Wednesday, 23 June 1982


My writer arrived today – pause for prolonged cheers. He seems quite with-it, so hopefully the bulk of the routine work can now be dumped on his shoulders. That, at least, is my intention. As part of his introduction to the good ship Illustrious, I took him round and showed him all the useful places to know, and while doing this we watched HMS Glasgow enter the basin almost next door to us. She has just come back from the Falklands , and was showing some signs of rough handling – some bullet and shell holes visible along her port side, and a good deal of paint missing. She also still had the broad black vertical stripe painted amidships, which was put on to distinguish her from Argentine ships of the same type.

Also conspicuous in the harbour was the Royal Yacht, all decked out with pretty flags and things, presumably in honour of the birth last night of our next-but-one king.