Adams family

Abigail 64, 139, 19697

John 64, 139

Nabby 6465

Addison, Vermont 166

adultery 111, 128

alcohol 20, 114, 17980

Allen, Dr. J. A. 180

Allen, Merrit P. 202

American Education Society 159

American Revolution 19

battles during 12, 6, 9, 13, 188

individualism and 7, 9, 1314, 21, 22, 61

women and 42, 6061, 152

American Tract Society 159

Andover Seminary 145

Anthony, Susannah 157

apprentices and assistants

after the Revolution 1314

employed by Charity and Sylvia 131, 134, 149, 151, 153154, 160, 162, 171173, 183

Sylvia as 99, 104, 136

Ashfield, Massachusetts 76

Athol, Massachusetts 7

bachelors 37, 146, 148

Barlow, Joel 23

Barron, Mary 32

bed sharing 3639, 68, 73, 7980, 85, 94, 109, 112, 114, 190, 203, 233n13

Belding, David 14

Belding, Louisa. See Drake family

Biblical references, use of

in correspondence 56, 75, 116, 120, 19293

in diaries and memoirs 102, 114, 12425, 12829

in poetry 98, 157

Blackstone, William 102

Bodman, William 63

bosom sex 7980, 105

Boston, Massachusetts 2, 10, 15, 109, 147, 156, 18889, 194

Brainerd, Lavinia 31, 34

Brattleboro, Vermont 180

breasts 39, 7980, 86, 105, 152

Bridgewater Academy 51

Bridport, Vermont 153, 172

Bristol, Vermont 5152, 54, 57, 97, 99, 110, 117, 147, 197

Brockton, Massachusetts. See North Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Brown, Addie 7980

Brown, Charles Brockden 20

Brownwell, Belinda 153, 162

Bryant family 7, 16, 18, 19, 25, 27, 143

Anna. See Kingman family

Bezaliel 21, 22, 49, 135, 147

Charity Louisa 150

Charles 59

Clement 57

Cyrus (brother of Charity) 22, 27, 29, 44, 144, 147, 175

Cyrus (nephew of Charity) 150, 181, 191

Daniel (brother of Charity) 1622, 23, 24, 42, 64

Daniel (nephew of Charity) 65, 67, 143, 147, 148

Edwin 19, 14647, 188

Elizabeth 149, 151

Hannah Richards 56, 21, 22, 24, 69, 7475, 1078, 14850

Ichabod 23, 48, 135, 146

Ira 66

Job 107

John Howard 2, 7, 143, 148

Josiah 94

Julia Sands 19899

Lucy 148

Mary 59

Oliver (brother of Charity) 2, 16, 21

Oliver (nephew of Charity) 135, 143, 148, 171, 194, 195


bankruptcy of 135, 170

correspondence with Charity 6667, 71, 75, 103, 115, 144, 149, 18183

death of 150, 175, 186

household in Cummington 44, 7982, 92, 1089, 143

resemblance to Charity 42, 60, 132

youth 6, 2022, 27

Philip (father of Charity) 23, 10, 2025, 27, 7475, 1078, 144, 14850, 169, 181

Phillip (nephew of Charity) 59

Polly Noyes 27, 29, 44, 65

Ruth 2, 5, 16, 27, 175

Ruth Staples 3

Sarah (Sally) (sister-in-law of Charity) 30, 44, 48, 5960, 812, 108, 150, 168, 188

