Erika J. Kendrick
Sexiest vacation spot? The G-spot, of course!
—Erika J. Kendrick


My inner thighs are wet and my lips are finally starting to tingle. Finally. I try to focus on the hard ribbed dick that’s being thrust between my thighs. It rhythmically massages me. Yawning, I fumble around the legal briefs scattered over my laptop in search of the remote so I can mute Suze Orman.
I am tighter than normal this morning, I think, exhaling a subpar moan just loud enough that my designer cat, Jaguar, jumps from the bed. I glance at the time—SHIT! Frustrated, I grip the hard dick and peek down at my pampered puss. Damn it, why does this always take you so long? With only three minutes left in the five I’ve scheduled for my morning milk shake, I breathe in deeply, exhaling only after I feel my clit begin to pulse to the rhythm of Cash. That’s Cash…my remote-control dick. I dial up his intensity, force my eyelids shut and concentrate as my fingertips find my clit.
Come on, Penny! And that’s Penny…my sourpuss of a pussy that’s not worth two cents. But I can’t really blame her, she’s been on a forced sabbatical long enough to make the best cat trap lazy. Penny, make nice with Cash! See, Cash is a real commodity around these parts; besides my ritual workouts with my trainer, my codependent relationship with Cash is the only intimacy Penny’s been getting in nearly seven years—just long enough for me to stay focused on the grand prize and put us both in line to proudly make partner at LCA. LCA, (affectionately known to industry suits as Lights! Cameras! Action!), had quickly become one of Manhattan’s most lucrative entertainment firms and I’d been working my tight tushie off for them. These days I was barely able to catch up on my sleep or even worse, squeeze in my appointment with Kiki, Gotham’s double-jointed weavologist, for my routine tightening. So after putting in twelve-hour days, followed by late nights with prospective clients, I desperately needed this battery-operated release. It was quite possible that I needed it more than the five-star vacay I had my assistant book yesterday.
Ahhh, Turks & Caicos. My juices finally sizzle at the thought of the romantic getaway (even though I’d be flying solo, unless you counted Cash). Good girl, Penny! I am baking in the sunshine. YES! Stretched out under massive palm trees. YESS! Fanned by the glorious ocean breeze. YESSS! My skin snakes around the 1000-count-cotton Egyptians as my clit begins to beat louder. Congratulations, you’ve made parrrtner. I purr at the thought of the blissful words and my back bends into Cash. Thoughts of the six-figure bonus send an erotic volt surging down my spine, crashing behind my weak knees. Right there. Anticipation of the three-hundred-thousand-dollar bump in salary makes me moan louder. The new tax bracket meant I’d finally be able to pay off my relentless creditors and luxuriate in peace! And Suze Orman could stop yelling at me through my damn TV. My heart pumps faster. Cash is now tweaked to ten (right along with my nipples) and all I can see are Ben Franklins sun-tanning in my head.
“Cash,” I whisper, gripping the sheet. A pitchy shriek escapes me. The nerve endings around my clit spark fire. “Cash!” A sweat bead trickles over my high cheekbone when I twist Cash under and around in line to my G-spot. The new BMW and the penthouse on Park awaiting my bonus push my anticipated orgasm toward euphoria. “CASHHH!” My toes curl and I cum so hard my kidneys flinch.


“I don’t really care how much the plane tickets are running me, Reagan! This was supposed to have been handled yesterday.” I whisper ardently into the Blackberry at my assistant as I clack my Louboutins across the marble floor in the foyer of my very white-glove building.
“But your AmEx was declined too, Ms. Stone!” Anxiously, I fumble with the row of pearls around my neck. They suddenly seem tighter.
“But that’s not possible,” I deny through frustration. And Denial is my arch-nemesis.
“Good morning, Ms. Stone,” I hear the new doorman’s tenor bellow over Reagan’s mumbling.
“Uh, morning,” I say, too caught up in her web of wicked words to focus.
“Allow me to get that door for you.” The tall, commanding concierge moves with authoritative ease as he glides across the lobby and holds the door for me. “You look good today, Ms. Stone,” he says, polishing off the compliment with a quick review of my pencil skirt and ruffled shirt pairing.
