Quick & Easy Guide to the
Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook

This cookbook is a companion to Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, which provides an in-depth explanation of the four phases of the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the scientific principles behind it. As you use this cookbook, keep in mind that your success at doing Atkins depends on accurately counting the total number of grams of Net Carbs you consume in a day. You should therefore determine how many Net Carbs you have in each meal; then, to ensure that you do not exceed your carb threshold, add in any additional carbs you consume in snacks or desserts. We have created recipes in this book that are appropriate for each phase of Atkins, and each recipe is designated for the phases for which it is suitable. Following are some brief guidelines to keep in mind when choosing a recipe.

Don’t forget to think in terms of total grams of Net Carbs per meal and per day. In Induction, most people find it helpful to aim for about 4 grams at breakfast, 5 at lunch, and 8 at dinner. This allows you the leeway to have a couple of low carb snacks between meals.

If you find our recipes as tasty and useful as we think you will, you will also enjoy the recipes in Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution and Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Cookbook. The Atkins Web site is also always developing new recipes. Go to www.atkins.com, where you can also sign up for the bimonthly electronic Atkins Food & Recipe Newsletter.