Sarah (niece of Charity) 176, 186

Silence (mother of Charity) 14, 65, 181

Silence (sister of Charity) 2223, 48, 59, 65, 78, 144, 147, 149, 179, 188, 195

William Cullen 19, 97, 13233, 145, 150, 176, 181, 186, 188, 191, 198, 2001, 203

Zibbeah 65, 149

Bryantville, Massachusetts 69

Buchan, William 183. See also literature

Burr, Aaron 23

Butler, Eleanor. See Ladies of Llangollen

California 147, 197

Cambridge, Massachusetts 17

Canada 10, 170, 197

Cape Cod, Massachusetts 17

Carey, Colonel Simeon 2

Catherall, Hannah 112

Catholicism 15657

celibacy 125, 12930, 157, 183

Charlestown, Massachusetts 15

Child family

Sarah 143, 196198

Willis Bryant 143, 197

Clark, Maria 30, 33, 36, 39, 40, 45, 46, 49, 6263, 67, 69

classical era, symbolism of in early America 17, 2022, 83

Clinton, DeWitt 52

Coit, Dr. Daniel 178

Colby College 148

commonplace books 30

Congregationalism 1, 54, 12324, 12728, 15758, 161

consumption. See health and sickness

Continental Army, 8

Cook, D. D. 161, 19192

coquetry 18, 23, 35, 42

Cornwall, Vermont 166


Charity’s proficiency and prolixity of 3637, 39, 153

romantic 39, 66, 78, 8081, 107

as literary form 26, 2930

religious 45, 15960

secrecy and 43, 68, 7174, 88, 97,

Cozzens, Rev. Samuel 195

cross-dressing 37, 133

courtship 14, 1718, 20, 21, 23, 39, 54, 57, 6166, 7374, 81, 86, 148

coverture 61, 102, 13233, 136, 196

Cummington, Massachusetts 27, 39, 40, 4849, 59, 6263, 70, 75, 7692, 108, 186

cunnilingus 80, 83, 129

Dalie, Mehitable 57

Damon and Pythias, classical tale of 2022, 39, 46

Dartmouth, Massachusetts 27, 32, 39, 40, 44, 6263, 66

Darwin, Erasmus 83

depression 18, 20

diaries 41, 66, 81, 108, 12730, 163

Dickerman, Benjamin 149

Dickinson, Emily 32

Diderot, Denis 156

dildos 85

divorce 140

domestic ideology 37, 114,

domestic service 12, 24, 28, 69, 79

Drake family 815, 58, 94, 10910, 120, 134, 14252, 151, 197

Almira 142

Ann L. 196

Arzina 142

Asaph 11, 1215, 57, 94, 11921, 135, 138, 14246, 149, 16465, 170, 19496

Charity 143

Cyrus 143

Cyrus Bryant 14346, 165, 185, 19192, 197, 198

Desire. See Soper family

Elijah Graves 14, 143, 147

Emmeline 149, 171, 185, 196

Harriet Emily (Bowdish) 155, 162, 19698

Isaac (brother of Sylvia) 9, 11, 57, 119, 12021, 149

Isaac (nephew of Sylvia) 118, 142, 19798

Lauren 118, 196

Louisa 155, 162

Louisa Belding 1415, 129, 161

Louisa Bryant 198

Manley 57

Mary B. 162

Mary Manley 8, 12, 13, 15, 51, 57, 97, 99, 106, 11618, 121

Miriam 120

Nathan 142

Nelson Asaph 197

Oliver 9, 11, 51, 57, 94, 119, 144, 197

Polly. See Hayward family

Polly Angelina 142, 162, 191, 200

Ransom 197

Rebecca 155

Rhoda. See Ellsworth family

Ruth 197

Sarah Harriet 171

Selvina 143

Solomon 57, 120, 197

Sylvia Louisa (niece of Sylvia) 143, 146, 149, 162, 194

Thomas, II 89, 11, 1415

Thomas S. 197

Duberman, Martin 202

Easton, Massachusetts 811, 37, 50, 94, 107, 167

economic hardships 911, 58, 110, 147

bankruptcies 1012, 135, 146, 17071, 173

Panic of 1819 135, 170

Panic of 1837 17071

education 115

colleges 51, 119, 138, 14546, 148

for girls 23, 24, 27, 37, 39, 41, 5153

in New England 28, 37, 50

schools 2628, 5051, 7980

See also teaching

Edwards, Pierrepont 23

Eliza (last name unknown) 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, 63