“Are you sure?” I say into the telly at Reagan, while his words rush between my ears.
“But I bet you always do.” His sentiment begins to register and I stop in my tracks to look up at him. Bald, with a goatee atop supersmooth radiant skin, he towers over me—even in my four-inch trendy stilts. Casually, he places his hand onto my lower back to escort me to the town car. His touch shocks me back into step. When he opens the back door, I grip the handle on my Birkin bag and duck in. I reach for the handle but he grabs my arms and says, “Let go; I got this.”
His dimples, lodged deep in his cheeks, are accessorizing an alluring smile, and just as I start to feel my cheeks flush, he bends down and whispers, “Now, make sure you have a good day.” I feel my lips tremble as he closes the door. I watch him turn to walk away and am shaken from my gaze only when the car revs beneath my bum. He glances over his shoulder, tosses me a wink, and I barely catch the telly as it slips between my fingertips. Who was that masked man?
“—tried to tell you before that the money wasn’t in the account for me to pay it last month.” I hear Reagan’s voice droning on about my financial strain as I struggle to regain my composure. “Or the month before that—”
“Morning, Ms. Stone,” the driver pipes.
“Uh-huh!” I reply in a haze.
“—not after I paid the Saks bill; they were threatening collections. And well, Barney’s was—”
I dead the line and bite down ferociously on my freshly manicured nails, gazing into the lavish storefronts of Manhattan’s Upper East Side as we ride down Lexington to the firm with thoughts of butt nekkid sex and thievery on my mind. But my thoughts tailspin as I obsess over how I’m going to rob Peter to pay Prada…and who was that masked man?
“Yes, Reagan?” I reluctantly answer the cell again as it vibrates, snapping me out of my trance. I’d gotten comfortable dodging bills in the last few months when the economic swine flu had begun to affect the number of new clients I was shuffling through the door.
“Sorry to bother you again, Ms. Stone, but the big bosses have asked to speak with you directly upon your arrival.” Her voice is tighter than the tracks Kiki stitched into my head. She whispers emphatically, “It sounds pretty urgent.”


“Ms. Stone! Wait!” A well-built, chocolatey man yells toward the cab as I struggle to step onto the blurred curb. “Here, let me help you,” he offers, reaching down for my hand as I tumble from the cab.
“I, I’m f-fine!” I slightly slur.
“Take my hand, Ms. Stone!” the man with the strong hands orders, reaching out for me. “Take it!”
I center myself and interlock my fingers with his. A shock pulses up my thighs. The three dirty martinis had gone to my head and had apparently ventured off to other body parts as well.
“Looks like you’ve had a pretty good night.”
I smooth down my tailored charcoal skirt and look him in the eye. “It’s”—dunh dunh dunh—“THE DOORMAN.” I sway a smidge and catch my breath, watching his imaginary cape blow in the wind.
“I just got off, but still…let me help you into your building.”
My building? Oh, I don’t think so,” I say, staring up at the fifty-story luxury high-rise. “This won’t be my building much longer.” I look around and point at the old white-haired woman exiting with her handler. “Maybe her building, but it won’t be MY building!”
“But you’ve lived here seven years.”
“How would you know, you just started here.” I fumble through the door and he steadies me in his arms. “You asked about me?” I can’t help but notice the bulge in his bicep and the other one quickly hardening in his pants. “Ooh.” I tighten my grip around his muscle.
Blushing, he says, “You can’t leave me now; we’re just getting started.”
“Are you flirting with me?” I ask, and swivel my body around to face him.
“I was just saying that—”
“Who are you anyway, Mr. Doorman?”
“Your new concierge, transferred from the Soho property last week,” he smiles that same killer-watt smile from this morning. “Apollo.” Epic!
I look past his hazel eyes over his smooth bald head and into his grown-man stance. Wow! Magically delicious. I suck my teeth and purr. “Apollo the Doorman.” He blushes and I take that as my cue to slink farther into his personal space. Feeling fiery and fast, I gently press my breasts against his chest. “Well, Apollo the Doorman, I guess you’re just going to have to make yourself unforgettable.”
