Chapter Five

Simon felt wonderful after his run with his mate. They currently sat in the back seat of Jake and Rick's car as they made their way home. Zack was cuddled as far into Simon's side as he could. His mate's scent mixed with a tinge of sweat plus the feel of Zack rubbing his belly had Simon's insides doing backflips.

Simon didn't try to stop his body's reaction to his mate's touch as he enjoyed it and liked his mate to see what his touch did to him. Simon bent down and kissed the top of Zack's head as he pulled him in closer.

"Love you, mate," Simon whispered through their bond.

"Love you too, Simon," Zack replied just as quietly as he tightened his arms around Simon's middle.

They sat in silence, holding each other for the rest of the ride home. Jake pulled the car into the driveway a little while later. The four of them all got out and headed inside.

"Hey, Mum, everything go okay?" Rick asked as they walked into the living room where their mum sat watching a movie.

"Not a peep out of any of them," Maryanne told them as she smiled.

"Great, thanks for doing that, Mum. I didn't realise how much I needed to run," Simon said as he walked over and lightly kissed his mother's cheek.

"You're welcome, dear. Anyway, I had better head home before your father starts wondering if I'm coming home," Maryanne said as she stood and started to gather her belongings.

She got stopped at the front door by Alex, Jason, Brian, and Marcus walking in. Quick goodbyes were shared and Maryanne gave a wave to them all before closing the door behind her.

"Who wants a beer?" Alex asked as he headed towards the kitchen.

Everyone yelled out 'yes' or some version of it.

"I suppose I better make a start on Hayley's bike if we want it ready for the morning," Simon stated, then kissed Zack before he walked through the house to the garage where the box containing Hayley's Christmas present had been hidden.

Simon moved a couple of boxes and pulled off the old sheet they had draped over it. He lifted the box, then took it with him back to the living room where everyone else was relaxing comfortably and settling down to watch the start of movie someone had chosen.

Zack handed him his beer and Simon took a long swallow before setting it down and opening the box.

The bike wasn't large as Hayley was only four, but it had to be put together and then Simon had to attach training wheels as well. They'd made sure it had her favourite colours on it: pink and purple swirls over a white base. It also came with streamers on the handlebars and a basket that could be attached to the front with a flower on it.

It wasn't something Simon would have chosen himself, but Hayley would love it. Simon couldn't wait to see her reaction when she walked out tomorrow morning and saw the bike under the Christmas tree.

It didn't take him long to get the bike put together and the large red bow attached to the front. Simon stood and moved the bike to the side of the tree before turning and gathering all the rubbish and taking it back to the garage for storage until garbage day.

Once everything had been cleaned up, Simon settled on the couch and pulled his mate in close as they watched the rest of the movie together.

An hour later the movie had finished and everyone stood.

"Time to play Santa," Marcus announced.

Simon watched as Marcus, Zack, and Jake all left the lounge only to return minutes later with their arms full of more presents to go under the tree. These were all from Santa.

Once present duty had been completed to the satisfaction of all, the main lights were turned off, leaving only the tree lights remaining. Simon and Zack said goodnight to everyone before heading to their room.

A very long shower later, they were snuggled together in bed, Zack lying with his head on Simon's chest while he drew patterns on Simon's stomach with his fingers. Nearly asleep, Simon barely heard his mate start talking.

"Guess what Hayley told me today?"

"Hmm, what?" Simon answered sleepily.

"She told me she wrote to Santa and asked if she could have a baby brother or sister for Christmas," Zack answered with a light chuckle.

"Really?" This was the first Simon had heard of Hayley wanting a sibling, she had never mentioned it before.

"Yeah, apparently she loves her cousins but she really wants to be a big sister," Zack said.

"Well, we'll have to see what we can do about making her dreams come true, then," Simon growled as he pulled his mate in closer and tilted his head for a kiss.

"You sure?" Zack asked, a little hesitant.

"Babe, there is nothing I want more than a large family with you. We don't have to rush out and get pregnant at the next new moon, but the option is open for when we decide the time is right for us as a family," Simon answered.

The smile that lit Zack's face melted Simon's heart. God, he loved his mate.