Ellsworth family

Charles Bryant 143

Chauncey 117

Moriah 142

Rhoda 12, 57, 117, 142

Walter 142

William 143

Faderman, Lillian 203

Fairchild, Anna Rebecca 198

Federalist party 21

female husbands 13233, 140, 158, 237nn1215, 239nn6568

Flanagan, Martha 166, 171, 183

Field, Freeman 172

Field, Sally 154, 175

Fielding, Henry 133

Fielding, Sarah 33

fiction. See novels

Fobes, Philander 63

Fobes, Philena 48

food exchange 13637

Ford, Mercy 24, 3940, 6875, 78, 81, 108, 125, 126

Ford, Thankful 68, 71, 74

Foster, Hannah 23, 35

Fourteenth Amendment 196

Franklin, Benjamin 21

friendships 1721

of Charity 24, 2949, 6891, 11214, 158

of Sylvia 5456, 158

overlap with other forms of affection 104, 172

Grandy, Abigail 172

Great Britain 7, 10

Green Mountains 14

Godwin, Parke 2002

Goshen, Massachusetts 81

gossip 1819, 23, 35, 4246, 49, 57, 60, 6466, 7079, 125, 134

Graham, Sylvester 18283

Griffits, Hannah 139

Guild, Vesta (Howard) 79, 114, 140, 149, 167, 173, 181, 187

Gunston, Thomas 89

Guyana 69

Hagar family 138

Benjamin (father) 111, 131

Benjamin (son) 119

Emmeline 162

Harriet 179

Henry 119, 134, 137

Jonathan 119

Laura (daughter of Sarah) 136, 153

Laura (granddaughter of Sarah) 201

Luther 119, 179

Sarah 111, 114, 134, 137, 164, 186

Hall, Edwin 161

Hall, William Whitty 183

Hamilton, George/Mary 133

Hampshire Hills 27, 76, 7879, 103

Hart, Emma. See Emma Hart Willard

Hawley, Massachusetts 87

Hayden, Anna 67

Hayward family 99

Achsah 5758, 62, 87, 93, 97, 103, 118, 144, 185

Asaph 5253, 57, 85, 87, 9293, 9799, 117, 121, 131, 169, 181

Azel 118, 138, 147

Benjamin 11, 13

Edwin 87, 93, 118, 136, 137, 142, 149, 151, 185

Emma 87, 93, 136, 143, 149, 171

Grace 45, 67

Joseph 99100

Laura 171, 174, 201

Lucy Ann (daughter of Lucy Ann Warner) 201

Lucy Ann Warner 151, 153, 162, 185

Polly Drake 52, 5558, 85, 87, 9293, 9799, 111, 117, 12021, 137, 14244, 147, 151, 162

Semantha 151

health and sickness 1, 20, 59, 127, 152, 17589, 194

consumption (tuberculosis) 13, 5, 19, 27, 52, 127, 144, 17577, 181, 183, 186, 188

dental 152, 17677, 181, 183

exhaustion from overwork 168, 186

headaches 166, 168, 176, 181, 18384

heart disease 175, 189

menopause 140, 17677

“paralitic disorder” 69, 176

pregnancy 2, 82, 131, 152, 183

“Sabbath sickness” 16364

See also medicine

Henry Sheldon Museum 86, 202

Heys Jr., Frank 202

Hopkins, Samuel 53

housekeeping 12, 53, 58, 102

Hovey family

Clarissa 158

Jonathan 138, 139, 158, 160

Mary 30, 32, 33, 34, 11214, 159

Howard family 94

Abiel 23, 10, 27

Barnabas 13, 94

Charity 4, 61, 167

Gideon 1821

Roland 139, 167, 187, 188

Silence 23

Vesta. See Vesta (Howard) Guild

Hurlburt Jr., Hiram Harvey 7, 102, 13233, 2012

Hurlbut, Lucy 17274

Illinois 48, 150, 188, 191

incest 128

insanity 127, 179, 183, 187, 19798

Iowa 197

Jericho, Vermont 160

Jewett, Orpha 19495

Jones, Rebecca 112

Kent, James 102

Kentucky 147

Kingman family

Anna Bryant 4, 67, 2228, 44, 48, 6267, 75, 78, 103, 1067, 11415, 144, 147, 187

Ellen 151

Freeman 143, 147

Henry 23, 48, 62, 65, 148

Jane 150

Lysander 149

Martha 151

P. P. 27

Ladies of Llangollen 8384, 112

Lake Champlain 14, 15, 172

Lawton, Marianne 73

Lee, Jonathan 160, 161

Leonard, Eliphalet 14

Leprilete, Lewis 22

lesbianism xviixviii, 3639, 41, 43, 56, 66, 7074, 7886, 124, 127, 138, 141, 156, 183, 19899, 2023

Lewis, Estelle Anna 83

Lexington, Kentucky 147

liberty 2930, 76, 82

Lind, Jenny 188

Lister, Anne 4142, 66, 73, 83, 112

Litchfield Female Academy 37, 52

literature, non-fiction

Aristotle’s Masterpiece 126, 128

The Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton 196

Domestic Medicine by William Buchan 183

The Female Husband by Henry Fielding 133

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft 42

See also correspondence, diaries, newspapers, novels, plays, poetry, pornography, religious texts

