A BOOK IS A GROUP EFFORT and I want to thank a lot of people!
First, I want to thank my agent, Byrd Leavell, for helping me shepherd this book from idea to publication. Thank you for believing in and helping me get this book brought into the world.
Second, I’d like to thank my editor, Daniela Rapp, for also believing in this book. Thank you for working with a practical, nuts-and-bolts travel writer as he took his first dip into the world of memoir and literature.
Third, I’d like to also thank Ryan Holiday and Nils Parker for being my Yodas during this process. As someone who had never been through this process before, thank you for providing wisdom and help from proposal to finish.
I’d like to thank Fey, Torre, and Jodi for providing early feedback on the structure and content of the book. Thank you for helping point me in the right direction.
Thank you to all the readers of my website who have made this crazy journey possible and have stuck with me through the years of constant mind changing. Sorry for the whiplash.
Thank you to my team—Erica, Raimee, Chris R, Chris O, Mike, and Candice—for helping me grow my website over the years and dealing with my constant scattered brain nature. Thanks for also keeping the ship afloat while I worked on the book!
Thank you to all the people who I met in my travels who have shaped my life. The memories we share have been some of the best of my life. Thank you for helping me find the true me.
Finally, thank you to my mom, dad, and sister for all the love and support over the years and dealing with my constant wanderlust when all they wanted was for me to stay home. Sorry for all the gray hairs.