
AIPHOSAnnuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et d’Histoire Oriéntales et Slaves (Brussels)
AMTR. Campbell Thompson Assyrian Medical Texts (London, 1923)
ARMArchives royales de Mari
ArOrArchiv Orientální
AuOrAula Orientalis
BAKH. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone (Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1968)
BAMF. Köcher, Babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, 1–7 (for 7 see Geller 2005)
BEBabylonian Expedition (BE 17/1 = H. Radau, Letters to Cassite Kings from the Temple Archives of Nippur [Philadelphia, 1908])
BRMBabylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan (see Clay 1923)
BSOASBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
CADChicago Assyrian Dictionary
CBQCatholic Biblical Quarterly
CHCodex Hammurabi
CH ECodex Hammurabi Epilogue
CRRAICompte Rendu, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
JCSJournal of Cuneiform Studies
JESHOJournal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
JMCJournal des Médecines Cunéiformes
JANESJournal of the Near East Society of Columbia University
JNESJournal of Near Eastern Studies
JEOLJaarbericht ex Oriente Lux
JRASJournal of the Royal Asiatic Society
KARKeilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts
LKALiterarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur
MAOGMitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft
MLCTablets belonging to the Pierpont Morgan Library (now in the Yale University Babylonian Collection)
MSLMaterials for the Sumerian Lexicon (Rome)
RARevue d’assyriologie
SAAState Archives of Assyria (see Parpola 1993)
SBTUSpätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk
STTThe Sultantepe Tablets, ed. O. Gurney, J. J. Finkelstein, P. Hulin (London)
TCLTextes cunéiformes du Louvre (see Thureau-Dangin 1922)
TDPSee Labat 1951
Ut. Lem.Utukkū Lemnūtu incantations (see Geller 2007c)
WZKMWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
ZAZeitschrift für Assyriologie