London, England 31

Louisville, Kentucky 147

love tokens 85, 113

Lowell, Massachusetts 149

Luther, Martin 127

Maine 133

Manley, Nathaniel 11

Mann, Herman 63

Mann, Horace 28

Marquis de Sade (Donatien-Alphonse-François) 156

marriage 183

between Charity and Sylvia 1019, 12930, 132, 13741, 2013

within Bryant and Drake families 2, 1415

common-law 1012

possible secret marriage of Charity and Lydia Richards 84

rejection of 18, 37, 5457, 5967, 76, 88

relationship to friendship 4042

sex within 140, 183

spiritual 103, 105, 160

Martin, Luther 111, 119

Martin vs. Massachusetts 196


effect of American Revolution on 1719

female 4243, 112, 132, 140, 143, 158. See also female husbands

land ownership and 111

Massachusetts state legislature 21

masturbation 37, 56, 7273, 127, 183

maternity 25, 24, 2829, 37

Charity and Sylvia’s experiences of 15355, 165

women’s desire to avoid 61, 5253


Charity and Sylvia as healers 18586

doctors of 34, 5, 17, 22, 27, 41, 118, 127, 137, 144, 185

heroic 17781

homeopathy 182

study of 17, 2122

treatments 144, 17589

Methodism 158

Middlebury, Vermont 52, 55, 135, 138, 158, 163, 168, 170, 178, 188

Middlebury College 138, 145, 147, 148, 198

Middlebury Female Seminary (formerly Middlebury Female Academy) 52, 168

Middlebury Mercury 95

Mitchell, Captain Elisha 2

Moira, New York 143

Moody family

Chrissa 162

Clarissa 159–s60, 191

Eli 128, 146, 15862, 173, 19091

Monk, Mary 57

Mount Holyoke College 146

Murray, Judith Sargent 51

National Bank of Vergennes 197

New England

hiring out of daughters 12, 149

industrialization 11, 15, 14849, 16667, 17374

inheritance patterns in 1011, 21

naming patterns in 144

western migration from 197

See also education

New Hampshire 140

New Haven Colony 124

New Jersey 1

New York 22, 49, 52, 147, 170, 191, 197

newspapers 9, 11, 20, 23, 37, 51, 55, 92, 95, 133

North Bridgewater, Massachusetts

education in 5152

returns to 22, 40, 44, 5960, 6975, 7779, 107108, 150

youthful years spent by Bryant and Drake siblings in 15, 11, 1314, 27, 9293

Norton, Massachusetts 22

novels 20, 23, 37, 83

Charlotte Temple by Susannah Rowson 88

The Coquette by Hannah Foster 23

Ermina, or the Fair Recluse by Dorinda Catesby 38, 40

The Governess, or Little Female Academy by Sarah Fielding 33

Juliette by the Marquis de Sade 156

La Religeuse by Denis Diderot 156

Nana by Émile Zola 198

Pamela by Samuel Richardson 2930

Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett 32

Ohio 197

Oliver, W. N. 195

open secret, closet as xiixiii, 112, 118, 140141, 2023

orgasm 37, 41, 73, 83, 96, 126, 130

Otter Creek, Vermont 1415, 96, 99, 121

Packard, Hezekiah 2

Painter, Hattie 202

Paris, France 19899

Pawtucket, Rhode Island 15

Pelham, Massachusetts 27, 40, 4849, 62, 67, 75, 78, 106, 108

Pembroke, Massachusetts 24, 69, 71

Perkins, Phebe 57

Peru, New York 172

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 21, 170, 177

Pierce, Sarah 37, 52

Plainfield, Massachusetts 27, 39, 45, 62, 7992, 103, 107


The Orphan by Thomas Otway 32

“The Suicide” by Thomas Day 44, 125

Venice Preserv’d by Thomas Otway 84

poetry 23, 26, 27, 2935, 36, 69, 77, 83, 86, 9091

acrostics and rebuses 12, 3134, 39, 4648, 85, 101

“Adieu” by Charity Bryant 85

“Backslidings and Returns” by Isaac Watts 124

“Blessed Be The Tie” by John Fawcett 105

“A Child of Melancholy” by Charity Bryant 3, 25, 48

