Thursday, 3 August 1982

At sea

Our 0900 position was abeam La Coruna, just to set the scene.

I was once again heavily into the audit all morning, and though I was supposed to be on watch in the Ops Room during the afternoon, there was no requirement for me, as the weather was fine and clear, so I retired to the Air Office to catch up with things there.

We had a shoot of the starboard BMARC (the Oerlikon quick-firing gun) this afternoon, which made interesting watching from the Quarterdeck, where the cauliflowers are beginning to hum a little. We were firing at a splash target (a sort of lump of wood affair) being towed by Battleaxe, and while I am by no means sure that we hit it, we sure as hell frightened it.

ITV (that’s Illustrious TV, of course, not the second-rate commercial channel back in the UK) had a film tonight – ‘Smokey and The Bandit’ – which is rapidly turning into the most-watched film on this ship, but nevertheless well worth another look, which I duly did.