© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Reinhard Haberfellner, Olivier de Weck, Ernst Fricke and Siegfried VössnerSystems Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13431-0_10

10. Case Study 3: Smart City and Science Tower, Graz

Reinhard Haberfellner1 , Olivier de Weck2, Ernst Fricke3 and Siegfried Vössner4
Institute of General Management and Organization, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Engineering Systems Division, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
BMW AG, Munich, Germany
Engineering and Business Informatics, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

In this case study, we describe a very interesting urban development project (Smart City Graz) which includes an attractive construction project, in terms of aesthetics and in terms of technology (Science Tower).

Here, we demonstrate important systems engineering principles, such as systems thinking, top–down approach, phase concept, PSC, etc.

10.1 What Is a Smart City?

The term Smart City is used in several different ways.
  • Some authors use this term to explain that a city has a modern and efficient IT infrastructure and can be connected with the whole world, which is now the space for activities of its citizens.

  • Others highlight the urban development: they want to express that the town or an urban district are well mixed and are hosting pleasant residential areas, with professional jobs nearby, utility services, shopping for daily needs, and entertainment areas and facilities, within walking distance or easily reached by means of public transport.

  • Others want to express properties such as mobility, infrastructure, energy efficiency, environmental compatibility and resource efficiency, economic attractiveness, citizen-centered administration, and a high quality of life for residents.

  • Others still attach importance to the chance of further development of their living and working environment. To be able to establish their technological focus points, and the commercial exploitation.

In the case of Graz, one can take almost any mentioned aspect for characterizing the term “Smart City”: in a former industrial area, well-mixed areas (for living, working, education, daily shopping, leisure time, relaxation, etc.) should emerge through the smart cooperation of property owners, investors, public administration, planners, etc.

This should create a high quality of life for residents through:
  • A clever architectural programmatic design of the urban districts

  • Transformation of buildings and their covers into producers of energy

  • Increasing the use of nonfossil fuels

  • Promoting the sharing idea (vehicles, gardens, public spaces, etc.)

  • Targeted exchange of energy between commercial areas and living places (weekends)

  • Further promotion of recycling, etc.

Further research and development in the field of “ green technologies ” should be intensified, supporting and giving an additional push. By this are meant the development, trying and testing of technologies and organizational forms for production, storage, distribution, proper management of new energy systems, their autonomous and continuous development, commercialization, etc.

An indispensable prerequisite for all of that is a proper data and service infrastructure for big data solutions.

10.2 Initial Situation in Graz

Graz is the capital city of the province of Styria, situated about 200 km south of Vienna, in a climatically privileged location, in the south east corner of the Alpine region.

Some Facts About Graz (2017)

  • Number of inhabitants: town 286,000, surrounding area included: 405,000

  • Four universities, two universities of applied sciences, two university colleges for education. A total of approximately 53,000 students. Fourteen research competence centers

  • UNESCO world heritage (Graz historic old town, Eggenberg castle), European Capital of Culture (2003), City of Design (2011)

  • Graz-based companies with international significance are among others: Andritz AG (hydropower, pumps, tidal turbines, pulp and paper, metals, separation, etc.); AVL (powertrain engineering, simulation technologies, testing solutions); MAGNA-Steyr (automotive, 4WDrive technology, customer-oriented development, and production of vehicles); Siemens (world competence center for rail vehicle bogies), Anton Paar (scientific instrumentation); SFL technologies (multifunctional facades and glass technologies), etc.

Of course, there are also problems in Graz, as in many cities worldwide:
  • Graz has the highest population growth of all Austrian cities: 226,000 (2001), 286,000 (2017), 330,000 (forecast 2036). The reasons are well known: the existing economic dynamism, one of the highest research ratios of all European regions, associated with a high quality of life.

  • Unchanged continuing growth in the surrounding areas would result in more urban sprawl, increasing distances between leisure, schools, work places, etc.

