“In this digital publication the page numbers have been removed from the index. Please use the search function of your e-Reading device to locate the terms listed.”
A2J Author online platform interactive legal forms
Manhattan Housing Court
abuse claims and divorce cases in Tennessee
access to justice
cost of lawyers
criminal justice as theoretical contest of equals
economic disadvantage of the poor and middle class in obtaining
fewer lawyers, more justice
“more lawyers, more justice” argument
necessity of lawyers
proposed simplification of and changes to
rejection of civil Gideon equivalent
See also civil courts; court reform; criminal courts and indigent representation; technological innovations
Adams, John “Jailhouse”
administrative law judge (ALJ)
Alabama v. Shelton
Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 1998
American Arbitration Association
American Bar Association (ABA) Argersinger v. Hamlin
case triage protocols
lack of professional desire for systemic change
law school accreditation and legal training requirements
and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
and OEO funding
online legal services and potential for consumer harm
Special Committee on Legal Aid
stance on civil Gideon
stance on pro bono representation
American Medical Association
appellate review
Argersinger, Jon
Argersinger v. Hamlin
asset distribution
assigned counsel
excessive caseloads
ineffectiveness of
Attorney Grievance Commission
bankruptcies, pro se litigation of
bar associations
inherent authority and legal system regulation
rarity of attorney discipline
systemic lack of interest in pro se reform
and unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
Barton, Ben
Betts v. Brady
the Bill of Rights
and limitation of government powers
and Powell v. Alabama
and right to jury trial
Birch, John
Black, Hugo
Bok, Derek
Bromgard, Jimmy Ray
Bronx Defenders
Brown v. Board of Education
Burger, Warren
Cahn, Edgar
Cahn, Jean
California Rural Legal Assistance
capital cases
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman)
caseloads, excessive
Chavis, Ernest
Churchill, Winston
civil contempt
civil courts
access-to-justice problems for poor and middle-class Americans
challenges and inadequacies of
and collapse of small firm and solo practitioner earnings
divorce cases for poor clients
expense of private lawyers
and growth of corporate law firms
high rates of pro se litigation
homeless clients
legal aid funding and pro bono representation
necessity of lawyers for
need for reform and simplification of
procedural complexities of
See also history of civil law and procedure
Clementi, David
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone)
consumer protection
law school accreditation and legal training requirements
and unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
contract attorneys
excessive caseloads
support staff
Cook, Henry
corporate law, outsourcing and computerization of discovery
cheaper legal training and qualification options
cheaper substitutes for lawyers
high cost of law school and low earning potential
high cost and length of legal training
and necessity of lawyers
court reforms
court clerks and legal advice
courtroom processes and pro se litigation
criminal case triage
felony defense improvements
Fern Fisher and Manhattan Housing Court
future visions of
information, simplification, and standardization
inquisitorial judging
long-term effects of
misdemeanor and violation simplification
need for
online dispute resolution (ODR)
systemic lack of interest in
criminal courts and indigent representation
Bromgard rape trial
capital cases
chronic underfunding
criminal justice in America as theoretical contest of equals
DUI charges
excessive caseloads
ineffective defense lawyers
jury trials sidelined by plea bargaining
ratio of prosecutors to public defenders
criminal defense lawyers
constitutional right to
excessive caseloads
felony defense challenges and inadequacies
necessity of
poor quality of appointed lawyers
and Powell v. Alabama
right to hire one’s own defense lawyer
criminal justice in America. See access to justice
Crossman, Sara
custody disputes
Descartes, René
computerization of
outsourcing of
divorce cases
limited pro bono work in
online forms and instructions for
online mediation of
