes, sir,” I respond.
I lick my lips, wondering how I’m going to make it through this whole lecture. The time drags. I let out a sigh when he finally dismisses the class. A few girls try to linger to get his attention, but he orders them out of the room. I watch as he closes the door and flicks the lock and pulls the window cover after the last one leaves.
“Up,” he orders, making his way back across the room toward me. I don’t move. “If you want to pass this class you’ll get your little ass up.” There is no missing the edge in his voice.
“I’m not worried about passing.” I smirk and come to my feet. “I think you know that’s not how this works, Professor Davis. This.” I reach down and pop the first straining button on my blouse. “Costs.”
I gasp when he grips the front of my shirt and rips. The buttons all go flying. “How much do tits like this cost?” He tugs on my bra. My breasts spill free. “These must cost extra.” He squeezes one of them. A drop of milk forms at the tip of my nipple. He brushes his thumb across it, bringing it to his mouth and licking it clean.
Oh god. I brace my hand on the desk so I don’t fall on my ass. I’m the one that’s supposed to be teasing him. “Name it and it’s yours.” His other hand slips up under my skirt, cupping my pussy. “You’re dripping from everywhere.”
“Reese,” I beg.
“I’ve got you.”
A whimper leaves me when his hand drops from my sex. He reaches into the pocket of his slacks and pulls out a wad of cash. He holds it up to show it to me.
My husband clearly knew what I was up to all along. “This cover it?”
“It’s a start,” I manage to get out.
“I want it all off but the shoes and skirt.” He grabs a chair and drops down into it, spreading his thighs. “Feed me your tits first then we’ll go to the bank for more. I’ve already had your virgin pussy. I can’t imagine what it will cost me now that it’s well trained.”
“Trained by the best.” I bend down and pull my panties off before unclipping my bra. It falls to the floor. I drop down into his lap, straddling him.
“Heidi,” he growls.
“You know what it costs.” I grind myself down on his cock.
“It’s all already yours. Everything I have and am belongs to you. Worth every damn penny,” he says before he claims my mouth and the rest of me.
I will always belong to Reese. He’s the only one that could ever afford me. Because all it will ever cost is his heart. Which I know will always be mine.