doggerel 51, 61

devotional 32, 33

“Earth and Heaven” by Isaac Watts 89

“Henry and Emma” 64

hymn meter 32

iambic pentameter 32, 34, 62

“The Last Hour of Sappho” 83

lesbian landscape 39, 46, 83, 9596, 113

“The Mourning Piece” 90

“Nancy Warner” by Charity Bryant 4748

Night Thoughts by Edward Young 24

“Ode to Spring” by S.D. (Sylvia Drake) 9596

“On the Prospect of Separation” by Charity Bryant 104

“Parting with Carnal Joys” by Isaac Watts 89

pastoral 33, 96

“A Poem to a friend” by Charity Bryant 32

“Queen Mary’s Lamentation” 32

“To Sensibility” by Helen Maria Williams 33

“Sister Polly H” by Sylvia Drake 12

“Sonnet XVIII” by William Shakespeare 96

“Spring” by Charity Bryant 47

“Spring” by Lydia Richards 83

“Spring” by S.D. (Sylvia Drake) 9596

“Sylvia Drake | W” by Charity Bryant 192193

“Thanatopsis” by William Cullen Bryant 20

The Vale of Llangollen and Other Poems 83, 96

war poems of Ruth Bryant 6

“Winter” by Charity Bryant 46

politics 17, 21

Ponsonby, Sarah. See Ladies of Llangollen

Pope, Alexander 58

pornography 37, 133

pre-marital pregnancy 23, 14, 20, 23, 56, 65, 70

See also maternity

Primus, Rebecca 7980

Providence, Rhode Island 15

Queen Elizabeth I 32

Queen Mary of Scots 32

Ramsdell, Maria 172

Rankin family

Abiel 148

Carry (Caroline) 188

Emma 143, 153, 190, 194

Mary Bryant 195

Rappites, the 157

Reed, Rebecca 15657

religion 15, 35, 61, 70

Charity’s and Sylvia’s conflicts related to sexuality and 12330

Charity’s and Sylvia’s devotion to 153, 154, 15565

persons passionate about 45, 47, 5354, 58

See also Congregationalism, Methodism, religious texts, Second Great Awakening, Shakers, sins, Ursulines, Virgin Mary

religious texts 145

The American and Foreign Christian Union 188

Awful Disclosures of the Hotel Dieu Convent of Montreal by Maria Monk 156

The Christian Union 157

The Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge 196

The Evangelical Repository 164

The Home Missionary 157

The Religious Reporter 158

Six Months Residence in a Convent by Rebecca Reed 156157

republican motherhood. See American Revolution, women and

Rhode Island 8, 9, 27

Richards, James (Deacon) 36, 76, 82

Richards (Snell), Lydia

early friendship with Charity 3134, 36, 3840, 42, 4547, 49, 70

love affair with Charity 7692, 9697, 1034, 113, 125

marriage of 152

poetry of 3334

later friendship with Charity 1079, 13940, 15252, 165, 178

teaching experiences of 2930

visit to Weybridge 116

sickness and death 181, 188

Richardson, Samuel 29

Rush, Benjamin 177

Rutland Marble Works 195

Sampson, Deborah 37, 63

San Francisco, California 147

Sappho 82

Scott, Walter 83

Second Great Awakening 45, 157, 161, 173

secret vice. See masturbation

Seneca Falls Convention 161, 196

sensibility 17, 20, 33, 39, 40

Seward, Anna 39, 8384, 96

sewing 4, 58, 81, 94, 99, 103, 121, 132, 161, 19899

business of 13436, 149, 16674, 194

transformation by industrialization 174

sexuality 37, 41, 42, 56, 89, 124, 125, 129

Charity and Sylvia’s sexual relationship 9496, 98, 112, 11718, 121, 12430

same-sex sexuality 18, 41, 43, 56, 125, 128, 140, 2023

See also adultery, bed-sharing, bosom sex, breasts, celibacy, coquetry, courtship, cross-dressing, cunnilingus, dildos, female husbands, incest, lesbianism, masturbation, open secret, orgasm, pre-marital pregnancy, Sodom, sodomy, tribadism

