A former racketeer who served four years for manslaughter (1967–1970), Don King (b. 1931) began his career as a boxing promoter with Muhammad Ali’s comeback bout in 1970, and as the manager of Larry Holmes and Mike Tyson controlled the heavyweight title between 1978 and 1990.

“I’m the best promoter in the world because I haven’t taken a day off since I left the penitentiary, and because I’ve read all the great philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinine. I am a true attestation of the American dream.” Don King

“I never cease to amaze myself. I say this humbly.” Don King

“He treated me like a sucker, but I respect him for it.” Larry Holmes

“We all know what Don King is, but if you keep a snake in the room and the light on, you can control him.” Mike Tyson

“If you don’t follow Don King, you get stepped on.” Tim Witherspoon

“Don King is a liar and a thief, the greediest bastard I’ve ever known. The guy wants all the money and all the fighters. He talks about fairness and equality, but he wants everything for himself. If I was a fighter and needed a promoter, who would I take? Don King. The man is the best. Don King delivers.” Richie Giachetti

“Don King is one of the great humanitarians of our time. He has risen above that great term ‘prejudice.’ He has screwed everybody he has been around. Hog, frog or dog, it don’t matter to Don. If you got a quarter, he wants the first twenty-six cents.” Tex Cobb