for poor clients
pro se litigation of
and systemic lack of interest in legal system reform
DNA evidence
Dripps, Donald
DUI charges
eBay and online dispute resolution (ODR)
engaged neutrality
England and deregulation of legal services
Essay on Professional Ethics (Sharswood)
Ethical Society of Chicago
eviction actions, pro se litigation of
excessive caseloads
expert witnesses
family law cases
limited pro bono work in
pro se litigation of
and rejection of civil Gideon equivalent
The Federalist Paper No. 78
field sobriety tests
Fifth Amendment
Fisher, Fern
Fonda, Henry
for-profit online legal services about
Rocket Lawyer
virtual law firms
Fourteenth Amendment
Frase v. Barnhart
Friendly, Henry
Gault, In re
Gideon, Clarence
Gideon’s Trumpet (Lewis)
Gideon v. Wainwright
and chronic underfunding of indigent defense
civil Gideon proposals
history of criminal procedure
minimal performance standards and definition of “effective aid”
and need for new approaches to access to justice
proposed expansion and funding of
See also political economy of Gideon and civil Gideon
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Goldman, Mayer
Greiner, James
Gutierrez, Cristina
Hadfield, Gillian
hair sample comparisons
Hamilton, Alexander
Haney, Judy
Harlan, John Marshall
Hashimoto, Erica
history of civil law and procedure
1700–1880 (Lay Justice era)
1880–1965 (Professionalization Project era)
1960s and 1970s (Boom Years for Lawyers and Legal Aid)
1980–Present (Cuts, Limitations, and Access-to-Justice Crisis)
civil Gideon proposals
court-appointed civil counsel
high cost of law school and low earning potential
high rates of pro se litigation
Lassiter v. Department of Social Services of Durham County
law school clinics and externships
pro bono representation
reasons for lack of low-cost alternatives
Turner v. Rogers
history of criminal law and procedure
Alabama v. Shelton
Argersinger v. Hamlin
Betts v. Brady
Gideon v. Wainwright
minimal performance standards and “effective aid”
Powell v. Alabama
Scott v. Illinois
Strickland v. Washington
Howard, Philip K.
Hughes, Evans
income ceilings and eligibility for free legal aid in Tennessee
incompetent lawyers
ineffective counsel, retrospective assessment of (Strickland v. Washington)
inherent authority and legal system regulation
innocence, criminal case triage and criminal court reforms
inquisitorial judging
IOLTA accounts
Jackson, Robert
judicial branch
inquisitorial judging
legal aid funding
systemic reliance on plea bargaining
The Jungle (Sinclair)
Justice and the Poor (Smith)
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Khan Academy
Knoxville Area Rescue Ministry
Kozinski, Alex
Kritzer, Herbert
landlord–tenant disputes
Lassiter, Abby Gail
Lassiter v. Department of Social Services of Durham County
law school clinics and externships
lay justice era of civil law (1700–1880)
Lee, Hae Min
legal advice
and court clerks
unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
Legal Aid of East Tennessee
legal aid societies
boom years for (1960s and 1970s)
and professionalization of civil law (1880–1965)
Legal Aid Society of New York
Legal Information Institute (LII)
Legal Needs and Civil Justice (ABA)
legal profession
apprentice model
cheaper substitutes for lawyers
cheaper training and qualification options
high cost of law school and low earning potential
high cost and length of training
high expense of
law schools and the American Bar Association
legal regulatory structure
medical paraprofessionals as models for
“more lawyers, more justice” argument
multidisciplinary service providers
public choice theory and lawyers’ interests and incentives
substantive complexities of American law
unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
Legal Services Act
Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
and cost of legal services
and “practice of law” definitions
and subscription model for legal advice
and unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
Lehman, Michael
limited-license legal technicians (LLLTS)
Lincoln, Abraham
Mallard v. United States
malpractice liability
Manhattan Housing Court
marital property
Maryland bar
McClain, Asia
McIntyre, Frank
mediation and online dispute resolution (ODR)
medical paraprofessionals as models for legal profession