  • Today’s transport problems would increase: traffic jams at peak times, exhaust emissions, noise pollution, intensified by the location of Graz in a basin with little exchange of air

  • Modes of transport (modal split 2015): 47% motorized private transport (drivers 37.5%, passengers 9.3%); 20% public transport; 14.5% bicycles; 19% pedestrians1

From this starting point, a pleasant change of people’s awareness has occurred: public administration and politics, owners of properties, planners, investors, future users, universities, energy suppliers, municipal transport services, were approaching one another, pulling in the same direction and thus facilitating an integrated development of an urban region.2

To understand this “smart” and positively evolving situation, one should envision urban development in the past (according to architect Pernthaler): affluent suburbs (Speckgürtel) developed without any land use planning, thereby causing problems such as the destruction of pasture land and complications in traffic, etc. Many cities nowadays are struggling with these problems.

In the whole of Graz, there are several urban development projects that all share the same basic approach: holistic planning and realizing. The biggest areas are “Reininghaus” and “Smart City Waagner Biro.” In this case study, we limit ourselves to Waagner Biro and the flagship project, the “Science Tower.”

10.3 Why Smart City Graz?3

Graz is combining world heritage, Mediterranean flair, and increasing economic power with the creative “City of Design”. An interface to the south-east European region, it has a dynamic economy and is a location of research and education with international ambitions.

The aforementioned high population growth meets only limited land reserves. In the new urban development concept, together with the 2013 municipal council resolution, one finds the following course-setting properties for the “Smart City Graz”: “low emissions, conservation of resources and energy-efficiency, for the first time to be realized in the Waagner Biro area, as a compact urban quarter for mixed use, attractive public space, and top quality of life.”

10.4 Vision for Urban Development of the Smart City Graz 2050

The Directorate of Town Planning of Graz published its long-term vision for 20504,5:

Quality criteria for the activity areas economy, society, ecology, mobility, energy, supply, and disposal of buildings were defined.

Note that the following explanations relate to the entire town of Graz and not only to the Waagner Biro area, which naturally has a more narrow horizon. Common objectives for the whole of Graz are:
  • Establishment of high-quality living space

  • Provision of high-quality open space

  • Formation of green walkways and bicycle tracks

  • Best public transport connections

  • Reduction of private motor traffic

  • Greater independence from fossil energy sources

We suggest the following partial visions in a shortened and straightforward mode: the basic idea of this vision is to “strengthen the strengths,” reinforcing positive properties in a purposeful way.

For the planning horizon 2050, the following partial visions were formulated to explain the direction of the planned adjustments.


Graz is developing further on the way to a dynamic, livable, medium-sized city and this is highly esteemed by its residents. As a place for research, qualification measures, and economy in the Green Tech Valley the Smart City Graz shall become a future role model for added value by the use of green technologies (energy, mobility, resources), health, and design.


Graz is an attractive place to live and work for each period of life. The society is a young, open, democratic and collaborative community, where the residents shape their living environment. There is a high awareness of saving resources and a sustainable way of life


Graz shall evolve to a low-emission, self-powered, and waste-free city. In addition, the quality of soil and water, noise pollution, and biodiversity shall undergo a massive improvement. There is a tight network of freely accessible green spaces, and the river Mur is a central element of the urban space. The compactness and quality of the city support and demand emission-free and nonmotorized mobility.

Graz is being steadily rebuilt, following the principle of balance between building density and the quality of open spaces. The residents should have access to private open spaces, which can be used individually or in shared mode. Many spaces offer urban ecological gardening.


The year 2050 mobility in Graz safeguards the activities of the citizens with minimal resource utilization and ensures the support of social contacts. Local supply with goods, services, basic education, leisure offers, together with an urban structure of short walking and cycling paths, in addition to public transport utilities, offer self-motivated mobility with low consumption of resources.

Areas that today are used for motorized private transportation can be partly regained for public use. Changed offers should influence the choice of transport in urban and regional sectors (nonmotorized and even shared services).


In 2050, Graz shall be well-balanced in terms of sustainable energy. The total amount of energy that is needed (including mobility, production, and business) shall be produced from 100% regional renewable energy sources. Citizens know the value of energy and are behaving in a consciously energy-efficient manner. Public energy providers provide cost-efficient infrastructure for the balancing and storing of energy. An important infrastructural project is the hydraulic power station under construction on the river Mur, because it not only produces sustainable energy but also offers recreational park areas near the banks of the river.

Supply of Goods and Waste Disposal

Graz 2050 shall be largely waste-free and show a resource-saving management of water. Wastewater shall no longer be a burden for people and nature. The citizens of Graz will have taken the step from a throwaway society to a recycling society. The urban economy will meet all the requirements of a comprehensive recycling sector.


