Select Bibliography


Bibliothèque et Archives / Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada (BAC/LAC).

Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Brasenose College Records, Brasenose College, Oxford.

British Institute, Florence.

John Buchan Story, Peebles.

John J. Burns Library, Boston College, Boston, MA.

Cambridge University Library, Cambridge.

Ede and Ravenscroft Archives, Waterbeach, Cambridge.

Edinburgh University Special Collections, Edinburgh (UESC).

Fife Cultural Trust (Kirkcaldy Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council.

Hay Library, Brown University, Providence, RI.

Hutchesons’ Grammar School Archives.Yousuf Karsh Archive.

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA.

Middle Temple Archive, Middle Temple, London.

National Archives, Kew (TNA).

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh (NLS).

North Yorkshire County Record Office, Northallerton.

Oxfordshire History Centre, Oxford.

Parliamentary Archives, Houses of Parliament, London.

Queen’s University Archives and Library, Kingston, ON (QUA).

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, NY.

Royal Archives, Windsor.

Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, Independence, MO.

I have also been able to consult several private and unpublished collections of papers and correspondence: those of Lady (Alice) Fairfax-Lucy, W. H. Buchan, Captain John Boyle, Sir Alexander Grant and Sir Shuldham Redfern.

Books and Booklets

Adam Smith, Janet, John Buchan: A Biography, Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1965.

John Buchan and his World, Thames and Hudson, London, 1979.

Adams, David K. and Vaudagna, Maurizio, eds, Transatlantic Encounters: Public Uses and Misuses of History in Europe and the United States, VU University Press, Amsterdam, 2000.

Amery, Leo, My Political Life, vols I, II and III, Hutchinson, London, 1953–5.

Arnold, Bruce, Orpen: Mirror to an Age, Cape, London, 1981.

Baker, Herbert, Architects and Personalities, Country Life, London, 1944.

Barnes, John and Nicholson, David, eds, Leo Amery Diaries, vol. I (1896–1929), Hutchinson, London, 1980.

Beaverbrook, Max, Men and Power, 1917 and 1918, Hutchinson, London, 1956.

Bennett, Alan, Forty Years On, Faber and Faber, London, 1969.

Bentley, Michael, ed., Public and Private Doctrine: Essays in British History Presented to Maurice Cowling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.

Best, A. and Fisher, J., eds, On the Fringes of Diplomacy: Influences on British Foreign Policy 1800–1945, ed. J. Fisher, Ashgate, Farnham, 2011.

Best, Brian, Reporting from the Front: War Reporters during the Great War, Pen and Sword Military, Barnsley, 2014.

Blanchard, Robert, The First Editions of John Buchan: A Collector’s Bibliography, Archon, Hamden, CT, 1981.

Bonn, Moritz J., Wandering Scholar, Cohen and West, London, 1949.

Bothwell, Robert, Drummond, Ian and English, John, Canada 1900–1945, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1987.

Bourke-White, Margaret, Portrait of Myself, Collins, London, 1964.

Brinckman, John, Down North: John Buchan and Margaret Bourke-White on the Mackenzie, John Brinckman, Toronto, 2007 (e-book).

Brown, Ian and Riach, Alan, eds, The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Scottish Literature, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2009.

Buchan, Anna, John Buchan, 1847–1911, privately published, 1912.

W. H. B., privately published, 1913.

A. E. B., privately published, 1917.

Unforgettable, Unforgotten, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1945.

Farewell to Priorsford, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1950.

Buchan, Anna (as Douglas, O.)

Olivia in India, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1913.

The Setons, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1917.

Ann and her Mother, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1922.

Pink Sugar, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1924.

Eliza for Common, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1928.

Buchan, Rev. John, Tweedside Echoes and Moorland Musings, Maclaren, Edinburgh, 1881.

Buchan, John, ed., Essays and Apothegms of Francis, Lord Bacon, Walter Scott, London, 1894.

Sir Quixote of the Moors, T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1895.

Scholar Gipsies, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1896.

Musa Piscatrix, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1896.

