Magnificent Mercedes
Here at the Holding Out for a Heroine blog, we track the latest and greatest in superhero news—and that includes spotlighting those in and around the supes community! Today we welcome Mercedes McClain, aka Magnificent Mercedes.
HOfaH: Please tell our readers about your power and how you utilize it.
MM: I have what I like to call a “human GPS” ability, which enables me to track vehicles, determine the best routes between locations, and “see” traffic.
HOfaH: You can see traffic in your brain?!
MM: That is correct, yes.
HOfaH: And does that mean you can track anything with a GPS locater on it? Like house arrest monitors and stuff? Because that seems like it would be totally useful in a superheroing career—
MM: No, just vehicles.
HOfaH: Oh. Huh. That’s—
MM: Still very exciting, I know. My power is particularly useful in my adopted home city of Los Angeles, where I am able to assist the police in apprehending car thieves and/or individuals who otherwise misuse their right to the automobile. Additionally I’ve been making inroads as far as clearing up the city’s serious gridlock problem.
HOfaH: And you could totally help the pizza delivery dude find the best way from Santa Monica to the Valley during rush hour, right?
MM: I could, but as a superheroine, you must make difficult decisions regarding what is and is not a worthy use of your power. And pizza delivery falls into the “not” category.
HOfaH: I disagree, but let’s move on! So obviously you’re part of the only group in the world that has superpowers: that select number of San Francisco residents who got their abilities eight years ago when the big portal opened up. But not everyone chose to fight crime. In fact, most folks just kept doing whatever they were doing pre-portal. What inspired you to take this on?
MM: I’ve always had a finely tuned sense of right and wrong and the desire to put good out into the world. Also most people’s powers were . . . how can I put this nicely? Just not all that powerful. Relatively mundane. Only a handful of us saw the potential in what we were given and were therefore able to choose this path. I feel very blessed.
HOfaH: Blessed! I love that. Hey, have you ever thought of changing your codename to “The Lost Angel” or something? Because you live in Los Angeles and you’re “lost” from San Francisco and then “angel” kind of goes with “blessed” . . .
MM: I wouldn’t say I’m “lost” from San Francisco. I wouldn’t say that at all.
HOfaH: Then why didn’t you stay? You could’ve fought demons alongside Aveda Jupiter instead of chasing cars around and stuff!
MM: I don’t do anything “alongside” anyone. Besides, my work is very important—
HOfaH: So that’s why you left? Because Aveda outshone you and you had to go somewhere else to get that kind of attention?
MM: No, of course not—
HOfaH: What do you think of her new fire power? Word is, it’s finally gonna break her through to huge international fame!
MM: I very much doubt that.
HOfaH: Why?
MM: Well, we don’t even know much about this new power yet. It could be temporary. A flash in the pan.
HOfaH: She’s sure making the most of it, though, eh?
MM: Mmm.
HOfaH: At the very least, this could definitely increase the world’s awareness of supes in general! I mean, most of you are local celebs at best, right?
MM: . . .
HOfaH: Hey, maybe more demon portals will finally open up in locations beyond San Francisco? And then maybe people everywhere could get superpowers, too? That’d be way cool, right?!
MM: I don’t think that would be cool at all.