Throughout its lifetime, each building is seen as a chance to promote higher urban qualities. These relate to energetic, macro-economic, and societal objectives for all areas of co-existence: living, working, recreation, and mobility.

All buildings in Graz 2050 shall be characterized by quality architecture, in particular design quality and high-quality workmanship, multiple functionality, and its harmonious integration into the environment, taking into consideration the criteria of building culture.

10.5 Objectives and Means for Smart Urban Development Until 2030

On the basis of the visions , the following objectives on the way to 2030 were set:6
  • Energy efficiency

  • Saving resources

  • Low emissions

This is to be pursued until 2030 in the three Smart City areas, Waagner Biro, Reininghaus (= Graz West), and Graz South by the following means:
  • Heating, cooling: use of new (nonfossil) energy sources in the architecture of the buildings and active energy management (storage, distribution, exchange).

  • Building, architecture: establishment of compact and tight structures by the densification of building zones and the development of fallow land, where public infrastructure exists.

  • Traffic: mixed use, establishment of living space, job spaces, educational institutions, shopping and supply facilities for daily needs, development of public transport, reduction of (motorized) private transport.

  • Development of attractive public areas (green spaces, open spaces, reduction of traffic areas), which can be used as contact and communication zones.

Explanation of the Measures

The energies mainly used in Graz in 20137 were: district heating (33%), oil (25%), electric energy (20%), gas (15%), renewable energy from biomass and other alternative energy sources (5%), coal (2%).

In the future, energy consumption shall be reduced massively by the reduction and avoidance of consumption (investment into existing and new buildings) and the use of renewable energies.

To create additional living space, urban areas with an adequate infrastructure (streets, public transport, water, sewage channels, power connection) shall be exploited and used for the creation of new “green” urban areas (Fig. 10.1).
Fig. 10.1

Smart City zones: Graz West = Waagner Biro (above) plus Reininghaus (below). Red lines = public transport. (Authorized copy © Stadt Graz, Stadtplanung)

A city with short distances and well-functioning mixed use (living, working, leisure time) brings about a rethink of traffic behavior.

By a modest densification of the built-up spaces the size of the street area (traffic and parking) shall be reduced by 25% and used for public green areas.

Attractive public spaces are a basic prerequisite for a livable city because they are important links between spatial structures and the living space of the inhabitants.

The best possible supply of social infrastructure (schools, kindergarten, care facilities) needs a minimum building density. The number of people and the links with the public transport system are as important as social balance against the formation of ghettos.

10.6 The Project Area “Smart City Graz Waagner Biro”

This area is located around 2 km northwest of the city center of Graz. This former industrial zone is a large land reserve for future construction, which shall be developed into a living and working area with a high quality of life.

In close proximity (1000 m), the State Hospital and the Emergency Hospital are located. The main railway station is situated 800 m to the south. In the immediate surroundings, a secondary school (Oberstufenrealgymnasium) is to be found. The Helmut List Halle, an attractive venue for concerts, theatre performances, ball events, special readings, etc., has been located inside the project area since 2003.

East of the area lies the highly frequented train route (Südbahn: Vienna, Bruck/Mur, Maribor SLO), and in the north there is an important east–west road link (Peter-Tunner-Str.). The planning area of the zone covers 127,000 m2 and can easily be reached from the south and north by public and private transport. Further public transport offers can easily be realized by the extension of the existing tramline 6, with no need for special buildings such as bridges.

The neigboring residential area is heterogeneously built up. There are several industrial enterprises – mainly along the railway line – sales areas and commercial premises, some areas for single homes, rather high residential buildings from the 1960 and 1970s, and some newer dwellings.

For the “European Capital of Culture year 2003,” the cultural facility Helmut List Halle was realized through the reconstruction of an existing industrial building at the center of the construction site. The latest project is the Science Tower, which opened in September 2017.

The previously mentioned measures are located at four strategic levels of activity (Fig. 10.2).
Fig. 10.2

Activities at different hierarchical levels

Note: the Visions 2050 relate to the Smart City Graz as a whole (upper level in Fig. 10.2). Our further considerations are focusing on the zones (Graz Waagner Biro and others) with a time horizon until 2030 (lower levels).

