I wish to thank all the individuals and organizations that have made it possible for me to write this book: the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for the grant that allowed me to carry out the research on which this book is based; the Human Resources office at UQAM, which awarded me a completion grant to write it; the colleagues and friends that discussed different theoretical, methodological, and technical aspects with me, especially Michelle Perrot of Université Paris VII, Anne-Marie Sohn of the Université de Rouen, Jean Trépanier of the Université de Montréal, the late Jean-Marie Fecteau, Fernande Roy, and Paul-André Linteau of UQAM; the librarians and archivists who helped me gain access to the documents, especially those at UQAM, the National Library of Quebec, the National Archives of Quebec in Quebec City and in Montreal, and the Montreal Pre-archive Centre; the staff at Éditions du Boréal, and all the students at UQAM who helped to assemble the sources: Marie-Josée Béchard, Nathalie Blanchette, Rachel Bolduc, Fanny Constantineau, Daniel Dicaire, Carolyne Hébert, Tara Landry, Danielle Laurendeau, Isabelle Moreau, Bastien Pelletier, Lucie Quevillon, Marie-France René, Hélène Séguin, Olivier Shareck, and Éric Vaillancourt.