
The van didn’t fall far. It only dropped about fifteen feet, where it smashed against a tree. It spun when it dropped, so it landed on its right side.

CJ, Leo, and Alex hovered at the edge of the drop-off, surveying the damage. The rear passenger door was caved in where it had hit the tree. It was pure luck that Katrina was still alive. If the tree had been just five feet to the left or right, the van would have rolled all the way down into the valley, taking Katrina with it.

“Katrina!” Alex shouted, his eyes wide.

They could see her shifting in the driver’s seat, trying to get her bearings. Fortunately, she was wearing her seatbelt. “Don’t move!” CJ shouted. “We’re coming!” The van didn’t look like it was in a stable position. The tree it was stuck against was thick, but if the vehicle was even a little off-center, the slightest movement could cause it to shift and fall.

Leo had his hands on his head as if he were trying to pull his hair out. “What do we do?”

“We get her out of there!” CJ shouted. Even as she said it, she saw it was going to be easier said than done.

The drop-off was steep, much too steep for any one of them to walk down, grab Katrina, and walk back up again, especially if Katrina was injured.

Katrina rolled the window down, and only then did CJ realize the van was still running, even while smashed up against a tree.

“Help!” she yelled.

“Are you hurt?” CJ yelled back.

Katrina looked around for a second. “No . . . no, I don’t think so.”

“I’ll get her,” Leo said.

“No, hold on!” CJ said. “Even if you make it to her, you’d have no way of getting back up here.”

“Well, how do we get her then?”

CJ had never seen Leo panic like this. He was always the calm one, cracking jokes even when tensions were running high. Now, she could see pure fear in his eyes.

“I’ve got an idea,” Alex said. He grabbed a small tree by the edge of the drop-off and shook it, testing its strength. “I’ll hold on to this tree and lower Leo down. You can grab onto one of his hands, he can lower you down, and maybe you can reach Katrina.”

CJ didn’t like the sound of the plan. It was risky, and it meant she would be dangling down the steep slope. One mistake, and she’d be falling. But, she realized as she gritted her teeth, there aren’t really any other options. “Okay,” she said.

“Stay there and stay still,” Alex called to Katrina. “We’re coming to get you!”

He gripped the tree. He adjusted his hold on it a few times and tested the strength of the trunk once more. Alex grabbed Leo’s hand, and CJ grabbed Leo’s.

Slowly but surely, they started sliding their way down the drop-off.

“You got us?” Leo asked when Alex was fully stretched out, lowering the two of them as far as he could.

“Yeah,” he said, although he sounded strained. “I’ve got you.”

Leo lowered CJ down as far as he could. She was closer to the van than she thought she’d be, easily within reach of Katrina. The thought of all their stuff—their money, their IDs, their cell phone chargers, their extra clothes—in the van’s trunk flashed through her mind. Assuming they could get Katrina to safety, they should probably also try to recover their gear.

“You ready?” CJ said. She was close enough that she didn’t have to shout over the wind.

Katrina nodded and unclipped her seatbelt.

“Okay, pop the trunk and cut the engine, and then come on out,” CJ said. If they left the engine running, the van might be completely out of gas by the time they could call a tow service to retrieve it. CJ felt strangely calm as these thoughts came to her, as if part of her brain had switched off her fear and started logically thinking ahead.

Katrina did as she was told. Once she got the door open, she shifted in the seat until her foot was against the center console. She pushed up, grabbed CJ’s hand, and hoisted herself out of the van.

CJ pulled her up with all of her might. Her feet dug into the snow for traction, and her arm strained as Katrina leaned all her weight into CJ.

“Okay,” CJ shouted. “Help us up!”

She heard both Leo and Alex grunt and strain. Finally, with a lot of pulling and getting as much traction as they could against the hill, they made it back to the road, safe and sound . . . At least for the time being, CJ thought.

They all looked down at the van. It hadn’t moved an inch, even with Katrina shifting inside it.

CJ turned to Alex and Leo. “How many more times do you think you can do that?”

Within a half hour, they had gotten their stuff out of the back of the van using the same method they had used to rescue Katrina. One suitcase, pair of skis, and snowboard at a time, they retrieved everything they’d brought with them.

Once it was all done, CJ felt a swell of pride. Not only had she confronted her fear of falling, she had done it multiple times by choice.

“Which way do we go?” Leo asked the group.

They were all a little out of breath. They’d been successful in getting their stuff back, but lowering themselves and coming back up over and over again had been tiring.

Leo turned to Katrina. “How far are we from the cabin?”

She looked around for a second. “I can’t really tell in this storm.”

“If you had to guess,” Leo urged. “Are we closer to the cabin or town?”

After thinking for a second, she replied, “The cabin . . . I think.”

“You think?” Alex said harshly. “You think or you know?”

“I think, Alex.”

“I would have made it the rest of the way if you hadn’t driven it off a cliff.” Alex was getting louder.

“Give it more gas!” Katrina shouted at him, mimicking his voice. “Does that sound familiar?”

“I didn’t mean give it so much that you shoot over the edge, you—”

“Shut up!” CJ screamed. “Both of you, shut up! If you two had gotten over your stupid argument, none of us would be in this situation. I don’t care whose fault it is! In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got much bigger problems right now. We’re stuck on a mountain, and unless you want to freeze to death up here, we need to make decisions quickly.”

Alex and Katrina both looked down at their boots.

“Once we’re safe and warm, you two can blame each other, scream at each other, or tear each other’s throats out for all I care,” she continued. “Until then, shut up!”

There was a beat of silence. Alex and Katrina continued staring at the ground, and Leo gave her an impressed look.

“Katrina thinks we’re closer to the cabin, so we go up the mountain,” CJ said firmly. “Grab your stuff. Put on as many layers as you can. She unzipped her suitcase. “And then we need to move.”

They all quickly put on their heavy-duty snowboarding or ski boots and snow pants. They layered sweaters and sweatshirts underneath their jackets and stuffed their hands into their thick gloves.

Each of them had a strap attached to their snowboards or skis to make them easier to carry. They hooked the gear over their backs, leaving their hands free so they could drag their wheeled suitcases behind them. The trek wouldn’t be easy, but at least they were taking action.

The four of them, still unsure of how far from the cabin they truly were, began the trek up the mountain road.