In a preliminary study, the architect Markus Pernthaler and the owners of the properties established some proposals for the development of the areas. In consultation with the urban planners and some experts, a masterplan was designed as a basis for the reclassification of the properties.

Citizens were involved by an active district management, i.e., offers for information and participation in addition to an interdisciplinary platform of experts. Regular exchanges with national and international partner cities took place to support learning and reflection processes in addition to the distribution of results. The meeting point “on-site” was opened in April 2014 and is located in two containers next to the Science Tower, sponsored by SFL (= technology provider for the Science Tower).

10.7 Masterplan Smart City Graz Waagner Biro

The above-mentioned and jointly developed masterplan was the basis for the reclassification and all further developments. The area, therefore, was divided into clearly structured building plots, which differed with respect to their size, position, and favorable utilization.

Owing to the change in the land use plan, a more flexible use of land plots was enabled. For all building plots, a development plan was mandatory with the obligation on quality assurance measures (such as architectural competitions). Furthermore, the diverse structure of ownership and utilization had to be respected (Fig. 10.3).
Fig. 10.3

Smart City Waagner Biro in the Graz system (abstract)

Key aspects to be considered in the masterplan are:
  • Green spaces and open spaces – public spaces designed to a high quality and as places of social integration for present and future residents. Standards for future development of the building plots were established.

  • Routes across the sites and traffic measures – the open space is characterized by two large public areas. To improve them, new walkways, cycle tracks, and access roads were established.

  • For public transport a turning place for tramway and busses near Peter Tunner and Waagner Biro streets is required.

  • The Science Tower is located next to the Helmut List Halle. The ground-breaking ceremony was held in May 2015. Bordering the railway line, a construction for noise protection was built. Up to 2015, a powerhouse for the energy supply of the Smart City Waagner Biro area – the Science Tower included – was planned. Because of its cancellation, a stand-alone solution for the Science Tower was necessary (heating, cooling, emergency power supply).

  • In the area opposite the Helmut List Halle, a school campus with a primary school (2019) and a junior high school (2022) is planned.

10.8 Architectural and Design Competitions

To guarantee a high-quality building culture, urban development and architectural competitions are carried out for several building plots (Fig. 10.4), which we, however, are not going into here. The main characteristic is that – in spite of the different land owners – a homogeneous and consistent concept is arising.
Fig. 10.4

Rough architectural design of Smart City Waagner Biro. (Authorized photo ©Martin Graber)

In the field of governance, an accompanying district management is established to embed all parties concerned and to create urban awareness.

The public authorities and the private investors find agreements in private law contracts for the common implementation of the objectives in the fields of energy, mobility, buildings, public space, building culture, and district management.

10.9 Flagship Project Science Tower

In the Smart City Waagner Biro area an energy-autonomous district will arise. In an integral planning process, energy technologies for intelligent “zero emissions” shall be installed and demonstrated. The Science Tower plays a key role because it serves for practical tests and the further development of new technologies.

International Project Consortium

Twelve national and international partners, headed by the city of Graz, are forming a project consortium and are jointly realizing the first Austrian Smart City model project.

Role Model Science Tower

An international jury selected the Science Tower for Austria’s first lead project in the Smart City Program. With its integrated technologies, it demonstrates new solutions for buildings of the future to be used in Austrian and in networked European Smart Cities (Stockholm, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Helsinki).

The Science Tower shall be a flagship and demonstration project: for new and partially disruptive technologies and methods of energy production, for trying out and further development, but also for the development of independent new technologies and concepts.

Reduction and avoidance of CO2 in the production of energy is the highest premise in the entire Waagner Biro Smart City quarter. This goes right down to local CO2-sinks in the form of plantings or by the chemical bonding of CO2 by the decentralized production of methane by synthesis. Storage and management of energy shall be tried out by using thermal and electric storage facilities: thermo water tanks, buffering systems in the ground with underground pipes as heat exchangers (up to a depth of 200 m; second-life lithium-ion batteries from e-mobility vehicles; hydrogen-electrolysis generators; and fuel cells.

In general, the energy produced is consumed within the Science Tower; surplus energy will be given off to neighboring buildings or fed into the network of the local energy provider.

