
At Globalcom headquarters, Patricia Ross copied the dossiers, and sent them to WikiLeaks, with an embargo until ten p.m. GMT.

Then she sent them to every newshound she could think of – in Morocco and abroad.

After that, she hurried upstairs to the newsroom and cornered Adam Binbin, the only editor she could completely trust.

‘What have you got on the line-up tonight?’

Binbin logged on, skimming the schedule as he stirred his tea.

‘A Chinese student’s been murdered downtown – it’s a suspected robbery gone wrong. Then some political stuff and a whole lot of sport – the opium of the people.’

‘I need to ask a favour, a big favour,’ said Ross, touching a hand to the back of her head.

Binbin took a sip of the tea, picked another sugar-lump from the saucer and dropped it in.

‘I’ve got a huge story that has to go out... tonight.’

‘Bigger than a murdered tourist?’

Ross leaned in close.

‘This is as big as it gets,’ she said.