
imagesr Robinson explained his game to the boys.

‘You start by cleaning the garden,’ Mr Robinson said. ‘And don’t forget to cut the grass. But wait! You gotta use nail clippers.’

‘Yay!’ the brothers cheered for each terrible chore that Mr Robinson invented for them.

They cleared the garden of fallen leaves, placing them in neat piles. They cut the grass with nail clippers. They were having a great time.

‘All right, goons, come here and paint this fence blue,’ Mr Robinson said, getting annoyed.


‘Yay!’ the boys cheered again.

Minutes later, the fence was painted pale blue.

Grrrgh, now make it green,’ Mr Robinson said.

The boys painted the fence green in a flash.

‘I mean orange with purple stripes!’ Mr Robinson said. ‘Yellow with black dots! Pink! Red! Black! Yellow!’

Each time Mr Robinson called out a colour, Gumball and Darwin quickly repainted the fence just as he asked.

‘Aaaargh! Mr Robinson growled.

‘Mr Robinson, since you love painting so much,’ Darwin said, ‘I made this bird especially for you!’


Darwin showed Mr Robinson his drawing, but Mr Robinson threw it away and retreated into his house.


‘I’m sure Mr Robinson needs more help,’ Gumball said to Darwin as they stood in the front yard.


‘Maybe he’s too shy to ask us,’ Darwin offered.

‘Go away!’ Mr Robinson shouted from inside.

‘He hides it well,’ Gumball said, ‘but I think he really needs us.’


‘Go away! Go away! GO AWAY!’ Mr Robinson continued to shout from every window.

‘Now that is a cry for help,’ Gumball concluded.


And help they did. They clipped Mr Robinson’s toenails. They cleaned his glasses. They cooked him dinner. No matter how hard Mr Robinson tried to get rid of them, the boys just wouldn’t go away.

‘Listen, kids,’ Mr Robinson finally sighed. ‘Why are you trying so hard to help me?’

‘Because we love you, Mr Robinson,’ Gumball said to his hero.


‘But there is NOTHING LEFT FOR YOU TO DO!’ Mr Robinson declared. ‘Please just go away.’


‘We could clean your new car,’ Gumball offered.

‘No way,’ Mr Robinson said. ‘My car is brand new and very expensive.’

‘We could clean Mrs Robinson,’ Gumball suggested.


Mrs Robinson scowled at her husband and the boys.

‘All right, clean the car,’ Mr Robinson finally agreed. ‘But…please, be very, very careful with it.’

‘Yay!’ the boys cheered in unison.

They scooted outside with a bucket of soapy water. Gumball grabbed a big sponge.

‘Easy! Mr Robinson said it’s very expensive,’ Darwin warned, making Gumball a little more nervous.


Gumball touched the car with the sponge. Just then, the car collapsed in a heap and burst into flames.