Adiaphorism Tolerance of an action the Bible does not strictly prohibit.
Bruxism Teeth grinding during sleep.
Dispensationalism       Belief in history as a sequence of divine arrangements.
Eremetism Practice of living in seclusion.
Fortuitism The belief that natural adaptations occur by chance, not design.
Joe Millerism The practice of making bad or stale jokes.
Lipogrammatism The practice of creating lipograms: writings that omit all words with a certain letter of the alphabet.
Mecism Abnormal prolongation of a part of the body.
Mugwumpism Acting as a political independent rather than a party member.
Nice-Nellyism Prudishness.
Oslerism The theory that a man is useless after the age of sixty.
Pantagruelism Pejorative term for medicine.
Patripassianism Christian doctrine that God shared the sufferings of Christ.
Polymastism The presence of more than two breasts.
Psittacism Repetitive, mechanical, meaningless speech.
Rhotacism Faulty pronunciation of the letter R.
Slurvianism Slurred speech.
Theanthropism The act of being both God and man.
Xerophytism Characteristics of a plant that can grow in dry conditions.