Trying Out New Technologies and Concepts

The following technologies and concepts were installed into the Science Tower to be tested:
  • Energy glass (= disruptive new technology developed by Prof. Grätzel, EPFL Lausanne, which uses solar energy with the help of transparent glass – see Grätzel cells below)

  • Integration of depth probes with bidirectional thermal pumps into the entire system

  • Facade-integrated solar tracking (= technology for the production of electricity and simultaneously shadowing to prevent overheating in summer).

  • Thin glass technology, with the lowest ecological footprint

  • Free cooling to precool buildings at night

  • Integration into the Smart City grid and in SFLenergrid (connection of the Science Tower with renewable energy sources outside of town into an energy network)

  • Research and development institutions in the field of “green technologies” will be established in the Science Tower step-by-step and will create an inter- and transdisciplinary platform.

  • Moreover, concepts for sustainable urban mobility including electric mobility are elaborated

  • Building technology: first-time realization of “Grätzel cells8 in the form of energy glass on a large scale. This is a new disruptive glass technology that transforms light into electrical energy. Grätzel cells work on the principle of photosynthesis, which enables metabolism by light in every plant leaf. Light is captured and converted into electricity. This effect produces growth in the plant and electricity in the Grätzel cell.

Compared with the silicon cell the Grätzel cell has the following advantages:
  • It not only works under direct sunlight, but also in diffuse light conditions and shows lower yield losses in low-light conditions

  • It does not need a metalloid such as silicon, which is expensive in processing. It uses cost-effective base materials and has a far cheaper production process

  • This causes less of an environmental impact

  • It is made of transparent material. Mounted in front of the window with the light passing from outside to inside, it acts as sun protection. In the evening, it uses the artificial light coming from inside. Furthermore, the Grätzel cell is not sensitive to partial shading situations.

After a trial installation as an “indoor”-photovoltaic system at Geneva airport, the Smart City Graz project is the first large-scale application of the Grätzel technology worldwide. It covers the fifth part of the surface of the Science Tower. Later on, it will also be integrated into the acoustic barrier at the railway track.
  • For the construction of the façade, CVG–ionic glass® 9 is used, which is thin and lightweight and shows an extremely high flectional and breaking strength.

  • For the first time, a local energy grid will be realized

  • Furthermore, multi-modal mobility solutions, where public and private traffic will be brought together to optimize the joint offer of infrastructure and services: in particular, cars-on-demand; e-bikes; car-sharing; tramway; future autonomous traffic systems; battery charging infrastructure, etc.

The purpose, function, and characteristics of the Science Tower are shown in Fig. 10.5.
Fig. 10.5

Purpose, function, and characteristics of the Science Tower

Further details concerning the purpose and functionalities of the installed technology can be found at http://​info.​science-tower.​at/​. By clicking on the link you will see Fig. 10.6. After clicking on one of the dark blue buttons you will receive more detailed information on the selected topic (Smart Lift, LED lighting, etc.). Thus, you will gain a good insight into the wide range of topics and technologies that are applied and tested in a practical manner in the Science Tower.
Fig. 10.6

Overview of interesting thematic topics in the Science Tower. (See –http://​info.​science-tower.​at/​)

New Concepts and Technologies

The establishment of the Science Tower started immediately after completion and opening in September 2017. On a total floor area of 4500 m2, green innovators from science and business cooperate in a vertical network: organizational units from Technical University Graz, Joanneum Research, University of Applied Science Joanneum, a field office of the European Space Agency, and also business partners such as the “Green Tech Cluster”, start-ups, and the rocket holding “Green Rocket” as a platform for financing companies in the fields of energy, environment, mobility, and health care by means of crowd-funding.

The effect on the public lies in visibility for the citizens and the possibility of showing the tower to interested groups and external delegations.


The architecture of the building is of particular importance (Fig. 10.7). All new and visible technologies of the Science Tower are integral parts of the architectural concept.
Fig. 10.7

The Science Tower as an attractive high-tech role model – in addition to the Helmut List Halle. (Both buildings were designed by the architect Pernthaler. Helmut List Halle was previously a factory floor ripe for demolition, but is nowadays an elegant multipurpose hall with outstanding acoustics for up to 2400 persons). (Photo credit authorized ©paul-ott_photograph)

The Science Tower has a double-shell façade, which – like a coat – is thrown around the basic shape. Eighty percent of the coat is made of large-scale thin glass and 20% consists of energy glass, reddish and transparent with Grätzel cells. The inner façade up to the third floor is a base façade, above a module façade, which, up to the 12th floor extends cylindrically/conically from a diameter of 20 to 23 m. The façade thus serves as a test field for the latest technology in energy-producing façade elements.