Shakers 157

Shakespeare, William 42, 96

Shaw, Fordyce 194195

Shaw, Rollins 198

Shaw, Dr. Samuel 17677

Shaw, Dr. Zenas 118

Shays, Daniel 21

Sheldon, Henry 200

sibling relations 57, 12, 17, 21, 40, 56, 72, 87, 11921, 14244, 156

sickness. See health

silence, as speech act 19, 43, 86

sins 44, 56, 12330, 163, 165, 184, 193

Singer, Elizabeth

Smith, Abigail 37

Smith, Diann 160, 192

Smith, Elihu 37

Smith, Harvey 16061, 163, 164, 192

Smollett, Tobias 32

Snell, Ebenezer 82

Snell, Nabby 150

Snell, Sarah Packard 82

Sneyd, Honora 83

Society of the Universal Friend 157

Sodom 5657, 125, 128

sodomy 56, 78, 112, 124, 128, 140

Soper family

Amerett 142

Desire 12, 13, 57, 142, 196

Enos 57

Sylvia Ann 143

South Carolina 31

Southard, Fidelia 153

Southworth, Constant 138, 154, 165

Southworth, Charity Sylvia 154

spinsters. See women, single

Strong, Ida 52

St. Augustine 129

suicide 1920, 44, 74, 147, 183

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts 196

Surinam 111

Swanzey, New Hampshire 14

tailoring. See sewing

Taverner, Hiram 151

teachers. See women, teaching as profession

Tilden, Samuel J. 198

tribadism (genital rubbing) 43, 73, 80

Troy, New York 52

tuberculosis. See health and sickness, consumption

Tyler, Royall 6465

Ursulines, the 15657

Vermont 1415, 50, 54, 57, 92, 103, 106, 133, 150, 185, 190, 199, 202

Vermont Domestic Missionary Society 197

Vermont Quarterly 202

Virgil 22

Virgin Mary 157

Wainwright, Jonathan 55

Wainwright, Lovina Wheeler 5455

Wales, Captain 118

Walker, Ann 112

Warner, Nancy 29, 36, 39, 4548, 63, 70

Washburn, Abram 17

Washington, Ida H. 202

Watts, Isaac 32, 8891, 99, 123, 126

West Bridgewater, Massachusetts 10

Weybridge, Vermont 15, 57, 85, 8788, 1023, 1079, 152, 184

censuses of 13132

Charity’s arrival in 9399

Charity and Sylvia’s cottage in 11022, 142, 190

comparisons to Sodom 5657, 128

economy of 134135, 167, 170

memorialization of Charity and Sylvia in 195, 202

religion in 15565, 194

Sylvia’s opportunities for schooling in 5054

tax records of 13334, 16970

visitors to 116, 148, 173, 182, 188

youths in 154, 162, 194195

Weybridge Auxiliary Tract Society 161

Weybridge Female Benevolent Society 136, 155, 162

Weybridge Female Education Society 161

Weybridge First Ecclesiastical Society 123, 156, 158

Wheelock, Philena 15354, 162, 17274

Whitman, Elizabeth 23

Wilcox, Edwon 153

Willard, Emma Hart 52, 168

Willard, Dr. John

Williams, Helen Maria 33

Williams College 145

Williamsburgh, Massachusetts 76

wills of

Bryant, Charity 19394

Bryant, Philip 150

Drake, Asaph 197

Drake, Oliver 197

Drake, Sylvia 136, 169, 19596

Drake II, Thomas 11

Hayward, Grace 67

Howard, Abiel 3

Wisconsin 197

Wollstonecraft, Mary 42


changing roles and rights of 16, 25, 51, 53, 132, 16162, 168

modesty as a virtue for 3435, 42, 158

single 4, 29, 37, 48, 61, 7880, 87, 9091, 1089, 138, 146, 153, 157, 167, 183, 198

Charity and Sylvia as single women x, xii, 43, 57, 62, 6667, 74, 82, 92, 94, 97, 111, 122, 128, 132

spiritual 15658, 183

teaching as profession for 2635, 3738, 69, 76, 7980, 82

widowhood and 15, 73, 116, 13940, 170, 19293 See also maternity, youth

Wood, Philomela 15354, 160, 17274

Worcester, Massachusetts 14

Wordsworth, William 83

Worthington, Massachusetts 85, 108

Wright, Jehiel 134

Wright, Silas 170

Yale University 145

Yorkshire, England 112

Young, Edward 24


dangers facing 20, 56

effects of American Revolution on 1314, 1617, 2122, 51

young women 2325, 2649, 54, 82, 14254, 162

young men 1723, 26, 34, 54, 14254

See also education

Zola, Émile 198. See also novels