- agility (uh-GI-luh-tee) —
- a dog sport in which a dog owner directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy
- arena (uh-REE-nuh) —
- a large area that is used for entertainment or sports
- bait (BAYT) —
- food used as a trap for catching animals
- catwalk (kat-WOK) —
- a narrow walkway high in the air
- costume (KOSS-toom) —
- clothes someone wears to hide who he os she is
- grooming (GROO-ming) —
- cleaning and making an animal look neat
- howl (HOUL) —
- to make a loud, sad noise
- ingredient (in-GREE-dee-uhnt) —
- the different things that go into a mixture
- platform (PLAT-form) —
- a flat, raised structure where people can stand
- pose (POHZ) —
- to keep one’s body in a particular position
- ramp (RAMP) —
- a slanted surface that joins two levels
- vendor (VEN-dur) —
- a person or company offering something for sale