Creamy Liver Pâté

The addition of cream in the recipe below gives a more mellow taste to the liver so that it will appeal to most people – even those who are not over-fond of this meat. It is a good basic recipe which can be varied in many ways: you can make it with calves’ liver, lambs’ liver or chicken livers.

When cooking liver (here) you could increase the quantity and mince or process some, then add a little cream and/or melted butter with a crushed garlic clove and chopped herbs to turn it into a very quickly prepared pâté.

2 teaspoons olive oil 2 teaspoons
2 small shallots or spring onions (scallions), chopped 2
450g (1lb) liver, sliced 1lb
115g (4oz) pork, preferably from fillet ¼lb
2 teaspoons finely chopped sage leaves 2 teaspoons
2 small eggs, beaten 2
3 tablespoons meat stock (bouillon) (see here) 3¾ tablespoons
150ml (5fl oz) double (heavy) cream 2/3 cup
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste  
1 teaspoon prepared English or Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3 or 150°C for a fan (convection) oven. Grease a 900ml (1½ pint) terrine tin or ovenproof container.
  2. Heat the olive oil, then add the shallots or spring onions. Turn in the oil for about 4 minutes, then mix with the liver and pork.
  3. Put the mixture through a mincer or into a food processor and mince (grind) or chop to the desired texture. If you require a very smooth texture do this twice. If you are using a food processor be careful that you do not over-process, for this makes the meat sticky. Mix in the remaining ingredients.
  4. Spoon into the prepared container and press firmly down (this helps the pâté to turn out well). Cover with a lid or foil.
  5. Stand in a tin half filled with warm water (a bain-marie) and cook for 1½ hours. Allow to cool, then turn out and serve portions with salad. As you cannot have ordinary toast while on the initial diet, rice cakes are a good accompaniment.


float image 1 For a pâté with a stronger taste omit the cream and use 6 (7½) extra tablespoons of stock.

float image 1 If you have discovered that you can eat citrus fruits, add 2 teaspoons of finely grated lemon zest to give extra flavour to the mixture.

float image 1 Millet Liver Pâté: millet gives an interesting taste and texture to the pâté and also adds extra food value. Take the 3 (3¾) tablespoons stock given in the recipe, heat to boiling point and pour over 3 (3¾) tablespoons of millet. Allow to stand for at least 10 minutes, then add to the other ingredients after they have been minced (ground) or placed in the food processor, see step 3. Continue as in the recipe.


Pâtés tend to lose much of their smooth texture in freezing – they become drier and crumbly. This mixture can be frozen for up to 2 weeks without being spoiled.