Sir Walter Ralegh (Stanhope Prize essay), Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton and Kent, London, 1897.

The Pilgrim Fathers (Newdigate Prize poem), Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton and Kent, London, 1898.

John Burnet of Barns, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1898.

A History of Brasenose College, F. E. Robinson, London, 1898.

Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of My Own People, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1899.

A Lost Lady of Old Years, John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1899.

The Half-Hearted, Isbister, London, 1900.

— ed., The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton, Methuen, London, 1901.

The Watcher by the Threshold and other Tales, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1902.

The African Colony: Studies in the Reconstruction, William Blackwood, Edinburgh 1903.

The Law Relating to the Taxation of Foreign Income, Stevens, London, 1905.

A Lodge in the Wilderness, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1906.

Some Eighteenth Century Byways and Other Essays, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1908.

— contrib., Nine Brasenose Worthies, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1909.

Prester John, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1910; The Great Diamond Pipe, Dodd, Mead, New York, 1910.

Sir Walter Raleigh, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1911.

The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1912.

The Marquis of Montrose, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1913.

Andrew Jameson, Lord Ardwall, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1913.

Nelson’s History of the War (24 vols), Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1915–19.

Britain’s War by Land, Oxford Pamphlets, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1915.

Ordeal by Marriage: An Eclogue, privately published, 1915; SMS Books, East Leake, 2016.

Salute to Adventurers, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1915.

The Achievement of France, reprinted from The Times, Methuen, London, 1915.

The Thirty-Nine Steps, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1915.

The Future of the War, address to Booksellers’ Provident Institution, Boyle, Sons and Watchurst, London, 1916.

The Power-House, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1916.

The Purpose of War, address for Fight for Right Movement, J. M. Dent, London, 1916.

The Battle of Jutland, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1916.

Greenmantle, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1916.

The Battle of the Somme, First Phase, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1916.

The Battle of the Somme, Second Phase, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1917.

Poems Scots and English, T. C. and E. C. Jack, Edinburgh, 1917.

The Battle-Honours of Scotland 1914–1918, George Outram, The Glasgow Herald, Glasgow, 1919.

Mr Standfast, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1919.

These for Remembrance, privately published, 1919.

— and Susan Buchan (as Cadmus and Harmonia), The Island of Sheep, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1919.

The History of the South African Forces in France, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1920.

Francis and Riversdale Grenfell: A Memoir, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1920.

The Path of the King, Hodder and Stoughton, Edinburgh, 1921.

A History of the Great War, 4 vols, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1921–2.

Huntingtower, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1922.

A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1922.

— and Henry Newbolt, Days to Remember: The British Empire in the Great War, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1923.

Midwinter: Certain Travellers in Old England, Hodder and Stoughton, Edinburgh, 1923.

The Last Secrets: The Final Mysteries of Exploration, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1923.

Some Notes on Sir Walter Scott, Pamphlet no. 58, The English Association, 1924.

The Three Hostages, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1924.

Lord Minto: A Memoir, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1924.

— ed., The Northern Muse: An Anthology of Scots Vernacular Poetry, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1924.

Two Ordeals of Democracy, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1925.

The Man and the Book: Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1925.

John Macnab, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1925.

The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678–1918), Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1925.

— with Stewart DSO, Lieutenant Colonel J., The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division 1914–1919, William Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1926.

The Dancing Floor, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1926.

Homilies and Recreations, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1926.

Witch Wood, Hodder and Stoughton, 1927.

The Runagates Club, Hodder and Stoughton, 1928.

Montrose, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1928.

What the Union of the Churches Means to Scotland, address to General Assembly, Macniven and Wallace, Edinburgh, 1929.

The Courts of the Morning, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1929.

The Causal and the Casual in History, Rede Lecture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1929.

Montrose and Leadership, Walker Trust Lecture on Leadership, Humphrey Milford, London, 1930.

— with George Adam Smith, The Kirk in Scotland 1560–1929, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1930.

Castle Gay, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1930.

The Blanket of the Dark, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1931.

The Novel and the Fairy Tale, Pamphlet no. 79, The English Association, 1931.

