





Celia sat in a chair at the kitchen table. The plate in front of her piled high with food.

“You okay?” Nick gathered her wet hair into a ponytail and bent to give her bare shoulder a kiss. They hadn’t asked her to remain naked after the shower, but she hadn’t expressed a need for clothes either.

She turned her head and pecked him on the mouth. “What do you think?”

“Dex kept his shit together, but I was rougher with you than normal. So was Simon.”

Dex nodded at Nick’s statement, and Simon shuffled his feet, looking more flustered than normal. Why’d the three of them keep second-guessing everything when it came to Celia? They’d banged women together before and never worried.

She’s our everything. If Dex and Simon loved her half as much as he did, then they were all fucked because he was obsessed with making her happy every second of every day.

“Simon was rough with me?” A frown grooved her forehead. “His spanking only warmed me up for yours.”

“Not talking about that.” Nick released her hair, pulled a chair out and straddled it. “Like before when we mated, I lost it a little and fucked your ass pretty hard, only for Simon to fuck you harder. And I’ve never seen him fuck an asshole that hard.”

Simon settled into the chair on the other side of her. “You were crying and begging us to stop as you climaxed—”

“A non-stop climax. I’ve never seen a woman do that before,” Dex corrected.

“Yeah.” The ink master threaded his fingers through her damp hair. “I was coming by the time you said to stop. Terrified me. And the way you walked away afterward and crawled onto the bed in a ball like we’d hurt you...” he trailed off, shaking his head, the worry on his face evident.

“All of you listen.” She pointed at each of them with the fork as her gaze moved between them. “I’ve been fucked into an almost literal screaming orgasm by my husbands. I don’t even remember what I was saying, but I damn sure didn’t want y’all to stop. God, no, it felt too good. For the record, lumberjack, I’ve never come that hard either.” Setting her fork down she turned grave eyes on them. “Sure my pussy and ass are a little sore, but not enough to keep me from climbing y’all again today. I also really like being used by you three, being forced to take it rough, making me take pleasure before I’m ready, or”—she looked at Nick—“refusing me pleasure when I’m begging for it. Makes me feel dirty and wanton.”

Relief seared through Nick. From the moment she’d stumbled out of the shower and into the bed a sick feeling of dread had been lodged in his throat. He’d gone to her and drawn her onto his chest, while Simon and Dex had joined them on either side all of them touching her and whispering soothing words.

An hour later she’d declared she was starving, and here they were. Three bears terrified they’d hurt her, two of them too afraid to speak up, so Nick had done the alpha thing and addressed the elephant in the room.

“I know how to use a girl and make her feel dirty. Got lots more tricks up my sleeve.” Simon grinned at her, but Nick could see the hesitation in his gaze. Their ink master was the one who still had trouble believing she was theirs. He’d longed for her too long, so it’d take a little while for him to realize she wasn’t a passing affair.

“Oh, yeah?” The husky tenor in Celia’s voice emphasized her arousal as she slid out of her chair and settled onto Simon’s lap. Nick was glad she recognized the ink master’s need for not just touch, but confirmation of her love for him. “Like what?”

“I’m not giving away all my secrets.” He pulled her plate near him and snagged the toast off her plate.

“Don’t be a pussy-tease like Nick.” She sent Nick a saucy wink.

Nick shook his head at the absurd nickname. The one he’d received because he’d demanded they not have any sex until she had a chance to get to know them a little. “I should blister your ass every time you call me that.”

“Uh huh.” She bit into the toast when Simon brought it to her lips. “Because that’s a grrreat punishment.”

“Doubt you’d like the cane on your backside.”

Dex whistled. “That shit hurts.”

“You have one?” There was too much interest in her voice.

“No,” Dex said.

“I know where he can get one.” Simon’s eyes darkened. “Could pick up some nipple and clit clamps too.”

She gaped at the ink master as Nick chuckled. “You probably have a rewards card at the sex store.” Simon had a serious addiction to sex toys and getting women off.

“One thing, love.” Simon went serious again. “It would kill me to think I’d ever hurt you.”

“Me too,” Dex refilled her coffee.

“I get that.” She took her mug from Dex. “I was terrified when you were shot. If any of you ever hurt me in a way I don’t like, I’ll say delicate flower because I’m not one.”

Simon smiled. “I love you, Celia.”

She palmed his cheek. “I love you too, my fuzzy-wuzzy teddy bear.”

Dex cleared his throat. “I want to get back to this ‘husbands’ comment you made.”

Her eyebrows rose upward. “What about it?”

“I like the sound of it. Do you want a courthouse wedding or a small get together?”

She scowled at Dex. “I thought when we mated we got hitched.”