Up to the 12th floor (at a height of 44 m) there are offices mainly rented by companies in the field of “green sciences,” which form a “science cluster” together with universities and other companies and research institutes. A pool of know-how, technologies, and ideas regarding an ecological and sustainable future shall emerge.

On the 13th floor, the “Urban Farming Lab,” is located, where methods of food production in the cities shall be developed.

In the middle of it, on the 14th floor, there is a meeting room.

10.10 References to the Systems Engineering Methodology

In the following chapters, we highlight some of the modules of our systems engineering-concept that are apparent by way of examples:
  • Systems thinking as an overall thinking approach with cause and effect relations

  • The process model with the modules, top–down, phases model and PSC

  • Project marketing

  • Project organization

Systems Thinking

Especially remarkable is the holistic view of many individual aspects:
  • Graz is considered to be an overall system in which living, working, and traffic are supposed to interact very well.

  • Within this system, subsystems are searched for, which are particularly suitable for further urban development: former industrial zones, fallow land, barely built-up areas, located near the center, and with a good infrastructure.

  • The interests and potentials of several stakeholders (adjoining property owners, urban planning office, public authorities, etc.) are seen to be part of a larger framework and united in a targeted manner to find larger, well-balanced, and better overall solutions.

From the General to the Detail

This planning principle is easy to identify in the project “Smart City Graz”:
  • First, the situation of Graz as a whole is addressed.

  • Then, the degree of detail is lowered to the Smart City zones in Graz (Waagner Biro, Reininghaus, etc.).

  • Finally, the construction sites and building projects such as “Science Tower,” “Smart Center,” “Cool City,” “School Campus,” etc.

  • Also in all phases of the “Science Tower- project the approach “from the general to the detail” is to be seen. Each phase started with one or more research questions, whose results were the basis for the engineering work.

When treating the principle of thinking in variants we will not go into detail, although variants were considered at any level of planning: when planning the functional zones, in negotiations with regulatory authorities, in defining the lead projects and aesthetic options, in the course of architectural competitions, etc.

Breakdown into Project Phases

When dealing with the project phases, we are limited to the subproject “Science Tower,” because it is easier to understand than the overall project with the forming of consortia, agreement on a joint proceeding, etc.

The name and the content of the several phases can be seen in Fig. 10.8:
  1. 1.
    Preliminary phase 1: preparation of submission at KLIEN (= Austrian climate and energy fund)
    • From 2010 to 2018, in several research projects, different questions concerning façade technologies, the decentralized production of energy, and the management of energy were studied. Prototypes of solutions or intermediate products were developed.

    • In 2010, Mario J. Müller first summed up the insights and findings of the first phase: to establish a competence center for urban technologies. Together with architect Markus Pernthaler, they brought this idea into the form of a building, to which they gave the working name “Science Tower”. The idea of this competence center was submitted to KLIEN within the Smart Cities Program 2011.

Fig. 10.8

Phases of the subproject Science Tower

  1. 2.
    Preliminary phase 2: authorization and start
    • The projects “Smart City Graz” as a whole, and the “Science Tower” in particular, were presented at various conferences. In a jury session in March 2011, the project became the leading project of Austria.

      START of the project

    • Based on a consortium contract between 15 partners, the team of Smart City Graz was able to start the project in April 2015.

  2. 3.
    Project phase 1: research and development questions and answers
    • The KLIEN project was started as a research project and as an investment project. The research project covered questions regarding energy technologies (80% concerning the Science Tower) and also regarding energy networks and future smart mobility. It was co-financed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

    • Investments were planned for a central powerhouse, a multimodal traffic hub, and an upward wind power station.

    • The research and development project brought new questions and topics for smart cities, mathematical model calculations, and simulations, which provided new insights, scenarios of implementation, and worthwhile paths. This included the scientific evaluation of an upward wind power station. At a height of only 40 m and the planned technical structure, no technically and economically feasible configuration could be found – only at a construction height of 200 m might it have been possible. As this height was out of question, this part of the project was cancelled.

