EL PASELLO/PASEO Parade of the participants of the bullfight, sans bull.
TOREO DE CAPA The peones/capeadores, assistants on foot, taunt the bull with their capes, giving the matador a chance to study the animal. The matador then tests the temperament of his quarry.
EL TERCIO DE VARAS The picadores, mounted assistants, on horses both padded and blindfolded, thrust lances into the bull.
EL TERCIO DE The banderillos thrust three pairs of brightly
BANDERILLAS colored dart sticks (banderillas) into the bull’s neck and back.
EL TERCIO DE MULETA         Bullfighter shows his skill with the muleta (cape) and the sword.
LA ESTOCADA The killing of the bull. The mulillas then drag the carcass from the ring.