Sir Walter Scott, Cassell, London, 1932.

Julius Caesar, Peter Davies, London, 1932.

The Gap in the Curtain, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1932.

The Magic Walking Stick, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1932.

Andrew Lang and the Border, Humphrey Milford, London, 1933.

The Massacre of Glencoe, Peter Davies, London, 1933.

A Prince of the Captivity, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1933.

Principles of Social Service, address, City of Glasgow Society of Social Service, Glasgow, 1933.

The Margins of Life, address, Birkbeck College, J. W. Ruddock, London, 1933.

The Scottish Church and the Empire, address, Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1934.

The Free Fishers, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1934.

Gordon at Khartoum, Peter Davies, London, 1934.

Oliver Cromwell, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1934.

The King’s Grace 1910–1935, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1935.

The House of the Four Winds, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1935.

Men and Deeds, Peter Davies, London, 1935.

The Island of Sheep, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1936; The Man from the Norlands, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1936.

Episodes of the Great War, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1936.

Augustus, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1937.

Presbyterianism Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, address, The Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1938.

Naval Episodes of the Great War, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1938.

The Interpreter’s House: The Chancellor’s Installation Address delivered before the University of Edinburgh, July 20th 1938, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1938.

Memory Hold-the-Door, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1940; Pilgrim’s Way, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1940.

Canadian Occasions, Musson, Toronto, 1940.

Comments and Characters, ed. W. Forbes Gray, Thomas Nelson, Edinburgh, 1940.

Sick Heart River, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1941; Mountain Meadow, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1941.

The Long Traverse, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1941; Lake of Gold, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1941.

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Buchan, Susan (as Susan Tweedsmuir)

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— ed., The Clearing House: A Survey of One Man’s Mind: A Selection from the Writings of John Buchan, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1946.

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Sheffield, Gary and Bourne, John, eds, Douglas Haig: War Diaries and Letters, 1914–1918, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 2005.

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Smith, David E., The Invisible Crown: The First Principle of Canadian Government, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1995.

Sommer, Dudley, Haldane of Cloan: His Life and Times 1856–1928, Allen and Unwin, London, 1960.

Spoto, Donald, The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock, Collins, London, 1983.

Spring, Howard, In the Meantime, Constable, London, 1942.

Squires, James Duane, British Propaganda at Home and in the United States from 1914 to 1917, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1935.

Strachan, Hew, The First World War: Vol. I, To Arms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

The First World War, Simon & Schuster, London, 2014.

Stuart, Sir Campbell, Secrets of Crewe House: The Story of a Famous Campaign, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1920.

Terraine, John, The Western Front 1914–1918, Hutchinson, London, 1964.

Thompson, Andrew S., Imperial Britain: The Empire in British Politics c. 1880–1932, Longman, Harlow, 2000.

Todman, Dan, The Great War: Myth and Memory, Continuum, Hambledon, 2005.

Trevelyan, G. M., An Autobiography and Other Essays, Longmans, Green, London, 1949.

Trotter, David, The English Novel in History 1895–1920, Routledge, London, 1993.

Truffaut, François, Hitchcock, Secker and Warburg, London, 1968.

Turner, Arthur C., Mr. Buchan, Writer: A Life of the First Lord Tweedsmuir, SCM, London, 1949.

Tweedsmuir, Lord, Always a Countryman, Robert Hale, London, 1953.

Hudson’s Bay Trader, Clerke and Cockeran, London, 1951.

Usborne, Richard, Clubland Heroes: A Nostalgic Study of Some Recurrent Characters in the Romantic Fiction of Dornford Yates, John Buchan and Sapper, Constable, London, 1953.

Vincent, John, ed., The Crawford Papers: The Journals of David Lindsay, Twenty-Seventh Earl of Crawford and Tenth Earl of Balcarres 1871–1940: During the Years 1892–1940, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1984.

Walker, David, Lean, Wind, Lean: A Few Times Remembered, Collins, London, 1984.

Watt, D. C., Personalities and Policies: Studies in the Formulation of British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century, Longmans, London, 1965.

