A book might be written by a single person, but its journey is helped along by many others. Thank you to everyone who has helped my book in any way at all. Forgive me if I leave you out in name, but know that in my heart I’m grateful for your part in bringing this book to fruition.

Aunty Val Caldwell, whose bookshelf of Harlequin romance novels allowed me to pick one up when I was fourteen or fifteen years old and enter a new world. One that I wanted to be a part of. And for allowing me to continue to raid her books throughout high school.

Aunty Marie Louise Cole, who noticed that I didn’t read and encouraged me to try different genres and once she realised I was reading romances, introducing me to the library, saturating my spare time with words.

Helicopter pilot Gary Fonternel, for his help and expertise in his field. Any mistakes made in this area are my own.

The Writing World:

Firstly to my long suffering critique partner, Gayle Ash. Thank you for sticking with me.

Robyn Grady who was so instrumental in helping me focus on my writing rather than a hundred other distractions. I’m forever in your debt. Also for your labour of love in reading this book in its entirety before I sent it to Mira, for your help, comments and guidance. Thank you.

To Amy Andrews and Rachel Bailey who are always there to support me and keep pushing me along. Even when they are on their own deadlines. Thank you.

To RWA Australia, for seeing potential in this story and putting me into the five day intensive program in 2010 (5DI) with this book and being mentored by Fiona Brand. It was an amazing week, and although it took a few more years, know that it got there in the end …

To my beta readers and red pen warriors who correct my spelling, grammar and generally bad English along the way before anyone else sees it, thank you Mariette Bailey, Caren Wilde, Bernice Wilde and Sam Eeles.

To the Bribie Island writers group who, despite mostly writing poetry, listened to parts of this many years ago, and have continued to support me.

To the Toowong writers group (Inkies), thank you for your support and friendship over the years and for your input.

The amazing Haylee Nash who insisted on reading this story despite me telling her she would never publish it … Thank you for buying my book and believing in my story.


To my Aunty Gay Wilde, the inspiration behind my story of a strong Zimbabwean farmer’s wife. To zooggoos, nana-naps and rift valley fever shots in the butt!

I love you lots like jelly tots!

To Elliott, look after Khula like always, stay by his side. Continue to be my Uncle Ceddie’s Brother-But-One. We are getting into our prime years now you and I, but in my heart, we are always young, and running after horses together.

To my sons Kyle and Barry. Thank you for putting up with burnt dinners, late school pick-ups and my continued absentmindedness while I lived in my alternate universe.

Finally, to all Zimbabweans who stayed and to all the displaced Zimbabweans spread across the world: May you find a place to always call home and forever let Africa’s rhythm beat strong inside your heart.