“How about l start by seeing you upstairs? Make sure you get in safely.” Then he slides the palm of his hand past my ass and rests it in the small of my back, leading me toward the elevator this time. “After all, it’s part of my job to make sure nothing happens to you.”
I eye him and step into the lift.
“Looks like you’ve been doing some serious celebrating tonight.”
My slick smile turns sour. “I don’t know if that’s what I’d call it, unless you can celebrate the end of the big dream, the end of the big career, the end—”
“I got fired today!” I roll my eyes and fold my arms across my chest.
“Ms. Stone…I’m sorry to hear—”
“Dream killers!”
“Oh, no, you’ve got it all wrong! I give life back…I don’t take it away.”


The air is warm in the elevator as the doors begin to close. I press for the penthouse.
“I gave them the best seven years of my life, sacrificed everything, and when it’s finally my turn, they push me out the door for a blond boy named Biff,” I growl into the cramped space. “Said they couldn’t make me an offer. ‘Our time together has come to an end.’ Just like that!” I punch at the steel elevator wall. “Owww!”
Apollo grabs my fist and immediately begins soothing my hand until I calm somewhere between the twentieth and twenty-second floors. “I’m sure you’ll find something else.”
“There is nothing else.” I exhale. “That’s all I know…all I can do…” My voice dives into a hush. “Practicing law is all I’ve ever been good at.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he says, glancing over his shoulder at my long legs. His eyes take me in slowly, moving up my thighs and settling on my breasts. He tilts his head slightly and licks his lips.
The sight of his tongue distracts me, shooting another hot flash up my thighs. I chase it. “You like what you see, Mr. Doorman?” My words are slippery, my thoughts push past racy.
The corners of his seductive mouth turn up. The doors open and he steps aside. “This is where we get off.”
“Yes,” I ooze back, unsure of where the intense urge to pounce on him is headed, “it sure is, isn’t it!”
Apollo’s commanding hand brushes against my ass this time as he leads me. The wallpapered hall spins in slow motion, and his grasp steadies me as I slink down the carpet. Swiveling my body around to face him, I lean against my front door and rasp coyly, “Well, aren’t you the gentleman…walking me all the way home.”
“It’s my job to make sure all my tenants are very well taken care of.”
“Is that right?” I arch into him, suddenly aware that I haven’t had a dick date that didn’t require batteries in many moons.
“Yes,” he says, without hesitation. “That’s right, Ms. Stone.”
“And just how much effort do you put into making sure they’re satisfied?”
“Well, like you, I’m very good at what I do.”
“How good…exactly?” I ask, totally channeling my inner Eartha.
His voice is deliberate, his tone confident. “I’ve never entertained a complaint.”
“And I bet you’ve serviced your fair share of women in your line of work.”
A slick smile appears. “I take my job very seriously.”
Maybe it’s the dirty martinis or just the dirty little girl who’s been locked in her room far too long without any sexual healing, but somewhere in this soft porn flick, I decide to just go for it! I reach out for him and run the back of my hand against his finely sculpted face, down the side of his neck and across his nipples, both now erect. My heart is pounding when I whisper my name: “Phoenix.”
“Excuse me?”
I clear my throat and say it with assurance this time. “Phoenix Stone.”
He exhales, inches from my neckline. “Such power behind a name like that.”
I turn to the door, fumbling with the keys. The effects of the dirty martinis were making a departure, but a dick date with the doorman would be the purrrfect after-party. Go for it, Penny, you’ll never see him after you move out anyway, the horny red devil on my right shoulder coaxes. This is hot dick on a stick! I fight the uncooperative lock that much harder.
“I can help you with that, you know,” Apollo offers, leaning down to take the keys from me with ease. His lips brush against my neck as he whispers into my ear, “All you have to do is let go.”
Without resisting, I release the keys into his hand. I close my eyes and listen as he successfully unlocks the door. My knees wobble.
“Very good,” he approves, seductively. “I can take it from here.”


The front door swings open and Apollo catches me in his arms before I can fall any farther. God, I miss the touch of a man. His arms feel like a lifesaving cure wrapped around my seven-year illness. Why have I punished Penny so long? Bad Mommy!
