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The perfect silk cushions made Alessandria’s back feel like it was on a vacation. It was perfect.
As Alessandria sat in the front row on a very soft bench in the throne room, she couldn’t be happier.
Looking around Alessandria couldn’t believe the great work the Queen and her workers had done. They had scorched and cleansed the entire room of corruption and redecorated.
It was looked stunning and perfect for the wedding of the century.
The beautiful golden walls showing of their mighty depictions of grand battles and historical moments shone bright. Almost like they were cheering on and smiling at the wedding.
But Alessandria’s favourite was a new addition. When her and Nemesio had attacked the throne room only yesterday she knew she saw the golden wall plain behind the throne.
Now it wasn’t plain in the slightest. A massive golden carving of Daniel and Harrison’s faces were on the golden wall for the rest of Ordericous to see. Be it now or in ten thousand years they would see it. They should see this moment.
The gentle flapping of green, pink, red and dark blue sheets of silk hanging on the walls tied the throne room together. It was perfect.
Sounds of talking, laughing and being happy filled Alessandria’s ears. This is what everyone needed.
Alessandria even laughed a little as she realised the massive heavy doors (and she knew they were heavy!) were wide open so the wedding could be heard through the castle.
Everyone from servants to commoners filled the castle just hoping to listen to the wedding. Maybe even see it!
Alessandria’s nose wanted to protest as she smelt so many different perfumes and aftershaves that the nobility had worn. Some were fruity. Some were earthy. Lots smelt like cedarwood. But they were great.
A part of Alessandria wanted to think about the empty seats around her and her beautiful Nemesio. Hellen, her Mother and her Father weren’t there.
As much as Alessandria wanted to swell on that fact. She knew it was selfish. This wasn’t the time for that. This was a time for happiness and love. Her brother was getting married after all.
Looking forward, Alessandria couldn’t help but smile as she saw Daniel and Harrison up there together as one. Both in a stunning pair of expensive slightly shiny wedding suits.
They stared lovingly into each other’s eyes and they smiled constantly at each other. That was love.
Alessandria took a deep breath as it felt like something was churning in her stomach. She ignored it.
Returning her attention to the two grooms, Alessandria nodded as the Queen in her golden silk dress wearing her heavy jewelled crown and holding her Sceptre looked at Alessandria.
Everyone fell silent. Nemesio grabbed Alessandria’s hand.
The Queen gave everyone a massive smile.
“As Queen, I would normally give a speech or be posh about how brilliant this is and what a historic moment this is,”
Alessandria smiled. She liked where this was going.
“But I will not. As a friend, I want to say Lord Fireheart I am so pleased for you, and I wish you and Harrison a long happy marriage,”
The two grooms nodded their thanks.
“The rings please,” the Queen said.
Alessandria completely forgot she had both rings in her hands. She gracefully walked over to the Queen and gave them to her.
As Alessandria sat back down the grooms did their vows. Said they loved each other no matter what and they were together forever. They mentioned their hardships and everything they had fought to get to this moment. It was beautiful.
Then they kissed.
Everyone erupted into a choir of cheers, congratulations and happiness. The entire room and castle had a buzz to it to.
Alessandria smiled and clapped her hands as she realised no one was faking this. Everyone in Ordericous wanted this wedding. They loved what Daniel had done for them.
Even Alessandria was a little surprised when some of that devotion was aimed towards her. When she was walking back from Hellen’s grave earlier she had people chasing her asking for autographs.
The two beautiful grooms waved and walked down the aisle with their arms wrapped round each other’s waist.
Everyone continued to cheer and congratulate them as they walked out the throne room. Followed by the Queen and everyone else followed them.
Nemesio went to get up but Alessandria didn’t move. They were still holding hands so Nemesio couldn’t move.
He looked at her. “What’s wrong? This is great,”
Alessandria’s smile was massive. “Of course this is amazing. I couldn’t be happier,”
She gestured Nemesio to sit down.
“Nemesio, I love you. I really love you. I couldn’t imagine life without you,”
He smiled. “I’ve been wanting to hear that for so long. And I’ve been wanting to say this for ages,”
Alessandria stroked his hand.
“Alessandria you are beautiful. The thought of losing you makes me scared. I really love you too. Will you...” Nemesio said, getting down on one knee.
Alessandria didn’t let him finish his sentence. She kissed him. She really kissed him.
When Alessandria released him, she looked into his stunning eyes.
“Nemesio, I’m pregnant,”
Nemesio made a noise. Alessandria laughed at him. Nemesio kissed her hard.
“You’re happy then?” Alessandria asked.
“Of course. You’re going to be an amazing mum. It’s going to be great. I can teach them sports-”
Alessandria kissed him again.
As they got up hand in hand walking off to the wedding reception, Alessandria knew her life was complete. She had everything she ever wanted and as she walked with Nemesio. Alessandria finally found what love felt like- amazing, confusing and it made you feel as light as a feather.