Thank you for reading Belador Cosaint. This series has lived in my head and my heart for a long time. I’m often asked, “How many more Belador books will there be?” I believe a series should end when it has reached the last story arc. All I can say for now is that the end is not in sight. I have a lot more to share with you about the Belador world.
No book happens without my amazing husband, Karl. He’s my rock day and night. Everything we face, we do together. He is my life.
A special thank you to Jennifer Cazares and Sherry Arnold for being very early super readers who caught a number of small things missed by all of us in multiple editing passes. Your help insures a smooth read for everyone.
I know you often see me mention Cassondra, who does a terrific job of helping me turn out the best book I can in addition to being my assistant. She and her husband, Steve, have been dear friends and a huge support throughout the majority of my writing career. Judy Carney steps in when I hit the point where I need multiple power readers to catch edits and bumps to insure you can enjoy your read. I’ve known Joyce Ann McLaughlin for along time and love how she helps not just me but other writers by being a super sharp beta reader, plus she is my audio editor when the wonderful Stephen R. Thorne narrates each book. Fans chose him and I agree with their excellent choice.
A super big thanks also to Kimber Mirabella and Sharon Livingston Griffiths, who are always willing to read any time I need it. A special shout out to Candace Fox who does so many things to help me with guest visits on our Reader Community Facebook page and supporting my books in too many ways to list. Thanks also to all of my awesome early review team that just keeps on rocking! My deep appreciation to Leiha Mann’s support and all she does to help me promote my books.
An extra thanks to Xiamara Parathenopaeus, of S Squared Productions, who surprises me all the time with beautiful promotional creations.
The incredible Kim Killion has once again created a cover I love, as she has for all my books, and Jennifer Litteken uses her special mojo to turn my pages into book format. Much appreciation to both of you.
Hugs and love to Karen Marie Moning, a wonderful and talented woman I have the good fortune to hold as a friend. She’s generous of heart and spirit.
I want to also thank the considerate people I run into when researching areas of Atlanta and Tulsa, Oklahoma this time. It’s amazing how much help strangers are willing to offer in even a one-minute conversation. Tulsa is a great town. Also, thank you to my secret resources (I promised not to share your name, but you do deserve appreciation).
Thank you again to my peeps on the Dianna Love Reader Group on Facebook. You make every day wonderful.