“Thank you for seeing me up to my apartment. I appreciate all the VIP treatment; I’m sure I’ll miss that when I’m gone.” I drop the Birkin bag to the floor and fight the urge to yank my blouse open. “Who knew the amenities here were so indulgent?” I throw my arms around his neck. What am I doing? A hint of leftover cologne has settled into the fibers of his white cotton shirt and its intensity is now more intoxicating than Belvedere. My eyes are heavy as I breathe him in. Slowly, he pulls away. I cling to him and boldly say, “Why, uh—why don’t you show me some of the…amenities while you’re here?”
“I don’t think that’s part of the agreement.” He struggles to release himself from the semi-choke hold.
He chuckles, coolly, as he frees himself. “Your lease, Ms. Stone.”
“It’s Phoenix. Remember?” And why is he trying to forfeit our game now, a game I’d just joined after nearly a decade of sitting on the sidelines? I steal his hands and press them against my taut ass, pulling his shirt from his pants and awkwardly running my fingernails over his hard defined abs and up to his nipples. I squeeze them gently and let out a moan the instant I feel my pussy purr. He closes his eyes. His hard-on warrants a deep breath. Must. Fuck. Him. Now!
“Now that you’re safe and sound, Ms. Stone,” he recovers, “I think I’ll see myself out.”
Say what now?! My inner beast had been released and she wants to roll around in the hay! “Isn’t it in your job description to service my needs?” Pouting, I undo the top button on my silky blue blouse.
“Slow down with that.” He unravels himself from me again but this time he turns toward the front door. “You’ve had a lot to drink and your day has you feelin’ a little vulnerable right now.” He glances at his watch. “This is where I say good night, Ms. Stone.” Stopping in his steps to leave me hot and a lot past horny, he says matter-of-factly, “But I really do hope tomorrow works out better for you.”
Yeah… NO! This isn’t at all how I saw this playing out in my mind. “Apollo!” Frustrated and admittedly stalker-ish, I stomp my stiletto into the hardwood.
He doesn’t blink. “You’re not ready.” Without acknowledging my quick dissent into bitch, he turns the doorknob. “And Ms. Stone, you can’t just order me to fuck you! That’s not at all how this works.”
Leaning against the bookcase in the foyer, I feel myself begin to unravel. The only reminder of my tragic evening spent getting dirty with Belvedere is the pounding sound between my ears. “Okay. So just tell me; what exactly do I have to do to get ready?” I reach around to unzip my skirt. “Really, just tell me, ’cuz I’m a bit of an overachiever and it doesn’t take me long to get ready.” I tug at the skirt and drop it like it’s hot. “I mean, I’m superspeedy and I can turn this all around in no time flat, just tell me what, how, who…what, how—”
“Look, I’m sorry you had such a fucked-up day, really I am, but this isn’t what you need to make it better.”
Ohhh, I beg to differ, Mr. Doorman! “Uhm, I’m a li’l bit confused,” I admit, looking down at my underwear. “So what exactly is it you think I need now?”
“Coffee…maybe a cup of herbal tea.”
When did this turn into an episode of “Little Penthouse on the Prairie?” I mumble under my breath, “Um, tea isn’t exactly the direction I thought we were headed.” No, sirrr!
“Excuse me for being so forward, Ms. Stone, but you don’t strike me as the kind of woman who invites a stranger up to her apartment for a fuck session.” He points at my polka dot panties. “Unless I’m reading this all wrong.”
My eyes dart to the floor. Okay. On cue, I quickly pull my skirt back up and zip it.
“I’m just being honest. I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret tomorrow and I just started here and wouldn’t want to…” Blah blah blah…
Jaguar sashays into the kitchen, licking her lips and wagging her tail. I swear I hear her meow me a disapproving “loser.”
“And you’re still not ready.”
I tuck my blouse back into my skirt. “Okay, yes, I had a really bad day!” I look up at him and then quickly turn away. “Okay, so it was a really, uh, f’ed-up day. And because of it, I don’t know what’s gonna happen to me or where I’m gonna live or work or—” I fluster, before shaking myself out of the downward spiral, “but I’m a big girl, ya know and—”
“No, Phoenix, you’re one-hundred-percent woman.”
