change and, 126
permission to fail and, 138–139
analytical mind-set and, 58–59
channel performance and, 63–65
in leadership, 5
permission to fail and, 137–144
warning signs with, 143
channel convergence and, 64
of communication across channels, 14–15
of sales/marketing relationship, 82–90
Anthony, Barbara, 73
“Ask Me Anything” sessions, 125
sales/marketing relationship and, 90
using data to confirm, 34
audits, content, 107
balance, 143
barriers, eliminating, 135
behavioral data, 21
behavioral questions, in hiring, 115
behavior analysis, 20
outliers in, 51
in sales/revenue generation, 31
best practices, 120
BFFs (best friends forever), customer, 36–39
body language, 145
bottom line, measuring marketing's
brand awareness, 51
business unit go-to-marketing, 69
centers for expertise, 121
building the case for, 14, 135–136
in customer expectations, 28
determining needed, 42
embracing, 153
hiring and, 116
leaders and, 124–125, 126, 135
setting objectives and, 133–134
content management and, 106–107
convergence, skill sets and, 121
in customer decision journey, 12–16
monitoring performance of, 63–67
omni-channel presence and, 13
specialists for, 103
strategy for, 19
Chase, Jennifer, 17, 45, 56, 65, 97–98, 113, 114, 116
chat technology, 72, 110–113, 139–143
chief information officers, 81–82
churn, 51
cold calls, 89
between sales and marketing, 82–90
skill set for, 99
communication, 3
channel convergence and, 64
consistency in across channels, 72, 73–77
customer decision journey and, 12–16
with e-mail blasts vs. conversations, 21–25
lack of control of social media, 16–17
outbound and inbound, 14–15, 44–45, 109–114
between sales and marketing, 82–83
sending the right message at the
targeted, 19
See also storytelling
complacency, 124
complexity, 113
content, 66
audits of, 107
marketers, 101
marketing specialists, 106–107, 157–160
talent for managing, 102, 106–107
convergence, 5
channel, examples of, 72
channel, hiring talent for, 103–106
permission to fail and, 139
attribution and, 52
of data, 28
IT as, 81
See also finance
country-based go-to-markets, 69
courage, 151
skill set for, 99
credibility, 129
Creech, Elizabeth, 103
Cuddy, Amy, 145
analytical, decision making and, 54
data quality and, 34
leadership and, 125
permission to fail and, 137–144
Customer 360, 114
customer contact centers, 75, 109, 113–114, 140–142
customer engagement specialists, 101, 109–114
customer experience
Customer Insight Center of Excellence, 118–119
customer intelligence (CI) software, 17, 19
customer relationship management systems, 85–86
behavior analysis on, 20
data sources in database of, 32–33
determining centrality of in your marketing, 25–26
expectations of, 2
focus on, 1
identifying prospective, 14
informed, 2
peer group influence on, 13
predicting wants of, 16
realignment and relationships with, 61–67
relationships with, 2
sentiment analysis on, 110–113
sophistication of, 12
customer satisfaction surveys, 33, 37–39
dashboards, 49
data and analytics
Big Data and, 28
complexity of, 29
costs of, 28
creativity and, 44
on customer behavior, 20
customer experience, 31, 67–68
evaluating current position with, 152–153
forensics, 35
governance of, 34, 75, 76, 78, 82
importance of, 29
integration of, 30
internal support for, 54
management and governance of, 78
marketing analytics portal for, 81
marketing optimization techniques and, 54–55
modeling customer, 15–16 organizing, 31–34
outbound vs. inbound demands and, 44–45
relevance of, 30
resource justification using, 140–142
stakeholders and access to, 87
structure of, 29
in understanding customer
expectations, 13
volume of, 29
data visualization analysts, 107–108, 155–156
Davenport, Tom, 12
defining, 14
e-mail marketing and stage of, 21–25
presence and relevance in, 14–15
reliance on comments/ratings in, 16
two-way interactions in, 44–45
decision making
analytical culture and, 54
channel convergence and, 68
data forensics in, 35
data in proactive, 29
digital analytics specialists, 164–165
digital footprint, 43–44, 130–131
client managers and, 89
digital information architects, 165
measuring effectiveness of, 53–54
multichannel approach in, 66–67
permission to fail and, 139–143
sentiment analysis and, 110–113
“Digitize the Business” council, 77–78
Dilbert, ix direct mail campaigns, 49–50
domain expertise, 99
blasts vs. conversations, 21–25
chat technology and, 72
employees. See talent
channel convergence and, 64
customer engagement specialists and, 103, 109–114
leadership and, 135
event planning, 75
expectations, customer, 2, 12, 13
changing, 28
channel convergence and, 65
engagement specialists and, 109
risk management and, 143
staying ahead of, 42
failure, permission for, 137–144
focus, 151
focus groups, 138
forensics, data, 35
Fulk, Matthew, 17, 19, 31, 45, 114, 116
web, specialists in, 164
