Other Books by Eric Koch
The French Kiss
McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1969
The Leisure Riots
Tundra Books, Montreal, 1973
Die Freizei Revoluzzer*, Heyne Verlag, Munich
The Last Thing You’d Want to Know
Tundra Books, Montreal, 1976
Die Spanne Leben*, Heyne Verlag, Munich
(*Both German versions were reissued together in 1987
under the title CRUPP.)
Goodnight, Little Spy
Virgo Press, Toronto, and Ram Publishing, London, 1979
Heyne Verag, Munich 1988
Liebe und Mord auf Xananta
Verlag Eichborn, Frankfurt, 1992
Icon in Love: A Novel about Goethe
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 1998
Nobelpreis für Goethe, Fischer Tachenbuch, Frankfurt, 1999
The Man Who Knew Charlie Chaplin
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 2000
L’uomo Chi Spliò Hitler, Barbera Editoré, Siena, 2006
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 2002
Arabian Nights 1914: A Novel about Kaiser Wilhelm II
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 2003
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 2008, 2009
Deemed Suspect
Methuen, Toronto, 1980
Inside Seven Days
Prentice-Hall, Toronto, 1986
Hilmar and Odette
McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1996
Chongqing Publishing House, 1998
The Brothers Hambourg
Robin Brass, Toronto, 1997
I Remember the Location Exactly
Mosaic Press, Oakville, 2007
Die Braut im Zwielicht: Erinnerungen
Weidle Velag, Bonn, 2009