I smooth down the frizzy damp hair that’s come undone around my temple and hold my head high.
“But you’re just not ready for what I have to offer.”
Deciding to salvage what dignity I have left, I rethink raping him. “You’re right; I’m going to be just fine. I may not have any savings, or any investments, or any real assets,” I look down at my fifteen-hundred-dollar shoes, “but I’m a big girl, er, uh, woman,” I say, pushing my shoulders back, fighting off tears, “and I’m going to be just, just…well, as soon as I figure out how I’m going to pay this damn rent I’m going to be just fine!” I side-eye the shoes again. Absolutely not! I fasten the top button of my blouse and turn toward the door to escort Apollo out, swearing my inner crybaby off. “Yep, Penny and I are going to be just fi—”
“So tell me the truth, Phoenix,” Apollo steps in front of me and squares my shoulders. He studies me while he runs his fingers over his goatee. Maybe it was the pathetic rant about me being broke, or maybe it was because my in-your-face, fuck-me-now approach had just been totally rejected, but I am suddenly feeling majorly exposed. “When was the last time you felt the touch of a man?”
“I don’t really know how to answer that, I mean, well, I guess it’s been a while and—”
He traces his fingers over my lips and I shut up.
“…the last time you let someone see you?”
“No one has ever really—”
His finger is still pressed against my lips. “…shown you how it feels to be wanted—”
“Uh, well—”
“…and needed?” His hands grasp the back of my neck.
“When was the last time a man made you cum so hard you thought you were going to explode?”
I clutch my pearls and on autopilot, I reach for the top button of my blouse again, this time I unbutton it before he can change his mind. “And who would—”
“Phoenix,” he whispers into my ear as he closes the distance between us. He takes my hand and slides it under his shirt and over his throbbing heart. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”


Apollo reaches for my chin and tilts my head straight into his bold eyes. He watches me so long I start to feel naked. Is he going to kiss me? No one has really seen me in years. I think he’s going to kiss me. My thoughts jumble as he leans forward. I haven’t been kissed in nearly two years, three months, one week—but he passes my mouth only to brush the blade of my shoulder with his lips. I lace my fingers behind his head. He kisses my shoulder again. This time I tense.
“Let go,” I hear him say into my skin. “You’re a big girl, remember? This is what you said you wanted.” I close my eyes, tingling at the touch of his mouth that stops only to bite into my hot skin and torch the rest of me. “Now, let me handle you the right way.” On impulse, my back curves into him. “And I want to see you take it like a woman!” OMG! I feel myself tense again until he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into him. “I got this.”
The next thing I know I’m in his arms being carried to the living room. Wow! He sits me on the sofa and his tongue doesn’t miss a beat, licking around my earlobe forcing the thin hairs on my neck to pay attention. My breasts throb through my blouse. They are begging to be next in line. The air is thick. I moan into it, my legs dying to open for him. I wait impatiently as Apollo undresses me with his eyes, showing me every place he intends to spend time. He seems to be in no rush, breathing me in until his eyes finally stop at mine. He kisses me. I freeze.
“I told you, baby, I got this!”
“But—” Man up, Penny!
He kisses me softly at first, then much harder. It’s game time! He pulls away slightly and licks my upper lip, tracing over it with his tongue. I’m wet where it matters. Score! He sucks on my bottom lip and I inhale his air before he kisses me again, parting my lips with his tongue, slow-dancing in my mouth to the beat of seduction. His eyes are closed, while mine roll back in my head as he makes love to me, has sex with me, and fucks me under the influence of this one brutal kiss. OMFG! I am beyond drunk from this man, willingly following his lead, farther away from my comfort zone. When we come up for air, his words cause panic in my ears, “We’re taking it all off tonight. I want to see you, every part of you. No mask in sight.”
I lean back, unable to completely let go. Pull up your big girl panties, Penny! We’re going in!
“Isn’t this what you said you wanted?”
I nod my head up and down.
“Then play by my rules tonight.”
My head bobs up and down again.
“Now, open your legs.” It was the last thing I heard him say before he slid his hand between my thighs and massaged his way into my swollen pussy. My insides bubble and an electric surge shoots through me. I gasp for air when he slides a third finger into me to join the other two. Apollo was bringing my sleeping pussy back to life.