Webb, Paul, A Buchan Companion: A Guide to the Novels and Short Stories, Alan Sutton, Far Thrupp, 1994.

Weekes, David, ΧΡΙΣΤΟC ΝΙΚHΣEI: on John Buchan’s Grave, Lavender Inprint, London, 2010.

Welch, David, ed., Propaganda, Power and Persuasion: from World War I to Wikileaks, I.B. Tauris, London, 2015.

Welles, Sumner, The Time for Decision, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1944.

Wells, H. G., Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain (since 1866), Victor Gollancz, London, 1934.

West, Francis, Gilbert Murray, a Life, Croom Helm, London, 1984.

Wheeler-Bennett, John, George VI: His Life and Reign, Macmillan, London, 1958.

White, William Allen, Autobiography of William Allen White, Macmillan, New York, 1946.

Williams, Francis, A Prime Minister Remembers: The War and Post-War Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Earl Attlee, Heinemann, London, 1961.

Williams, Jeffery, Byng of Vimy: General and Governor General, Leo Cooper, London, 1983.

Willis-O’Connor, H. and Macbeth, M., Inside Government House, Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1954.

Wilson, A. N., Hilaire Belloc, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1984.

Wilson, Duncan, Gilbert Murray O.M.: 1866–1957, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987.

Wilson, Trevor, ed., The Political Diaries of C. P. Scott, 1911–28, Collins, London, 1970.

The Myriad Faces of War: Britain and the Great War 1914–1918, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1986.

Winter, Denis, Haig’s Command: A Reassessment, Viking, London, 1991.

Wolffe, John, God and Greater Britain: Religion and National Life in Britain and Ireland 1843–1945, Routledge, London, 1994.


This is by no means an exhaustive list, especially as far as JB’s output is concerned. I refer readers to the invaluable The First Editions of John Buchan: A Collector’s Bibliography by Robert G. Blanchard, Archon, Hamden, CT, 1981.

Most important of the journals is the one published by the John Buchan Society, at least once a year since its foundation in 1979. In the last forty years, both professional academics and amateur enthusiasts have contributed to The John Buchan Journal, in the process substantially widening and deepening our knowledge of JB and his work. Material from these journals is quoted or cited throughout the book: see endnotes for individual references.

I have also had much recourse to the speeches in the Houses of Parliament, in the Hansard archive, 1803–2005, now available online. Also online are the Diaries of William Lyon Mackenzie King (MKD).

Other Sources

Allison, R. S., ‘Ruthin Castle: a private hospital for the investigation and treatment of obscure medical diseases (1923–1950)’, Ulster Medical Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, 1977, pp. 22–31.

Buchan, John, Battle diary of the Somme (unpublished), QUA, Special Collections.

— ‘G.H.Q. intelligence summaries’, QUA, Special Collections.

— ‘Reports and memoranda, Department and Ministry of Information, March 1917–December 1919’, QUA, Special Collections.

The Mountain (unfinished novel), QUA, Special Collections.

— ‘The Revision of Dogmas’, The Ashridge Journal, no. 3 (August 1930), pp. 7–19.

The Scott Pageant, 1932, QUA, Special Collections.

‘The University, the Library and the Common Weal’, Columbia University Quarterly, December 1934, vol. XXVI, no. 4, pp. 301–12.

What the Home Rule Bill Means, privately published, 1912.

— contrib., Oxford Prologizes, Oxford Preservation Trust, 1930.

Cannadine, D., ‘John Buchan: A life at the margins’, The American Scholar, vol. 67, no. 3, summer 1998, pp. 85–93.

Clavin, Patricia, ‘ “A Wandering Scholar” in Britain and the USA, 1933–45: the life and work of Moritz Bonn’, Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, vol. 4, 2002, pp. 27–42.

Desmarais, Anna, ‘Lord Tweedsmuir and the search for identity’, Ottawa Citizen, 20 March 2017, p. A7.

Gilpin, John F., ‘The Canadian Agency and British Investment in Western Canadian Land, 1905–1915’, PhD thesis, University of Leicester, 1992.