“meet ’em and plead ’em”
Messer, James
Miranda warnings
misdemeanor cases
Argersinger v. Hamlin
and court reforms
criminal case triage
excessive caseloads and plea bargaining
necessity of lawyers for
rejection of civil Gideon equivalent
and right to court-appointed counsel
Modria (Modular Online Dispute Resolution Implementation Assistance)
Mondale, Walter
Moody, Milo
Neighborhood Defender Services of Harlem
Norris v. Alabama
North Carolina Dental Board v. FTC
nurse practitioners
Obama, Barack
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)
online dispute resolution (ODR)
Patterson, Haywood
Patterson v. Alabama
PayPal and online dispute resolution (ODR)
performance, retrospective assessment of (Strickland v. Washington)
physician assistants
plea bargaining
and contract attorney compensation and preparation
and court reforms
and excessive caseloads
jury trials sidelined by
systemic reliance on
political economy of Gideon and civil Gideon
inability of judges to order increased legal aid funding
lack of legislative incentives for systemic change
legal regulatory structure
public choice theory and lawyers’ interests and incentives
rejection of civil Gideon equivalent
shielding of criminal defense lawyers from appellate review and malpractice liability
systemic lack of interest in pro se reform
systemic reliance on plea bargaining
Posner, Richard
Powell, Lewis
Powell v. Alabama
practice of law, unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
prejudice, retrospective assessment of (Strickland v. Washington)
pro bono representation
and legal aid funding
and legal aid for the poor
procedural complexity of American law
professionalization of civil law (1880–1965)
pro se litigation
A2J Author online platform for interactive legal forms
case triage and court reforms
and courtroom processes
inquisitorial judging
legal information, simplification, and standardization
Manhattan Housing Court
necessity of lawyers for
and online dispute resolution (ODR)
public choice theory and lawyers’ interests and incentives
public defenders
decreased funding for
excessive caseloads
history of appointment of
ineffectiveness of
ratio of prosecutors to public defenders
salaries and compensation
Quicken Family Lawyer software
Reaching Out or Overreaching (American Judicature Society)
Reagan, Ronald
Report on Standards Relating to Providing Defense Services (ABA)
retail medical clinics
retrospective assessment of ineffective counsel (Strickland v. Washington)
Reynolds, Glenn
Rhode, Deborah
Roberts, John
Robinson, William
Rocket Lawyer
Roddy, Stephen
Rogers, Rebecca
Root, Elihu
Rule, Colin
Rule of Law index
rules of evidence
Scalia, Antonin
“the Scottsboro Boys”
Scott v. Illinois
The Self-Help Friendly Court (Zorza)
Serial podcast
Shriver, Sargent
Simkovic, Michael
Simple Rules for a Complex World (Epstein)
Sixth Amendment
South Carolina Supreme Court
staircase approach to online dispute resolution
state constitutions and inherent-authority doctrine
Strickland v. Washington
substantive complexities of American law
support staff, chronic underfunding of indigent defense
Susskind, Richard
Sweet, Robert
Syed, Adnan
Tamanaha, Brian
technological innovations
and consumer safety
and court reforms
creation of court filings and legal documents
for-profit online legal services
free online access to law information
lawyers and in-court representation
legal tech startups
legal training
LegalZoom and “practice of law” definitions
mediation and online dispute resolution (ODR)
medical paraprofessionals
Teissier, Rick
Tennessee Access to Justice Commission
Tennessee Supreme Court
Texas Access to Justice Commission
Touzeau v. Deffinbaugh
Turner, Michael
Turner v. Rogers
unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
University of Pennsylvania Law School
University of Tennessee Homeless Legal Advocacy Project
urgent-care medical centers
U.S. Constitution and guarantee of equal justice for all
U.S. Supreme Court
Argersinger v. Hamlin
Powell v. Alabama
silence on plea bargaining
Turner v. Rogers and rejection of civil Gideon equivalent
War on Poverty
Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) and limited-license legal technicians (LLLTS)
Weiss, Annie Belle
West Publishing
William Mitchell College of Law
World Justice Project (WJP)