“You’re tight,” he exhales into my lips.
“When was the last time someone fucked you real good?”
Besides Cash?
“And made you cum so hard you squirted?”
I’d heard stories about that but always thought it was an urban myth.
Apollo kneels in front of me and slips his other arm behind me, pulling me onto the edge of the cushion. Rhythmically, he moves his fingers inside me like he’s been there before, like he knows his way around, finger-fucking me into delirium. I haven’t been finger-fucked since the tenth grade! And I don’t remember it feeling anything like this. He props my right leg over his shoulder and the other obediently follows. And with every finger-thrust, each one more powerful that the last, he rocks me deeper into oblivion. When I glance down I see his dick through his denim standing at attention. I lick my lips and feel a sudden urge to get to know him. But before I can make any power moves, he pushes me back onto the couch, shutting me down, putting me back in my place. “My rules,” he says, as his free hand travels around my belly and up my torso, stopping just short of my second blouse button. There is instruction in his eyes. I know exactly what he wants me to do. Apollo rubs my left breast over the silky top and I can’t unhook my bra fast enough. He takes turns caressing my breasts. We are both in a hot rhythm, moving in sync with each other’s beats. He squeezes my nipple between his fingers and I’m certain I’m going to…erupt. Right then. Explode. Right there.
“Right there!” I swear, groaning into the air, now scented with sex. Like a magician, he continues to fuck me with three fingers, my G-spot now under his spell, and erotically massages my breasts while exploring my mouth with his tongue.
“Oh, god!” I hear myself testify. My legs are in the air, hovering over his head somewhere, my hands wrapped around the back of his neck. “Oh, god!”
He orders, “Let go and cum for me!”
“OH, GOD!” The orgasmic ride snakes down my spine and slithers straight through me. “OHHH, GODDD…”


Who is this masked man? My body spasms through the aftermath of small orgasms. Nerve endings are tingly and my eyes are still rolling around in my head. Apollo slides his soaked fingers from inside me and licks each of them. “You taste as good as I knew you would.” His penetrating voice makes me want to hop on all fours and bow down. I feel his other hand unbuttoning the last two buttons on my blouse and I wriggle free from it. The soft silk is like a razor against my skin as it slides down my arms. I purr as he leaves a trail of kisses past my neck straight into my breasts. I sit up to watch when he stops to give them his full attention. The sharp smell of cum has settled into the air. I breathe it in, flinching when he squeezes my breasts. That hurts so good. He bites down on his lips and within seconds, my nipples are between his teeth. I pull away from the painful pleasure.
“Take it,” he orders.
I gasp into submission and watch him caress my breasts, then lick them, suck them and devour them all over again. Without instruction this time, my fingers find my swelling clit.
I am totally spellbound. Watching his head buried between my breasts I hear, “Now, I want your pussy. Put it in my mouth.” Oh, Penny! Apollo is on his knees, pressing my thighs farther apart. He smoothes his hand across my bare pussy and in one beat, two of his fingers slither inside me while his tongue bathes my clit. The room turns every shade of purple and I swear a white glow encircles him. “Oh, god!” I am moaning so loud. The neighbors! He stops to glide his tongue over my liquid lips, coveting each of them. When I feel like I’m going to crawl straight out of my skin, I grab the back of his head. My back bends into a perfect arch as he starts to tongue-fuck me. My French tips dig deeper into him. My wet thighs throttle him. My legs are wrapped around his head and I am somewhere deep in his mouth. I feel my body rising from the couch and realize Apollo has picked me up and is headed toward the bedroom—with me in midair and my pussy mid tongue-fuck. He doesn’t miss a beat or a thrust, or a lick or a suck as he carries me down the foyer, around the corner, into the kitchen, past the dressing room…straight through the pearly gates.


Apollo unzips my skirt and tosses it to the floor in my bedroom. He moves like a master and I watch every move he makes. I can’t pull my eyes away from him. Epic. He stands over me, running his hands over my thighs and down my legs. This must be what the champagne room in heaven feels like.
“I want to know what you feel like.” My stomach knots. “But I need to see what you look like first.” See?
