
Chapter Seventeen


McKenna sat in the waiting room with her dad, Wes, Noelle, and Wyatt. Glenna had stayed home with Annalise and Joy. Lucas and Erin were on their way. The five of them already took up most of the waiting room.

Noelle sat with her Kindle in her lap, reading. Wes paced nearby. Daniel St. Claire was sipping a cup of coffee, and Wyatt sat beside McKenna.

“Do you want anything? Tea? Water?” He put a hand on her knee as he whispered in her ear.

“If you can find any tea around here, you’d be my hero.”

He smiled wide. “Well, I best go on the hunt for some tea then. I’d love to be a hero in your eyes.” With a wink, he stood and left the room.

There was that word again.


Why was she so afraid of it? She had been loved her entire life. Her mom and dad. Her brothers. Glenna. Why couldn’t she wrap her head around letting Wyatt into that circle?

Her mom’s face came to mind.

Because love meant loss. And she didn’t do well with loss. Keeping things casual and cool with the men in her life had always worked for her. But when she thought of that now, keeping Wyatt at arm’s length, she knew she didn’t want that, either.

“Are we too late? Are the babies here yet?” Erin and Lucas came rushing into the waiting room. Lucas was holding a huge bundle of blue roses in his arms.

McKenna shook her head. Leave it to a St. Claire to find unusually colored roses for such an occasion, and at the last minute. Man, she adored these people. And, yes, she loved them fiercely. But her gut churned at the thought of losing any one of them. She thought of when Mike had crashed and how she’d have run across the globe if that was what it took to get to him. The thought hadn’t escaped her, either, that she had been halfway across the globe when it happened. If she lived closer, she’d be here when her family needed her.

Wyatt joined Lucas and Erin in the doorway, a large iced tea in his hand. He really was her perfect man. So, what the hell was her hesitation?

“Hey, guys.”

“Hey, Wyatt.” Lucas and Wyatt shook hands. Erin gave him a hug.

Everyone settled into the room once more, Wes finally giving in to Noelle’s pleas for him to sit for a bit. He’d paced so much Noelle teased he had worn a path in the carpet.

“So, what’s the latest update?”

“Franchesca is doing well,” McKenna’s father said. “The doctor came in about an hour ago and said she was progressing nicely and the babies look good.”

“An hour ago? That seems like a long time.” Erin looked from Daniel to Lucas and back again.

“Not in baby time,” Noelle said. She smiled and looked at Wes. “Joy took her sweet time. The doctor kept telling me we were almost there and after a few hours I looked at Wes and officially deemed the doctor a liar.”

Everyone laughed.

“This is so amazing.” Erin took Lucas’s hand in hers. “I can’t believe we are going to have two more babies in the family.”

“Well, three.”

Erin’s eyes got wide and she swatted Lucas on the shoulder. “We weren’t going to say anything until later.”

“Wait. What?” Noelle jumped up out of her chair and clapped her hands. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

Lucas’s grin lit up the room. “Yep. We’re next in line. Baby is due around Thanksgiving.”

The room erupted with congratulations and everyone moved around hugging one another. McKenna held Erin tight and then put a hand to her tummy. “This is so fantastic. I can’t believe you hadn’t told us yet.”

Erin put her hand over McKenna’s and elbowed Lucas. “Well, I’m not super far along yet, and the plan was to wait and not steal the twins’ thunder, but your brother clearly can’t control himself when it comes to news.”

“Happy news, babe!” Lucas put his arms out wide. “Look! It’s a celebration. A true babyfest.”

The room filled with laughter once more.

“Can I join the party?”

They all turned to find Mike in the doorway.

“Are they here?” The group asked in unison.

“Not yet. But they are wheeling her into an operating room. Things look great. Franchesca is awesome. I will be back when I can. Love you all.” He blew them all a kiss and left.

“Wait. The OR. Is that bad?” McKenna asked.

“No. Because it’s twins, they do the delivery in an OR with two of every kind of doctor and nurse. Franchesca explained it to me after her last appointment. It’s so they can be prepared for anything, but like Mike said, it all looks good. She’s gonna do great.” Noelle put a hand on McKenna’s arm.

