
In his report to the police, Dr. Andrew related, in part:

Because she suffered a confusion of identity and other psychological afflictions, Mrs. N spent more than fifteen years in our institution, during which time not a single person came to visit her, despite her being a well-known writer of works that attracted great interest when they were published. She first came to us expressing a fear that murderous spirits were transforming her into a killer, and we received her and pursued her treatment, both psychological and medical, throughout all these years. (See attached report 1.)

When Miss Zahra opened the door to Mrs. N’s room this morning, she found Mrs. N swimming in a pool of her own blood. She had stabbed herself with new Faber-Castell pencils under her right shoulder only to pull them out and plant them in her torso, directly in the solar plexus. This caused serious blood loss, which led to her passing shortly before dawn. (See forensic report, attached.)

Scattered around her, we found many papers, some of them stained with blood. It was clear that they belonged to a single manuscript of numbered pages bearing the title Mister N. Under her hand was a fresh sheet, and using a finger dipped in her own blood, she had written:

Finally. I’ve finally freed myself from him.