Hester, Linda, 91
hiring. See talent
Hodge, Brenda, 132
honesty, 135
immediacy, 11
inertia, 106
innovation, 120
data quality and, 33
leadership and, 144
permission to fail and, 137–144
skill set for, 99
integration analysts, 80
integration of data, 30
investments, 42, 57–58, 78, 129
aligning, 66
IT (information technology), 28–29, 49, 78–82, 101
“Lead Conversion to New
Opportunities” report, 128–129
leadership, 1–2, 3, 8, 123–149
analytical, moving forward in, 134–136
data literacy and, 41
permission to fail and, 137–144
from responsive to agile, 5
setting objectives and, 133–134
skill development for, 119–121
leads, creating, 51
list tables, 20
live events, 33
logistics, 75
Macdonald, David, 88
channel multiplication in, 11–12
continuous, 15
creative vs. data-driven, 1, 3
customer decision journey and, 11–26
data sources in, 32
framework for analytical, 66–67
future of analytical, 8–9, 151–153
outbound vs. inbound, 14–15, 44–45, 64, 109–114
practical guide to analytically driven, 4–5
proactive vs. reactive, 7, 27–59
reinventing based on data analytics, 1–9
spray-and-pray approach to, 11
why change is needed in, 6
Marketing 2.0 Council, 77
“Marketing Analytics at Work,” 6
e-mail blasts vs. conversations, 21–25
finding your customers’ BFFs, 36–39
scoring leads to drive sales, 84–86
using data to justify additional
marketing analytics portfolios, 114–118
marketing science, 103, 107–108
mentoring, 120
analytics vs., 116
channel convergence and, 66
for channel performance, 63–67
demonstrating value with, 131
for sales/marketing relationship, 82–90
setting objectives and, 133–134
traditional print ads and, 53
marketing as cost center and, 90–91
from proactive to reactive, 5
channel convergence and, 63–67
relevance of interactions, 26
See also metrics
North Carolina State University
Institute of Advanced Analytics, 111, 112
omni-channel presence, 13
opportunities, finding, 42
optimization techniques, 54
orchestrators, 100
campaign, content audits and, 107
leaders as, 124
with sales, 57
peanut butter approach, 13
performance, 68
aligning objectives for, 66
communicating about sales and
personalization, 11, 12, 21, 49–58
in e-mail blasts vs. conversations, 21–25
“Pipeline and Revenue Impact by Sales
Business Unit” report, 129–131
pivot tables, 20
proactivity, 5
in decision making, 29
marketing strategies, 45
storytelling and, 41
quality, of data, 30
reactive mind-set, 5, 27–59, 41
relationship marketing, 109
in customer decision journey, 14–15
of data, 30
monitoring interactions for, 26
research centers, 121
respect, 90
Retail Analytics (Cox), 28
retargeting, 21
retention of customers, 21, 26, 36–37, 69
revenue and growth marketing, 69
customer behavior data and, 31
data sources in, 32
leadership and monitoring, 129–131
marketing's relationship with, 82–90
measuring impact of marketing on, 27–28
skill set for, 98
trust with, 57
for e-mail marketing, 21–25, 49
models for segmentation analysis, 108
search word strategies, 72
analysts, 101, 104–106, 108, 156–157
lead distribution and, 87
shared services approach, 67, 72–77, 92–93
silos, 5
customer experience and, 61–67
Skillman, Shawn, 44, 51, 107–108, 121
amplifying analytical, 118–121
for analytical markets, 98–103
assessing in potential hires, 114–118
small to medium-sized businesses, 46–48
social media
channel convergence and, 72
customer decision journey and, 12–13, 36–39
international differences in use of, 125
reliance on comments/ratings in, 16
skill set for, 98
spray-and-pray approach, 11
spreadsheets, 49
stakeholders, 87
STAR (situation, task, action, results)
approach, 115
analytical, 40
leaders in, 124, 132–133, 145–147
skill set for, 98
channel, 19
data in driving, 16
engagement, 19
proactive marketing, 45
channel convergence and, 68
of data, 29
job descriptions and, 9
from silos to convergence, 5, 61–95
casualties of in change efforts, 136
creative, analytical vs., 35–36
customer experience, 103, 109–114
developing analytical skill sets in, 118–121
empowering, 124
job descriptions and, 9, 155–165
marketing science, 103, 107–108
permission to fail and, 137–144
from traditional to modern, 5, 8, 97–98
targeting, 19
with e-mail blasts vs. conversations, 21–25
go-to-market, 68
technical support queries, 33, 37–39.
See also customer contact centers
technology road maps, 78
TED Talks, 145
transactional records, 31
trend analysis, 68
usability specialists, 163–164
data analytics in creating, 40–41
demonstrating, 131
of experience, 145
of IT, 81
measuring marketing's, 27–28, 45
vision, 41
watch lists, 55
WebEx sessions, 125
web production specialists, 162–163
white papers
content evaluation for, 73–76, 106, 107
customer information required to download, 143
data on customer use of, 31, 33, 55
Wilcher, Ericka, 107
Windows 10, 112
Wyndham Exchange & Rentals, 15–16
Zappos, 21