Insights into Ancient Rome



Rome was an incredible civilization, although they had no Wi-Fi. Bummer.

For communication, they used men on horses who traveled from town to town, carrying messages. They actually built roads for the horses to ride on, which was considered a big advancement at the time.

Rome was ruled by emperors and the Senate. There were a lot of emperors over the years, and I think my favorite was Hadrian. He had a cool beard (very hipster-ish).

Ancient roman sculpture of the emperor Hadrian; Shutterstock ID 378723022; Purchase Order: -

While nothing can top French fashion (ooh la la!), Rome had a few good looks. They were big into togas and sandals. Togas were basically sheets that were draped around the body. They look very comfortable.

In terms of hairstyles, many men and women wore wigs in ancient Rome.

Dining was different from what we know today. People would recline on low couches to eat their meals. This had to be better than the cafeteria, in my opinion. And while there were no cupcakes (weep!), there was something called a honey cake, which sounds pretty tasty.

Chariot racing was popular in ancient Rome. It was a lot harder than just skateboarding, and I bet it would have even more followers today.

Romans spoke a language called Latin, which is apparently dead now, which seems harsh to me. (Who kills languages, anyway?!?!)

One common Latin saying was felix culpa. This translates to “a happy fault.” This means that sometimes you make a mistake that turns out to be good in the end. I have personally had a felix culpa recently.

In total, ancient Rome was very interesting and sounds like it was a lot more fun than middle school.