“Humans marry. In the bear world mating is more than that.” Nick rested a forearm on the back of the chair, retrieved his mug off the table, and sipped on his black coffee as he contemplated her. He’d thought he was fulfilled with Dex in his life, but this new feeling inside him let him know he was really complete now.

“We should definitely get married. I want all of Covington to know you three belong to me. I will cherish their envy.”

Nick chuckled, loving the excitement in her eyes. “We don’t deserve you, minx.”

“Speak for yourself.” Simon turned her so her back was to his chest. “I deserve her if for no other reason than putting up with you two fucker’s since grade school.”

In a stealthy move, the ink master shifted his knees between her legs and forced hers apart. One of his hands cupped her breast, toyed with the steel bar piercing the nipple, while his other hand dipped between her thighs. Celia moaned as his fingers penetrated her, and she arched her hips into his touch.

Simon.” Nick should’ve sent him a warning glare, but he was too busy watching her response. It couldn’t be anything but a miracle that she seemed to always be ready for them.

“We’re mated now.” Simon sent him a challenging glare. Christ, if Simon ever challenged him outside their home, he’d be in for a fight for his position as alpha. “I don’t need your permission to play with her pussy so long as I have hers.”

“She needs to eat.” Dex growled, his gaze also locked tight on her pussy.

“Eat, love,” Simon said into her ear. “Make them happy and eat, while we discuss our upcoming nuptials.”

The tattooist grinned when she groaned a protest. Nick had found his soul mate when it came to sexual torture. Dex would give her an orgasm anytime she wanted it, but Simon would be his partner when it came to the more deviant play.

“Eat, minx, or Simon’ll make you edge a climax for hours.” Furious eyes jerked to Nick. “Delicate flower, remember?”

She nodded at the reminder of her new safe word. Nick knew she wouldn’t use it for this type of play though.

Dex shoved the table aside, pulled a chair in front of Celia, and grabbed her plate. He forked up eggs and presented it to her mouth. On a whimper she opened up and accepted the food.

“Good girl,” Simon cooed as his fingers pumped into her.

“When do we want to set the date?” Nick plucked at the bar of her other nipple.

“The day our twin flame activated twenty years ago will be here in three weeks.” Dex offered more fare, and while her eyes rebelled at being force-fed, she submitted.

“Do you object to that date, Celia?” She shook her head to Nick’s question, the scent of her arousal saturating the room.

“Whose last name will I take?” Her breath caught, and her hips jerked toward Simon’s hand.

To scold her movement, Nick twisted the bar until she flinched. “Don’t move.”

“She should take one of yours.” Dex brought the coffee too her lips. “Carson doesn’t afford her any protection.”

“That’s a fucking lie,” Simon’s voice was thick with tension. “You’re highly respected. Don’t minimize your value again.”

“My name doesn’t have the value yours or Nick’s does.” He dabbed a napkin to her lips when the brew dribbled along her chin. “That’s all I’m saying.”

“She should take yours, Simon.” Nick loved the way her nipple coiled into a hard bud when he toyed with it.

“You’re alpha of Blackclaw Matos.” Simon’s fingers left her pussy and he presented them to her lips. “Lick them clean.”

“You’ll be alpha of us all one day.”

“You know that’ll never happen, Nick.”

It was surreal playing dirty with her while having such an important conversation. Nick wasn’t sure how Simon multi-tasked so well. With her gaze locked on Nick, Celia sucked Simon’s fingers into her mouth.

When he removed his fingers, she asked, “Someone please explain what you’re talking about.”

Simon shoved three fingers inside her, and her breath hitched, her eyes closed as ecstasy decorated her face. Before she could get too worked up, he removed one of his digits and continued to fuck her with two.

She shook her head when Dex dragged bacon along her bottom lip. “Not hungry. Want answers and to be fucked.”

“Eat, or you get neither.” Simon pinched her clit. “I enjoy getting a woman right to the edge and pulling back. Do you like that type of play, Celia?”

Mutiny blazed in her eyes when her eyelids fluttered upward, but she bit into the bacon. “Someone start explaining.”

“Simon is a one-percenter.” Dex popped the rest of the slice into his mouth.

“He has a ridiculously sized trust fund.” Nick leaned over and laved at her nipple. Her hand buried in his hair and held him there.

“You assholes didn’t think it was ridiculously sized when I built this cabin or transferred my inherited land to the Blackclaw Matos.” Simon played dirty rubbing his thumb along her clit. He chuckled and stopped when she dug her nails into his hand.

“Okay,” she panted, obviously attempting to catch her breath, “so my fuzzy-wuzzy teddy bear is rich.”

“Filthy rich,” Dex corrected.

“Doesn’t explain why I should take his name over either of yours.”

