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“ARE YOU SURE YOU JUST learned how to dance?” Jason brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. “You’re great.”
Charlie couldn’t stop smiling.
“Would you like something to drink? Soft drink, or a glass of wine?”
“A glass of wine would be nice. White, please.” She watched him stride confidently across the room. A pair of girls at a nearby table nudged each other as he walked by and the jolt of jealousy that surged through her body took her by surprise.
Drinks in hand, he paused at the table. “Would you like to go outside?”
She nodded. “I wouldn’t mind a chance to cool down.”
The outside tables were all occupied and they found themselves standing at the railing in the same spot they’d occupied previously. The tiki torches flickered lazily, adding to the already romantic atmosphere.
“This must be our spot,” Jason said, looking out over the dark water. He set his beer down on the rail and turned to her. “Do you mind if I ask you something personal?”
She had no idea what was coming. “I suppose not. I’ll try to answer.”
“I’ve been wondering how long you plan to stay here.” Blue eyes watched her reaction.
She didn’t know what to say. His question was one she’d been asking herself for several days now and she still didn’t know the answer.
“I don’t really know, Jason. I’ve been so wrapped up in this business with Charlotte that I haven’t thought much about myself.”
He nodded. “When you figure it out, will you let me know?” He leaned in and kissed her. “You see, I’ve become rather fond of you, Scarlett.”
He didn’t need to say it; he’d been hurt once by a woman who didn’t like farm life.
“Why Rhett, you’re making me blush.”
He leaned in once again, his lips beside her ear. “I’d like to do more than that,” he said, the desire in his voice unmistakable.
She turned her head and their lips met. His mouth closed over hers with an exquisite softness. She slid her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, his tongue probing her lips until she opened and let him in. A soft moan clawed its way up from her throat and she pulled back, dazed by the kaleidoscope of sensations that stampeded through her body.
“Hey you two, get a room.” One of Jason’s friends raised a glass to them.
“Yeah, right.” Jason brushed off the comment with a good-natured smile. He took a drink from his beer and looked out over the lake again. “That’s Randy. He lives a few miles down the road from us. He borrowed our seed drill last year when his broke down right before spring planting.”
“Spring planting. Now that sounds romantic.”
“There’s nothing romantic about it.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “But like I told you before, I’ve never wanted any other kind of life.”
Once more she was struck by the intensity in his eyes. “I can see why,” she said after a moment. “It’s hard, honest work. At least the part I’ve seen.”
“Tell me,” he said curiously. “What sort of impression did you have of farmers before you came here?” He lounged against the rail, but she could see that it was no casual question.
He nodded. “Honestly.”
She searched for an answer that wouldn’t offend him, but couldn’t think of one. She looked him in the eye. “I was like most city people who consider farmers to be little more than hayseeds.” His eyes darkened with a flash of anger but she continued. “But then most of those same people watch wrestling and think it’s real.”
He stared at her for a moment and then laughed. “I asked for that, didn’t I?”
Charlie shrugged. “A lot of urban people never give a moment’s thought to where the beef in their hamburger comes from, or the wheat that makes the bun it’s served on. And if they think about farming at all, it’s through some romanticized filter. They have no idea how much hard work goes into growing wheat or raising cattle.”
“And what do you think?”
“I’m learning.” She leaned out over the railing and studied the way the moonlight shimmered on the water. “How did we get so serious?”
He lifted her hand and pressed his lips into her palm. Any serious thoughts she may have had disappeared like early morning mist in the sunshine. “I’m not sure how we got here, but I like it.” He continued holding her hand. “And I like the way you challenge me, Charlie. Well, most of the time.” The dimple appeared in his cheek again.
The floodlights flickered twice and Jason groaned. “I can’t believe it’s last dance already” he said, holding out his hand. “Shall we dance out here?”
She moved against his chest in reply and his arms tightened around her. The moon rose higher in the sky as they swayed together, lost in dreams of the future.
* * *
CHARLIE FELL ASLEEP on the way home. She woke with a start when he turned off the ignition and for a moment she wasn’t sure where she was. “I’m sorry,” she said, fumbling with one of Charlotte’s combs that had come loose.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Jason untangled the comb and handed it to her. “It’s been a long day. You were tired, plus I like the fact that you trust me enough to fall asleep.” He ran his fingers through her hair and his hand came to rest at the back of her neck. He pulled her toward him. “Besides, there’ll be other nights.”
She watched his mouth come closer. “There will?”
“You can bet on it.”
She liked the way he kissed her. It was everything she’d ever dreamed of...and more. She leaned into him, every bone in her body melting as his mouth covered hers. He held her face in both hands and trailed a string of kisses along her jaw and up to her eyelids. She sighed; it was as though she’d been waiting for Jason all her life. When he pulled back, her lips yearned for more.
“Car’s coming” he said. “Janelle’s home.”
“Then I guess we should say goodnight.” She raised her lips for one more kiss, then pulled away as headlights lit up the interior of the truck.
“It’s just as well,” he murmured against her ear. “It’s getting harder to let you go.”
“So how was it?” called Janelle. Charlie was delighted to see that her aunt’s lipstick was smudged. “I saw you guys dancing, but you were in your own little world.”
Charlie couldn’t be sure, but she thought Jason blushed. “I was concentrating on dancing,” she said quickly.
“Yeah, right.” Janelle stopped for a moment, a knowing smile on her face, then she continued on. “Well, I’m for bed.” The screen door slapped behind her.
