
imageshe Elmore Senior Talent Show was underway. On stage, four seniors tap danced to a nearly empty theatre. Mrs Robinson scowled from her seat.

Anais and Darwin looked down from a platform high over the stage.

‘Okay, Darwin. Here’s the plan,’ Anais said. ‘We drop heavy sandbags near Mr Robinson. Gumball will notice and push them out of the way. Got it?’


‘Got it,’ Darwin replied. ‘We drop these heavy sandbags onto Mr Robinson’s head.’

‘No! We don’t actually hit Mr Robinson! Oh, just do what I do,’ Anais said with a shrug.

At last, it was Mr Robinson’s turn to take to the stage. Mr Robinson’s son Rocky walked to the podium.


‘Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome to the stage our second and final act, Mr Gaylord Robinson!’ Rocky announced excitedly.


‘Good luck, Dad,’ he whispered.

Mr Robinson strode onto the stage and began to sing.


‘There’s something deep inside of me that always wanted to be free,’ Mr Robinson sang. ‘And now the time is right to show you what I mean!’

Suddenly Mr Robinson pulled off his everyday suit and revealed a skimpy yellow costume with pink socks and leg warmers.

‘I wanna sing! I wanna dance! I wanna touch the sky with my own two hands!’ Mr Robinson crooned.

Anais and Darwin began dropping heavy sandbags all around the stage. Mr Robinson just sang and danced around them.


Gumball didn’t notice. He was busy trying to find the assassins who wanted to harm Mr Robinson.

‘Show yourself, assassin,’ Gumball said. ‘And fight like a man.’

Anais was stumped. Somehow they had to make Gumball believe that Mr Robinson was in danger.

‘Let’s try the special effects,’ Anais said quickly.

Mr Robinson danced and sang his heart out, seemingly unaware of the smoke and laser lights that suddenly engulfed the stage.


Then Mr Robinson hit a really loud high note and held it. The note could be heard all over Elmore. Every glass object within earshot shattered.

A stage light broke free overhead. The hot, heavy metal came crashing down towards Mr Robinson.

‘No! No! Mr Robinson!’ Gumball yelled to his hero.


He tackled Mr Robinson, forcing him out of the way, just before the light crashed onto the stage.

‘Urrgh! Mr Robinson said. He stood up and rubbed his temples.

‘Oh, my gosh, you really did save my life,’ Mr Robinson said. He paused.


‘But that doesn’t excuse you from ruining my performance!’

The audience erupted in wild applause and loud cheers.


‘Awesome, Mr Robinson,’ Anais shouted as she clapped.

‘Way to go, Dad!’ Rocky yelled proudly to his father on stage.

‘Thank you, everybody. Thank you so much,’ Mr Robinson gushed as he shoved Gumball off the stage.

‘I don’t deserve this. Thank you. I love ya. Your love truly means so much to me,’ Mr Robinson added with a flourish.

Gumball watched Mr Robinson proudly from the sidelines.


‘Thank you, infinite universe,’ Gumball said with awe and affection. ‘Thank you for sending us our very own star, Mr Robinson!’
