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Chapter 31




Veronika stood on tamped-down ground near wooden bleachers where she’d cloaked herself and Ossian while they waited for Cathbad to show up. She had always enjoyed being out in the night, but could do without the smell of horse dung.

She took in the painted buildings, which appeared to be an empty stage setting for an outdoor theater. “You said a Renaissance Festival is held here, Ossian? What is that?”

Ossian said, “The humans enjoy reenacting medieval life. I spent some time here this afternoon to get the lay of the land. Those who participate, and the audience, are quite authentic in dress and manner. It’s very entertaining.”

“I suppose.” She had not enjoyed traveling through Atlanta to reach this location by dark, but soon she would rule everything. The first thing she would do is rid this city of the obnoxious traffic.

Peasants should walk.

Ossian added, “This is the middle of the week and the festival doesn’t actually start for another nine days. No humans should be here after midnight. I’m sure when Cathbad arrives he’ll have a protection in place.”

“Did you really think I would leave that to him?”

When Ossian looked lost for an answer, she said, “I placed a spell around this arena to shield us and deter humans from coming close.” She gave a lift of her shoulder. “If someone interferes, it requires little power for me to kill a human.”

Where was the druid?

From everything Veronika had dragged out of Ossian about Cathbad the Druid and Queen Maeve, she felt confident she could maintain the upper hand in this meeting.

She knew better than to trust that druid.

But she’d take this slight risk to gain Phoedra. The world would bow to her once she drained the power of a child born of a powerful Belador and a Medb priestess. Veronika had been considering the different ways to handle this discussion tonight.

Perhaps she and Cathbad could test working together at some point. She would enjoy having a man around again and from what Ossian had shared, the Medb queen was having serious issues with control over her body and powers.

Maybe this Cathbad would be looking for a change of partnership.

Were Cathbad and Queen Maeve stronger after having reincarnated, or were they the same power level as before, or weaker? If Queen Maeve was having problems physically, what had being asleep for two thousand years done to her?

Ossian said, “He approaches.”

Cathbad stood alone at the opposite end of the field Ossian had told her was part of a mock jousting arena. Humans today were strange creatures.

The druid was not so strange, though, except for the cape. Dramatic, but eye-catching. She’d pictured an older man, not this attractive one somewhere around mid-to-late thirties. She would definitely entertain the idea of spending time with him.

Cathbad called out, “I know you’re close by, Veronika. Show yourself. The faster we make this deal, the sooner we will both be less exposed.”

She uncloaked herself and Ossian, then led the way toward the center of the open area, stopping before she reached it.

That left Cathbad forty yards away.

Ossian took his place at her right side. Her loyal servant had experienced a few malfunctions after surviving her ministrations, but overall he was turning out to be a true benefit.

Veronika said, “I am here, Cathbad, but I do not see Phoedra.”

“If we strike an agreement, I will produce her.”

“Very well, what do you want in exchange?”

“I want Ossian.”

She looked over at Ossian, who stood rigid, showing no sign of having heard Cathbad’s demand. Just as well. He was going nowhere. “No. Ossian is mine, and to be honest, he’s of no use to you or anyone other than me at this point.”

Cathbad did not seem surprised by that announcement. He shrugged and said, “Then you have nothing to offer me.”

Was he giving up so quickly?

The druid wouldn’t last long if that was the limit of his ability to negotiate. “I have something to offer that you would be wise to consider, Cathbad.”

“What is that?”

“Your life. I am willing to accept Phoedra in trade for an agreement not to kill you.”

“As I understand it, you require the power of Witchlock to be a threat to one such as myself.”

“Not necessarily true, but I do plan to get Witchlock back as well.”

His half-hearted smile taunted her. “How do you plan to take it from the Sterling witch who wields it?”

Veronika laughed heartily. “From what I have learned, she has tapped only a small percentage of Witchlock’s power. In fact, I have managed to connect with her. Now she’s in hiding, but she can’t escape me. Once I have the girl you promised me, I will have the weapon I need to destroy Adrianna. When that happens, you will wish you had become my ally.”

“I must admit, you’ve piqued my interest. Perhaps you should consider the two of us working together to develop the girl. Just look at what I did on my own with Ossian.”

Veronika stroked Ossian’s head as though he were a pet. “He is special. I will give you that, but he is wholly mine now.”  She waited to see if the druid would show his anger or if he could be managed.

Cathbad walked forward with his hands in his pockets. When he was within twenty-five yards, he sighed loudly. “Ossian is a great loss to me.” He allowed another few silent seconds then said, “I agree to make this trade and become allies. I only hope you can back your words or I’ll be givin’ up a treasure for an empty hand.”

“I will rule this land, and once we become allies, you will be at my side. Send me the girl.”

He cocked his head with a sly look in his eyes. “Meet me in the middle and I will hand her to you, witch.”

Ossian said to Veronika, “He will trust me even though I am your servant.”

Veronika considered his words and said to Cathbad, “Bring the girl to the middle and I will send Ossian to retrieve her.”

Cathbad gave Ossian a long consideration, then nodded. He removed his cape and swirled it once. When he lowered the cloth, Phoedra stood next to him, staring straight ahead.

