
The letters in this book all come from the collection of the Documents and Sound Section in the Imperial War Museum. In all cases I am grateful to the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum for allowing me access to these materials and to the following for granting permission to use the various documents.

Mr D. Anderton for the papers of H. Anderton (446); Mrs Wallis for the papers of F. Baker (2521); Mrs Baylis for the papers of L.G. Baylis (7969); Mrs J.E. Overall for the papers of J.B. and W.G. Beer (2295); Mr D. Russell for the papers of Colonel G.S. Brighten (1376); Ms S. Campbell Cross for the papers of Rifleman B. Britland (577); Ms J. Marsden for the papers of Dr W. Bullock (9546); Mr G. Canham for the papers of G. Canham (2690); Mr S. Chater for the papers of Captain D. Chater (1697); Mr A. Nixon for the papers of Lieutenant Sir P. Duff (799); Mrs M. Durant for the papers of Captain N. Durant (4885); Ms Y. Gautier Long and Mr A. Tann for the papers of F.H. Gautier (2296); Mr R.S. Gill for the papers of R. Gill (13204); Mr P.J. Houghton Brown for the papers of P.J. Houghton Brown (15316); Mrs L. Eltringham for the papers of W. Hymers (250); Mr R. Innes-Ker for the papers of W. Innes-Ker (1349); Mrs J. Weston and Mrs J. Coward for the papers of J. Jarmain; Mrs W. Stock for the papers of J.H. Leather; Imperial War Museums for the papers of Captain C.K. McKerrow (2886); Maurice Benton, Joanne Goody-Orris, Kit Kyte and Antony Gibbs for the papers of Mo and Jo (Misc Mo and Jo 1); Mr A. Mortimore for the papers of A. Mortimore (3922); Mr R. Jepson and Seafarers UK for the papers of Captain R.H. Owen (748); Trevor Campbell Smith for the papers of Lieutenant H.S. Payne (196); Mrs A. Bowlam for the papers of A. Peterkin (9290); Mrs R. Philips for the papers of D. Philips (3903); Mr J. Potter for the papers of J. Potter (6882); Mr M.J. Rugman for the papers of M.J. Rugman (14435); Mrs B.J. Siddons for the papers of Reverend V. Siddons (9143); Mr J. Paine and Mme Serin for the papers of Captain E. Simeons (2808); Mrs E.A. Smith for the papers of E.A. Smith (7913); Mr L.G.G. Smith for the papers of G. Smith (1665); Mr P.G. MacPherson-Smith for the papers of P. Smith (1165); Mr B. Wynick for the ‘Letter Containing the Poem In the Trenches from Isaac Rosenberg, 1916’, the papers of Special Misc 5; Mr J. Thraves for the papers of J.W. Thraves (7776); Mr N. van der Bijl for the papers of N. van der Bijl (3893); Mrs P. Clegg for the papers of Major T.H. Westmacott (1290).

Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders, and the Publisher and the Imperial War Museums would be grateful for any information which might help to trace those whose identities or addresses are not currently known. Should the copyright holders of the following collections come forward, the author will happily acknowledge them in future editions.

The papers of Trooper J. Bassam (2841); the papers of Major General T.H. Birkbeck CBE DSO (4224); the papers of Captain P. Caddick-Adams; the papers of H. Calvert (3509); the papers of M. Carey (1919); the papers of Flight Lieutenant E. Chadwick (3667); the papers of Corporal C. Charters (3103); the papers of Captain R.G. Clover (2639); the papers of Corporal R.W. Connolly (13168); the papers of Captain C.T. Cross (771); the papers of Lance Corporal Danzig (151); the papers of Sergeant R. Fayers (1045); the papers of W.C. and D.H. Fenton (1288); the papers of Lieutenant B.L. Francis (8240); the papers of Captain S. Gordon (774); the papers of Second Lieutenant R.P. Hamilton (1334); the papers of Lieutenant P.R. Hampton (9165); the papers of Colonel P.R. Hill OBE (3741); the papers of Captain J.T. Keeping (745); the papers of Major N. Lock (15501); the papers of Reverent Cannon C. Lomax (1289); the papers of W.J. Lynas (278); the papers of I.J. McKay MC (317); the papers of Lance Corporal I. McMenemy (13000); the papers of Sergeant Major J. Milne (1635); the papers in the collection of Misc 4; the papers in the collection of Misc 93; the papers of Captain E.S. Probst (14346); the papers of Colour Sergeant T. Proudfoot (5991); the papers of F. Ranken (1521); the papers of Lieutenant G.M. Renny (1374); the papers of Major G. Ritchie (11549); the papers of Private N. Robertshaw (1151); the papers of Lieutenant W. Leefe Robinson (200); the papers of D.L. Rowlands (2329); the papers of Major H.G. Scott (1386); the papers of Pilot Officer M.A. Scott (431); the papers of Captain D.L. Sheldon (126); the papers of Flying Officer G.A. Stillingsfleet (846); the papers of C. Tames (3475); the papers of Major General T.S. Taylor (6022); the papers of N. Thomas (2616); the papers of Captain E.T. Townsend (3389); the papers of H.E. Upton (2777); Captain R. Whitticase (2026); Flight Lieutenant R.H. Williams (2287); the papers of Lieutenant N.L. Woodroffe (3260); the papers in the collection of Lance Corporal J.A. Wyatt.


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