Grieves, Keith, ‘Nelson’s History of the War: John Buchan as a contemporary military historian, 1915–22’, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 28, no. 3, July 1993, pp. 533–51.

Henshaw, Peter, ‘John Buchan and the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan: the under-rated role of the “Man on the Spot” ’, Defence Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, Summer 2001, pp. 129–36.

— ‘John Buchan from the “Borders” to the “Berg”: nature, empire and white South African identity, 1901–1910’, African Studies, vol. 62, no. 1, 2003, pp. 2–32.

Idle, Jeremy, ‘The pilgrim’s plane-crash: Buchan, Bunyan and canonicity’, Literature and Theology, vol. 13, no. 3, September 1999, pp. 249–58.

Kirke-Greene, Anthony H. M., ‘The Governors-General of Canada, 1867–1952: a collective profile’, Journal of Canadian Studies, Revue d’études canadiennes, vol. 12, no. 4, Summer 1977, pp. 35–57.

Lee, Edwin R., ‘Presbyterian ethos and environment in the novels of John Buchan: a religious and historical study’, MA thesis, Deakin University, Australia, 1996.

Little, Geoffrey, ‘ “The people must have plenty of good books”: The Lady Tweedsmuir Prairie Library Scheme, 1936–40’, Library and Information History, vol. 28, no. 2, June 2012, pp. 103–16.

Macdonald, Kate, ‘The diversification of Thomas Nelson and Sons: John Buchan and the Nelson Archive, 1909–1911’, Publishing History, vol. 65, 2009, pp. 72–96.

— ‘John Buchan’s breakthrough: the conjunction of experience, markets and forms that made The Thirty-Nine Steps’, Publishing History, vol. 68, 2010, pp. 25–106.

Pape, Joan, ‘Account of Royal Visit to Canada, 1939’ (unpublished).

Pilgrim Trust, Ninth Annual Report, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1939.

Rajamäe, Pilvi, ‘John Buchan’s heroes and the chivalric ideal: gentlemen born’, PhD thesis, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2007.

Strachan, Hew, ‘John Buchan and the First World War: fact into fiction’, War in History, vol. 16, no. 3, July 2009, pp. 298–324.

Weekes, David, ‘John Buchan (1875–1940): A reassessment of his Christian faith and practice’, PhD thesis, University of St Andrews, 2017.

Journals and Newspapers

Atlantic Monthly
Blackwood’s Magazine
Country Life
Glasgow Herald
Glasgow University Magazine
Illustrated London News
Maclean’s Magazine
Oxford JCR
The Alpine Journal
The Bookman
The Bookseller
The Boston Globe
The Brazen Nose
The British Weekly
The Daily Express
The Daily News
The Daily Sketch
The Daily Telegraph
The Edinburgh Review
The Globe (Toronto) (later Globe & Mail)
The Graphic
The Jewish Chronicle
The Listener
The Morning Post
The New Edinburgh Review
The New Statesman
The New York Times
The New Yorker
The Observer
The Ottawa Citizen
The Oxford Mail
The Oxford Times
The Scotsman
The Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal
The Sketch
The Spectator
The Sunday Times
The Times
The Times Literary Supplement

Television and Radio Broadcasts

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 14 February 1940, 1.45–3.45 p.m. EST, broadcast of State Funeral Service for Lord Tweedsmuir.

Times Remembered, BBC broadcast of interview between Susan, Lady Tweedsmuir, and Joan Bakewell, 1 November 1972.

The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Three Hostages and Huntingtower have been adapted for television, and The Island of Sheep, Witch Wood, The Power-House, Greenmantle, The Three Hostages, Huntingtower, The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Courts of the Morning for the radio.


Huntingtower (1927, George Pearson)

The 39 Steps (1935, Alfred Hitchcock)

The 39 Steps (1959, Ralph Thomas)

The Thirty-Nine Steps (1979, Don Sharp)


The 39 Steps, written by Patrick Barlow, played for ten years in London (2005–2015) and continues to be staged all over the world.