Before he can reach for the light switch, I grab his arm. “Wait, I don’t think—”
“Wait?” he chuckles, grabbing the back of my hair. “This is my game, darlin’; do as you’re told.”
Okay. My fingers go limp and I release his arm and surrender.
He flips the light switch. It flickers before spotlighting me.
“Now, stand up.” As I lower my body to the floor, he says, “Not on the floor…the bed.”
I balance myself on the plush duvet.
He moves toward me. “Turn around.” He licks his lips, tilting his head to the side. “Slowly.”
I obey.
He runs his hand over his smooth head and across the back of his neck before unbuckling his leather belt. A part of me wants to know what comes next. The other part wants him to bend me over and spank me. Our eyes lock as his denim rattles against the hardwood. His boxer-briefs fit snugly around his bulging dick and I am dying to feel it between my jaws, shoved down my throat. He unbuttons his shirt, never taking his eyes from my thighs.
“I can see you.”
I fidget with my hands behind my back. “And?”
“I like it.”
My face burns red as I blush.
“Come take these off,” he nods down at his briefs. “Get on your knees,” he commands, eyeing the floor. Without blinking, I drop to all fours and slink toward him. My index fingers grip the elastic waistband, and as I pull them down, his hard ribbed dick rises to greet my mouth. Well, hello! He wraps my hair around his hand and yanks my head back, my mouth now wide open, and thrusts his dick between my cheeks. I suck my new BFF slowly at first, then faster and harder, stopping only when he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in. My pussy sizzles when I feel the tip of his dick slide deeper down my throat. I massage his balls, tickling around them until he finally frees me from his grip. I wrap my mouth around each of them, devouring them to the sound of improvised hums and impromptu moans. What would Jenna do? I line my grip with spit and with his dick between both hands, I rotate my stroke in opposing motion. I give him head until my mouth is numb. The throbbing pulse in his dick tells me he wants to cum, but before he does he yanks my head back by my hair and yells into the air, “FUCKKK!”


“It’s time for me to fuck you.”
I hesitate. Everything around me is moving in slow motion.
His words sting down my spine as he throws me onto the bed and straddles me. Apollo dips his fingers into my pussy to test the temperature, puts them in his mouth. “You taste so good.” He rubs my liquid lips with the tip of his dick. I grip the satin sheet beneath me and remind myself to breathe. “Let go. I got you, baby.”
“Yes,” I hear myself murmur. Inch by unbelievable inch my pussy stretches out to take him.
“I want to hear you!”
He is over me, his chest shiny with sweat, glazing his superhuman body. “Yes!”
“Louder!” He orders into my ear.
He kisses me; his tongue is slick, his thrusts harder. The ride speeds toward wild. His motion is ripped with power. The electric black air is pulsing around me. I let go and wrap my legs around his waist. He throws them over his shoulders instead, and fucks me with savage intensity. My back bends when he slips his arm behind it and flips me over to straddle him. I carve my nails into his abs, my pussy now swallowing him.
“That’s right; take all of it!” he commands, and palms my cheeks, digging deeper into me. I throw my head back and gasp. He slaps my ass, branding a welt into my skin. I can feel him everywhere. My pussy tightens around him, stroking him up and down, sucking him in as the ride rocks from side to side. He slaps me again, my skin stinging. “Very good,” he says, tasting my breasts. As I master the rhythm and soul of his flow, my toes curl.
“Come up here and sit on my face,” he orders. I slip in and out of ecstasy as I climb him. He tastes me first, then begins to own me, forcing my face into the headboard. My pelvis snakes around his mouth as his tongue teases my clit. His fingers trail the dripping sweat down the curve of my back, straight into my asscrack. I shriek into the damp air as he slips in a second finger to fuck me dirty. His tongue is wrapped around my clit as I grind my hips between his lips. My head spins as the ride picks up speed.
I can’t breathe. I gasp for air. As I’m exhaling, he swings my thigh over his head and tosses me roughly around the wet bed. My screams, now muffled in the duvet, hit a feverish pitch as he fucks me from behind. His breathing is heavy, his moans now louder each time he rams his dick deeper into me. He wraps his fingers around my throat causing my clit to almost explode. Cream covers my fingers as I tour my pussy toward climax. He chokes me, fucking me wildly, until I feel a hot stream of cum shoot from inside of me—“OH, GOD!”—squirting all over me.