Veronika took in the girl’s closed eyes and pale complexion. “Is she alive?”

“Very. I have her in a calm state. She’s a young girl, very high-strung. I did not want her to work herself up to the point of being sick. You might have accused me of bringin’ you damaged goods.”

Veronika had to admit that she would have done the same.

Ossian started toward Cathbad, and when he was halfway there, Daegan stepped out from the balcony of a building to the side where a mock king and queen would view the jousting.

Daegan demanded, “I am the dragon king of Treoir. The child is of the Beladors whom I rule. You were a fool to think I would allow you to keep her. Give the girl to me and I will allow you to live, Cathbad.”

Ossian turned to Veronika. “That is the dragon king I told you about.”

Calling Ossian back to her, Veronika said, “If you are so powerful, dragon, why do you not teleport her away?”

Sending a sly look to both parties, Cathbad warned, “I have Phoedra tethered by my majik. It will kill her if anyone tries to take her by force.”

Veronika shouted at Daegan, “You can not have the child. She is mine and Cathbad is my ally.”  Looking at the druid, she said, “Is that not so?”

Cathbad called back, “It is so if you can kill the dragon and show us all who holds the power.”

“I will kill you both,” Daegan declared.

“Leave, dragon king, or I will destroy you.” Veronika raised her hands and called up her ancestors, who formed a mighty circle of protection around her.

As Daegan turned to Veronika, he burst from his clothes, shifting into a massive dragon with red scales and wings. He was the image of nightmares with silver reptilian eyes and jaws wide enough to bite a person in half. He opened his wings and spewed fire up into the air.

She informed her ancestors, “We must not allow this dragon to win.” To Daegan, she shouted, “You will be the first to die as a statement of my power and an example of how I will slay all who challenge me.”

“Challenge accepted,” the dragon answered in a deep voice. Taking to the air, Daegan swooped away.

“Is he leaving?” Ossian sounded nervous.

“Hardly,” Veronika replied. “He’s going high to gain speed. There he comes.” She shouted to her ancestors, “Protect our family!”

Cathbad backed up, taking Phoedra with him. She floated above the ground.

Fire burst from the dragon, blazing down across the thirty-foot-wide circle of translucent ancestors Veronika stood within.

Ossian dove to the ground, wrapping his arms around his head.

When the dragon had passed overhead, her servant stood and spoke with wonder in his voice. “We live.”

“Of course we do,” Veronika told him, annoyed at his lack of faith.

The dragon ran another attack pass, but when he finished blowing a streak of flames and turned, flapping to gain air, Veronika raised her hands and shouted a very old Russian spell.

Power streaked up her arms and shot from her fingertips, twisting into a thick rope of energy that lassoed around the dragon’s head.

He beat his wings, turning and fighting to fly away.

She held firm, yelling, “Give up. You’re beaten.”

A new burst of fire scorched over her circle. When it ceased, she still stood with her ancestors and Ossian.

She laughed and told the spirits of her family, “Lend me your power to take down this dragon.”

Energy swelled around her, then funneled into her body. She leaned forward a little then arched back, yanking with all her might on the rope of energy.

The dragon’s neck snapped forward, dragging his body down in such a way that it forced his wings to fold. He hit the ground hard with a loud boom, shaking the earth beneath her feet.

Dark smoke boiled from the dragon’s snout, then subsided into a thin trail drifting away. His eyes remained shut. His huge chest gave one last exhale, becoming still.

Cathbad called out. “I must admit I did not think you could do it, Veronika. I know we will make great allies.”

Veronika reveled in her glorious win.

She’d had no idea any dragons still existed, though she’d heard talk of this one while she had been locked away in VIPER.

Nonhumans and humans would sing of her great victory, but they would also bow down to her as soon as she gained Witchlock. That Sterling bitch who stole it could not run far enough.

Turning slowly, she gave a series of half-bows. “Thank you, family. I know you are tired. Rest and I will speak to you soon.”

The ancestors faded away.

Ossian had not moved since the dragon came crashing down. His eyes bulged in shock. “You will rule this world, my queen.”

“Yes, I will.” Smiling, she gave her servant another indulgent pat. “Come, Ossian. You should look at the dragon up close to truly appreciate the battle you’ve witnessed.”  She strolled to where Daegan’s huge head lay on its side, as tall as she was.

Putting the toe of her shoe on his nose, Veronika tapped. “Bad dragon.”

Cathbad had moved up to the other side of the massive flying lizard. “That’s quite a kill, Veronika. You ever faced off with a dragon before?”

“Actually, no, I didn’t think any still existed. Until this one, I had believed the stories were all myths.”

“No, they were true,” Cathbad assured her. “I recall when this one’s father ruled the land where he grew up. There were quite a few dragons at one time.”

“Hmm. Well, he’s dead now. If we face another one, you’ll know I can handle it. I hope you bring at least half that much power to the table.”

Giving her a charming smile, he said, “I might just surprise you.”  His smile fell away. He jerked his head back and forth, looking all around. “Is this a trick?”

Beladors emerged from the darkness.