





Celia roused from sleep nestled between two bears. Regardless of the cool nights and her nakedness, no blankets were necessary thanks to their warmth. She tried not to think of the near slaughter that’d occurred yesterday.

After she ran over the assassin and lost her shit, Simon had carried her into the house and to the bed, snuggling with her on the mattress talking her down from the fear of almost losing Nick. She’d shivered and wept until Nick and Dex joined them. Only then had she felt safe.

At some point, Simon had roused her from the bed and settled into a bear-sized bathtub with her. He’d updated her that Nick had gone on to work and would find her dad as soon as possible. Her father had declared fucking war, and none of them would tolerate her being in the crossfire. That’d been the excuse Simon gave her.

While Nick’s new plan had been to confront her dad immediately instead of waiting to approach him at Starlets, her parent had shown a surprising spineless side and gone MIA. It was the first time she’d ever known her father to hide. Nick had returned home last night, tired, cranky, and annoyed Daniel couldn’t be picked up for a speedy confrontation.

They’d eaten a delicious dinner Dex cooked and chatted about their life and tomorrow’s mating. All of them avoided the elephant in the room... Not only did her Daddy want them dead, but he wanted her dead too, enough to send eight men in total after them.

Snuggled against Simon’s chest, with his morning erection tapping against her thigh, she kissed a pectoral as she wrapped her fingers around his woody. Cocooned with her men, the cabin was like her bubble, a safe space from the cruel world. As she stroked Simon’s length, she could almost pretend all was perfect in the world.

“Celia,” his sleepy voice warned.

“Simon,” she shoved the same warning into her tone. “I like that you’re happy to see me every morning.”

“You’re mine. Of course I’m happy to see you.” Yeah, he was always pleased to see her, even when she showed up unannounced at his tattoo shop. Every day when he came home from work, he’d kiss her like the lip lock was his oxygen, making her heart swell because she could feel his emotions toward her. That couldn’t be faked.

“She’s ours, Simon.” Dex nuzzled the back of her neck. That one little action sucked all the air from her lungs, and goose bumps paraded across her skin. It was a delightful move she loved and hated because it made her horny with no imminent relief.

“It’s been a week, Celia.” Simon cupped the underside of a breast and held the globe as he sucked on her nipple, his tongue toying with the steel bar.

“If you want forever with us—”

She didn’t let Dex finish. “I do. Fuck me, mate me, do something to me.”

“Why do you want us forever?”

Celia groaned at Nick’s question because it put off what she wanted. But she had no trouble answering. “You’re upstanding men.”

They were. She’d ventured into town with them over the week, had even been a nosy body in their home when they were gone, and had talked to as many people as she could find that’d chat about the bears. Only two said had anything bad, and it’d become evident they spoke ill for petty reasons. Little ole blue-haired women praised them and blushed in their presence. A couple of the kids at the Y chatted up their basketball skills and how the bears spent time with them as big brothers teaching them the sport. Then they’d invited her to join them on a hike through the woods. They’d been in bear form, and she’d taken turns riding on their backs. That’s when she’d realized she was falling for them.

“You’re good men. More than I deserve.” She was no saint, and she came with baggage. “You’re men I’ve fallen for. You’re protective bears that’ll make good fathers, and excellent husbands.”

Dex growled and bit her shoulder, tugged on the spot with his teeth. “That better be enough for you, Nick.”

“More than I anticipated,” he admitted, his voice sounding hoarse.

“Why do y’all want me?” she asked, fearing their answers. If only because she was their mate, she might walk away. She longed for them to feel something along the same lines as she did.

“I’m in love with you.” Simon shoved upward so they were on eye-level. “I knew it the moment I saw you teasing old man Patrick about his crush on Mrs. Ivy.”

“Yeah, and when you concocted a plan with Patrick on how to convince Mrs. Ivy to go out with him, that’s when I knew I’d fallen for you too.” Dex sucked on her earlobe. “You’re stirring up shit by scheming to get them together.”

“No shit,” Nick chuckled. “Their children are happy with those two being single.”

“Love doesn’t reject couples based on age.” The elderly couple deserved to be happy, and if their children had a problem with that, then they were assholes.

“We’ll be the ones who deal with the fallout, minx.”

She caught Nick’s eye. “Sorry?” Celia tried to sound sincere, but knew the apology came out sounding more like a question than a statement with any real conviction.

Nick shook his head. “No, you’re not. And I love you more because you’re not sorry. But I knew I loved you when you told me to take my alpha bullshit and shove it where the sun didn’t shine.”

A blush hit her cheeks. He’d caught her in the shower rubbing one out and had ordered her to stop. She’d gotten right up in his face—or chest—poked him with a finger dead center of his chest, and yelled at him to shove his ridiculous orders up his ass sideways.

“You deserved that.” Frustrated by her unfulfilled horniness, she still felt justified in her reaction.

“You deserved the spanking you got for it too.”

He’d manhandled her into abandoning her mission, but agreed to allow her to come on one condition... she endured his palm cracking across her ass as she masturbated. Apparently the injustice was in not letting them watch her get off.

Men and their peculiar logic.

Desperate for an orgasm, she’d accepted his terms. Those wet blows to her backside had hurt at first, so she’d rubbed her clit harder until the smacks bloomed into a satisfying heat, resulting in her losing control and riding her fingers until she screamed with a mind-altering climax.

Good times.

“Kinda like when you spanked her at Simon’s tattoo shop, too.” Dex rubbed his lips across her shoulder.

The memory of those incidents had her wiggling her ass and Dex’s hard-on prodding her bottom. He caught her hip, his fingers digging into her flesh.

“Patience, sweetheart. I’m going to fuck your ass soon.” Dex’s hand slid down her leg and grasped her knee. He repositioned her leg over his hip, opening her core to the cool air in the room. “Simon is going to fuck this yummy pussy.” He cupped her mound and gave a gentle squeeze. “Together we’ll ride you until you come and Simon blows his wad.” Dex circled a finger over her clitoris in a much too soft stroke. “Afterward Nick will pound this pussy.” He fingered her while he spoke. “And I’ll finish hammering your ass until we’re all three blowing.”

Simon chuckled. “You’ll never last that long, Dex.”

“Bet I do.” Dex cupped her chin with his wet digits and tilted her head back at an angle so he could kiss her. “Ready to become our mate?”

“Yes.” They’d made her wait too long for this.