I look down in raw confusion and he orders me to “Let it flow!”
I cry out in unimaginable ecstasy, “Oh, GAWD!”
Barely able, I roll over and palm his rock-hard dick, deepthroating it until it’s beating stronger than my heart. He grabs my head and pulls me into him until his body shocks.
“Open your mouth!”
I obey and his milky cum explodes all over my face.


Sooo totally better than Turks & Caicos! I replay the highlights of our fuck session in my mind as I finish washing Apollo off me. Jaguar prances into the bathroom and licks her lips. I know, right! Smothered in afterglow, I tie the silk robe around my waist and spy Apollo-the-Fucking-God leaning against the front door. Amen.
“I can see you now,” he repeats.
I clear my throat. “Yes. And…”
“I like what I see.”
I glance at the floor.
“Look at me.”
My eyes travel up his body, straight into his eyes. “Did you like being fucked like that?”
I feel a chill and nod.
He smiles that familiar killer smile.
“Is there more?” I ask, in a hushed voice.
“Maybe you are a big girl. You think you can handle more?”
I nod again, anxious to get on the waiting list.
“There may be something we can do about that.” He unloosens my robe in a swift move and studies the curves of my body. “And both get what we want.”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a thick wad of money. As he counts off several big bills, he orders me to take a shower and rest up. “But first, this is for you.”
“What?” I shake my head in confusion. “What’s this?”
“Take it.”
“But…but…I can’t take—”
“Yeah, you can.” He wraps my fingers around the cash. “You earned it.”
I step back. “You’re paying me! For, for, SEX!”
“You were worth it.”
“But, I’m not…I’m not…” I whisper, “a hooker!”
“No, you’re not. You’re more like a girlfriend experience.”
I gasp and clutch my pearls.
“You need to recognize your worth, Ms. Stone, and put a price on that pussy; it should be your most valuable asset.”
Pussy PROPERTY? “Look, Apollo, I never expected to get paid for—”
“I know you didn’t. But now that you have, you need to rethink your pricing strategy. You’re in business for yourself now—if I remember correctly. And you said you wanted to make partner, partner.” He chuckles, and I begin to think this is all a joke until he reaches for the door and says, “It’s worth a lot more than that, by the way. I just took my cut.” He glances at the cash I’m now gripping tightly in my hand. “My clients will pay whatever you ask.” He nods toward the corridor. “And they’re in the building; you’ll never need an umbrella. Just keep the polka dots.”
“But, but, you’re the doorman?”
“Yeah, and?” he challenges. “What exactly do you think my job is all about?”
I furrow my brow, seeing him for the first time tonight.
“You were the one who said my job is to provide a service, right? Well, how is this any different?”
I slowly close my robe and double-knot it as I process what he’s saying. “So you would be, like, my pim—”
“Agent.” On cue, that slick smile resurfaces. “Think about it and get back to me. Just don’t take too long; people with long paper get impatient. They have options.” He reaches out and touches my chin. “But now I can say with certainty that none are as satisfying as you.”
He TEST-drove me!
The cash is heavy in my hands. And he liked the ride! I steady myself against the wall. My eyes are burning. My mouth is dry. My pussy is hot. Hypnotized, I grip the cash in my hands and the tips of my fingers begin to tremble. An escort? I begin to count…my heart pounds as I approach one thousand, my legs weaken as I fly past two thousand. Could I? The familiar scent of the money intoxicates me all over again. My pussy rages as I hit three thousand….
“Fuck! Five thousand doll—twice a week. Ten thousand. Forty Gs a month. Four hundred and eighty grand a year! I quickly did the math, willfully blocking out the way I’d be making rent.
Girlfriend experience. Apollo’s description runs through my head. Funny how a little game of semantics could put a different face on things. I glance down at Penny. Could I fuck my way out of my financial woes? She purrs. Should I? I close my eyes and smell the cash. Would I?
I look up at Apollo. But he is gone.