“He’s a Blackclaw. That’s why.” Nick held up his hand when Simon would’ve spoke. The wet noises of her pussy already had him so hard he could barely think, his cock hurt like a motherfucker, and his balls felt like they’d burst if he didn’t get inside her soon. But he pressed on because this was information she needed. “There are thirteen dens. Twelve are run by various alphas. Blackclaw Matos is mine and the newest. Blackclaw Suarez is in Tennesse and Jeb Suarez is the alpha there. Blackclaw Mason is another and—”

“She gets it.” Simon cut him off. “Each den has another name after Blackclaw. She doesn’t need to know all den names today, Nick. That history lesson can wait for when my fingers aren’t in her cunt.”

“I agree. The scent of her sex is getting to my bear.”

Nick looked at Dex and sure enough his bear shined in his irises too.

Simon caught his attention when he released her breast and removed his fingers from her pussy. He cupped the back of her knees and pulled them to her chest, opening her core to them, her arousal scenting the room. “Dex, fuck her with your tongue.”

“No!” she cried out as Dex slid to his knees between. “I won’t be able to think or listen with his mouth on me.”

“There’ll be a quiz later, so you better listen.” Dex’s mouth connected with her pussy, covering her entire mound. He drew back, and used the tip of his tongue to drag across her clit. A strangled moan came from her, and an alpha voice came from Simon. “Don’t play with her clit. That’s not fair to her. If you’re good, Dex, and manage to hold her off through the conversation I’ll let you finish her.”

Dex was a sub and even though he wasn’t Simon’s sub, he followed the ink master’s instructions and moved away from her clitoris. He sucked one lip into his mouth, then the other, before stiffening his tongue and burying it inside her.

In response to being tongue-fucked, Celia’s hands went to Dex’s head, but Simon demanded, “Hands off him. Place them on your thighs.”

The authority in his voice had her obeying without a single complaint, surprising Nick by her immediate compliance.

“As many women as we’ve fucked together I’ve never seen this Dom in you.” Nick pinched her nipple hard enough she hissed, and he shifted in his seat hoping the new position would relieve the ache in his dick. Didn’t help, not even a little. Simon shrugged as Nick commanded, “Pay attention, minx.” The glassiness in her eyes let him know she wasn’t focused on him or Simon, so Nick twisted her nipple until she winced. “That help take your focus off Dex?”

“A little,” but her tone was breathless, and he knew it wouldn’t take much for her to slide back into her lusty realm.

“Simon’s dad is alpha of the entirety of our Blackclaw clan. Blackclaw Matos is a supporting den. His dad has the final word on even my authority. If he doesn’t like something I do, he can reverse it. Someday Simon will take his place and be head-honcho alpha.”

The tension in her jaw let him know she struggled to remain focused on him and not Dex. “I knew Simon was alpha. I could sense it. Was surprised you put up with his defiance, Nick.”

Simon’s surliness came through loud and clear. “I don’t want to be alpha.”

She tilted her head back and lifted a hand to cup the back of his neck. The position thrust her breasts higher. “You can alpha me at home.”

“I already am, love.” Amusement curled his lips.

Nick was surprised she’d sensed Simon’s alpha side. The ink master did a good job hiding it except when in private. “Now do you understand why taking his name would be beneficial to you? The protection you gain by being Celia Blackclaw instead of Celia Matos?”

“I t-thought your grand-d-dad was a f-founding member of the c-clan too, Nick.”

“Someone’s been researching human databases.” Simon rolled his eyes. “You humans rarely get it right, love.”

Her frustration at fighting the hedonism of Dex’s tongue made Nick hotter, and he pressed the heel of his palm against his cock. He knew how dexterous Dex’s tongue was. When Dex gave head, Nick couldn’t last long either.

“Simon’s great grandfather founded Blackclaw.” The sooner this story was finished, the sooner they could dive back into Celia. “My grandfather came on board later, then others joined the clan, and we grew until dens expanded us across the US. Human history got it wrong. But we are the biggest bear-shifter community.”

“What of our kids? Won’t it bother you or Dex that yours will have the Blackclaw surname?”

“We won’t know who fathers them, so why would a last name bother me?”

Dex grunted his agreement.

Celia stared into Simon’s eyes and muttered, “In three weeks I’m going to be Celia Blackclaw.”

As Nick watched, Simon’s eyes flamed with his bear, and for a moment the animal imprinted over his human form. The ink master clamped his hand around her neck, and held her captured against his chest. “Make her come, Dex.”

Less than thirty seconds later, Celia came beneath Dex’s tongue, her body vibrating as she stared into Simon’s eyes. Ten seconds afterward, Nick had her sprawled facedown over the table and was moving inside her.

Christ, we’re lucky fuckers. They spent the rest of the day taking turns getting her off. By the time they collapsed into bed that night, they were all orgasm-drunk.