February 1960 Gonzaga Junior Cup team. Sutherland can be seen at the front, kneeling, second from left.
The 1969–70 rugby season, Landsdowne Football Club. Sutherland can be seen on the back row, third from the right.
Called to the Bar, 1968. Sutherland can be seen on the back row, second from the right.
The attorney general in his office, 1982.
Meeting of the first Delors Commission, 1985. Sutherland is seated at the front of the picture.
The EU Commissioner cabinet. From left to right, David O’Sullivan, Eugene Regan, Richard O’Toole, Peter Sutherland, Colm Larkin, Catherine Day and Michel Richonnier.
The EP President awards a medal to Commissioner Peter Sutherland in December, 1988.
Sutherland, then chairman of AIB, with the bank’s then chief executive, Gerry Scanlan, 1991.
A press conference after BP and US oil giant Amoco announced plans for their merger. From left to right, Sir John Brown, Laurance Fuller and Peter Sutherland.
Sutherland as head of GATT at the Uruguay round of global trade talks. Richard O’Toole is to the left of Sutherland.
Peter Sutherland as General Director of the GATT shows one of numerous documents on the final act of the Uruguay Round, 15 April 1994.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan meets with Peter Sutherland, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Migration, in Davos, Switzerland.
A joint press conference at the conclusion of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. From left to right, Esteban Conejos, Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Peter Sutherland.
Sutherland addresses the Security Council meeting on cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
Sutherland visiting a refugee camp in Athens, 12 May 2016.
Sutherland with Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz at the Valletta Summit on migration, 2015.
Sutherland with Pope Francis at the Vatican, 26 June 2015.
Peter Sutherland and his family at the 2007 Business & Finance Awards in Dublin.