  3. 4.
    Project phase 2: planning until approval
    • Based on scientific studies, planning was started and approval for the implementation of buildings was obtained. This primarily concerned the Science Tower; the consortium could not make up its mind about the power house until the completion of the Science Tower.

  4. 5.
    Implementation 1: detailed planning and the start of construction work
    • On 15 May 2015, the ground-breaking ceremony for the Science Tower took place. After years of developing concepts and planning, the foundations were finally laid.

  5. 6.
    Implementation 2: building until the topping out ceremony
    • On 17 June 2016 the reinforced concrete construction was finished and a as the supporting construction for the unique energy glass, a steel crown was placed by a 500-tonne crane in a single stage.

  6. 7.
    Implementation 3: completion of the construction
    • On 21 September 2017, the Science Tower was opened in the presence of prominent persons from politics, science, and economy. Some users had already moved into and used the Science Tower as their work place.

  7. 8.
    Science phase: exploitation of the project outcomes
    • Once the Science Tower has been put into operation, it can start to perform the functions for which it was created. As a place for scientific work, the horizontally and vertically linked users shall generate new know-how in the cooperation of economy and technology.


Application of the Problem-Solving Cycle in Each Phase

As an example, we consider the design of the staircase in a detailed study.
  • Search for objectives: what do we want?/where do we want to go?/
    • Considering local construction methods, the staircase would have taken up much useful space because of the cylindrical shape of the high-rise building, with emergency power, sprinkler systems, etc. The requirements were: (i) complete functionality (i.e., a safe escape from each floor) and (ii) in as little space as possible.

  • Search for solutions: what are the possibilities?
    • Variant a) continuous staircase, connecting all floors

    • Variant b) American staircase: only the even or the odd floors are interconnected

  • Selection/decision: which variant is the best/most appropriate?
    • Variant b) because it needs a smaller volume of the building and offers more floor space.

Comment: the so-called American staircase, in fact, consists of two staircases circling around each other. The first staircase is entered from the south and one can reach floors 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, the second from the north leading to floors 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. One can only change to the other staircase on the same floor when passing the main entrance to the escape routes and vice versa. The stairs have a low construction depth because of their steepness and thus offer a more usable area (Fig. 10.9).
Fig. 10.9

American staircase in the Science Tower. (Source: SFL authors’ homepage)

Project Marketing

Affected residents and authorization instances (government representatives, political entities, funding bodies) were taken into account and regularly contacted and informed from the very beginning of the project. The investors were strongly embedded anyway.
  • To integrate the affected residents into the development, the building owner SFL sponsored a double container, which had already been “on site” since 2014. It was used as a place where requests, suggestions, and wishes could be deposited – either personally to the three employees who were financed by the City of Graz or by using a postbox.

  • Two or three times per year, the consortium as a whole invited up to 200 persons to provide transparent communication to the stakeholders. These events were moderated, included presentations, poster stands, information boards, and always panel discussions with questions and answers. Also, a “Smart Christmas” invitation to the “Smart City,” where Christmas punch was offered. As soon as possible, the residents were invited to enter the tower to have a look at their homes. For decision-making, active lobbying was carried out, and political decision-makers were also integrated into social communication. At an early stage the (Austrian) EU commissioner J. Hahn had been invited to a major event. In a crane drive up to 60 m, the new perspective was shown to the political stakeholders.

All decision processes were also medially escorted and the political decision-makers were medially imbedded. As a consequence, all decisions of the Graz municipal council were taken by a unanimous vote in favor of the project.

Straightforward and Efficient Project Organization

The project organization was very simple and therefore efficient and powerful.
  • Steering committee: two SFL representatives (owner Höllwart and CTO Müller), plus the architect Pernthaler.
    • During the preliminary phases, until project phase 2, Mr. Müller played a leading role. Every 2 weeks a jour fixe meeting took place to clarify open questions and to take decisions. The group consisted of research and development experts and was headed by SFL (Müller).

    • From the start of implementation 1, the building owner SFL (Mr. Höllwart) was more involved and played the dominant role.

  • Project lead: central coordination was carried out by the architect Pernthaler; the decision-maker was SFL owner Höllwart.

  • Project team: the team composition changed depending on the particular project phase: at the beginning it was rather research and development-driven, with university people and consultants. Later on, planning and approval-driven team members (architect, public officials) were involved, and finally, the project team was implementation-driven (contracted construction companies under SFL management).