Jason took her hand and led her toward the steps. Soft light from the porch illuminated his face. The leaves on the willow tree rustled softly in the background and moths battered their wings against the outdoor light bulb, but Charlie had eyes only for him.
“I had a wonderful time.” She looked up into his eyes and felt herself drowning in their depths.
“I’m glad.” He brushed his thumb against her lower lip and her knees almost buckled. He opened the screen door and she slipped inside, then he turned and went down the steps.
Behind the screen, she watched him walk around to the driver’s side. She wanted to run out to him, to feel his lips against hers once more. But she stood still, her palm flat against the screen as he pulled away into the night.
* * *
“SO WHAT ARE YOU UP to today?” Morning sunlight flooded the front room. Janelle looked up from her drafting board as Charlie padded downstairs in her bare feet.
“I don’t know.” Charlie had felt an odd letdown this morning. She’d been lying around in bed trying to get motivated. “I could weed the garden if you like.”
“It can always use weeding.” Janelle swiveled around in her chair. “Are you okay? Didn’t you have a good time last night? You certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself.”
“That’s just it; I had a wonderful time. I don’t know why I feel so out of it this morning.”
Janelle rose and placed a cool hand on Charlie’s forehead. “No fever, thank goodness. Maybe you’re just having a bit of a meltdown after such a hectic week.” She slapped her forehead. “I forgot to ask you. Did you find anything with the metal detector?”
“No. And I was so sure we’d find something. Wishful thinking, I suppose.”
“Well, no harm done. Listen, Jack and I are driving to Regina. We’re going to visit his sister and stay overnight.” She indicated the sketches. “I present these to the architect in the morning. You’re welcome to come along if you like.”
“I don’t think so.” Charlie wandered closer to the drafting board. “So, this is it?”
Janelle’s focus shifted to her sketches. “What do you think? I’m proposing a relief carving of the prairies showing some of our indigenous species.”
“I’d like to see it installed.”
“Of course you will. You and Jason will be my guests.”
“If I’m here.” Heat rose in Charlie’s face.
Janelle waved a hand. “Of course you’ll be here. You and Jason are perfect for each other.”
“Did he say something?”
“He didn’t have to. It’s written all over his face.”
The cloud that had been hovering over Charlie since she woke lifted. “I hope you’re right.” Suddenly full of energy, she turned and ran back upstairs. “I think I’ll change and work in the garden for a while. Might as well make myself useful.”
* * *
“IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT Jase? You seem far away today.” Brad entered the small farm office.
“I’m okay. Just concentrating.”
Brad leaned over his brother’s shoulder to look at the computer. Jason was installing the new program they’d just purchased. “That woman lives in Calgary, eh?”
“Her name is Charlie, and yes, she lives in Calgary.” Hadn’t they been over this just the other night?
“I saw you with her yesterday up on the ridge. What were you doing up there anyway? It looked like you were digging.”
“We were, but we didn’t find anything.” Jason read the prompt on the screen and pressed enter before turning to his brother. “Charlie’s been reading about one of her ancestors who threw a ring away up near the windbreak and she wanted to look for it. Janelle dug out a metal detector so we thought we’d have a look. We didn’t find anything.”
“One of her ancestors? Which one?”
“According to Charlie, her name was Charlotte. She’s been reading her journal.”
Brad frowned, looked off into the distance and then brought his attention back to Jason. “Isn’t that the one who was going to run away with the cowboy from Montana?”
Did everyone know about this but him? Jason nodded. “That’s the one.”
“So why were you looking by the poplars on the ridge?”
Jason gave his brother an odd look. “Because that’s where the ring was supposed to be.”
“Brad chuckled. “Well I figured that much. What I meant was why would you look there when those trees weren’t even planted back then?”
“Huh?” Jason’s thoughts whirled. “But the journal was quite specific. She mentioned the windbreak, and the poplar trees.”
“You’re bright, but sometimes you’re not very smart.”
Jason bristled. “Meaning?”
“Meaning you were looking in the wrong place. Dad planted those trees the year you were born.” He pulled open the filing cabinet and rifled through some files. “It’s here somewhere,” he muttered. “We were just looking at it the other day.”
“I’m not following you.”
“Here it is.” Brad cleared a space on the worktable and opened the file. He removed an old map and unfolded it carefully. “Remember what we talked about? How this farm and Janelle’s used to be one big farm?”
Jason nodded.
Brad jabbed his finger at a survey line on the map. “This is the southern border of our property, right? There used to be a row of poplars along this ridge as well. You could see it for miles.”
“Well, I’ll be.” Jason’s thoughts went back to yesterday. “And to think that I pointed that out to Charlie yesterday, but I didn’t stop to think about it.” He turned to his brother. “Wait a minute; there are only a few trees up there, right at the top of the ridge. Are you sure there was a windbreak there?”
“Sure as I’m standing here. About twenty years ago we had a terrific windstorm and most of them blew down. The ones that were left got cut back to half their height, but of course they’ve grown up again. Dad always said he was going to replant, but he never got around to it.”
“So...” Jason was thinking aloud. “We were looking in the wrong place. There’s still a chance.”
“Well yes, but it’s not like the ring is going anywhere. There’s no rush to find it, is there?”
“No. I mean yes.” Jason glanced at his watch. “It’s going to be dark in a couple of hours. I’m going to take off for a while and tell Charlie about this.” He checked the computer screen. “It’s almost finished loading. Just follow the prompts.”
Brad waved him off. “Go. I can see your mind is somewhere else anyway.”