They all settled into the room once more. Erin and Noelle started chatting about babies, Wes, Lucas, and Wyatt stood off to the side of the room and began talking sports. McKenna settled into a chair next to her dad.

“How ya holdin’ up, my girl?” Her dad leaned in and patted her knee.

“Me? How about you? You’re about to be a grandfather to two more babies, and now another one is on the way!”

Her father smiled wide. Not something she saw much out of him in her lifetime. It looked good on him. No. That wasn’t it. Her father was a kind man who was happy when his family was happy. It was more the relaxed expression she wasn’t used to that suited him.

He took a deep breath in and let it out. “Well, it certainly is a lot of information to take in in one day, but... I’m thrilled. I just want Franchesca to get through this without issue.”

McKenna nodded. “Me, too. Mike’s been through enough. It’s about time he had a happily-ever-after.”

“What about you?” Her dad winked at her.

“What about me, Dad?”

“I think it’s time you had your happy ever after as well.” His gaze moved to Wyatt and then back to her again.

She watched as Wyatt laughed and talked with her brothers. He fit right in. Lucas said something and Wyatt cracked up. The man was downright yummy when he smiled. And his laugh sent all kinds of good shivers through her. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind of the attraction between them, but was he her happily-ever-after?

“Looks like you’re thinking way too hard about this one, my girl.”

“I need to think it through, Dad. Things with Wyatt are...complicated.”

“Oh, I don’t think it’s all that crazy.”

“He has a daughter.”

Her father shrugged. “So? And that daughter adores you and you adore her. What’s the problem?”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“If you go into it with that kind of mindset, I doubt you’ll ever be able to think forever. With anyone.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She turned in her chair to face her dad, making sure to keep her voice down so the others wouldn’t home in on the conversation.

“In business, I always think through every deal down to every possible worst-case scenario. I only take the risk if I can live through and live with the worst case happening. But in love, if the worst-case scenario is you lose that person? Well, then you better hold on to them tight and never ever let them get away.”

“You’re talking gibberish, Dad.”

He chuckled. “No, I’m not. It’s simple. If you can’t see living your life without Wyatt, then hold on tight and enjoy the ride of life with him.”

“But what if I do that and I lose him? The way you lost... the way we all lost mom.” Her voice cracked as she fought back tears.

His hand wrapped around hers. “Oh, my girl. Losing your mother was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. But loving her and living as much of life with her as I was able to? That was worth it. No pain can ever take away the memories I have with her. The four amazing children we made together. Nothing. It will always be mine and hers. I have no regrets that I chose to love your mother and live life with her.”

Wyatt patted Lucas on the shoulder and headed toward them.

“Now it’s time for you to make a choice as well.” He squeezed her hand and stood. “Good to see you, Wyatt.” The two men shook hands. “Please, take my seat. I’m going to walk the halls for a bit, stretch my legs.”

“Love you, Dad.”

“Love you, too, my girl.” With a wink, he turned and left the room.


A few hours later, McKenna stood in Franchesca’s hospital suite with her family. Although it was a large room, with the entire St. Claire army in there, it was crowded, to say the least.

Erin held one baby in her arms while the other was bundled in Daniel’s lap. He sat in a rocking chair in the corner of the room, his face glowing with pride.

“I love their names,” Noelle said.

“Daniel for Mike’s dad and Colton for mine.” Franchesca was propped up in bed, her hand in Mike’s who stood beside her. For a woman who had given birth to not one baby, but two, a mere few hours ago, she looked amazing. Tired, but amazing nonetheless.

“Strong names, both of them.” McKenna looked at her dad who had made the comment, but hadn’t taken his eyes off his new grandson who now gripped one of his fingers tightly in his tiny hand.

“They’re so beautiful, Franchesca.” Noelle bent down and placed a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “You did great.”

“Thanks. Mike got me through it.” She smiled up at her husband who placed a tender kiss on her lips.

“I think I pulled a hamstring though. And possibly broke a bone or two in my hand.”

Everyone laughed as Franchesca swatted him playfully.

“Wait. Pulled a hamstring? How’d you do that?” Wes put his arms around Noelle who had stepped in front of him. “I understand the broken hand. I didn’t know Noelle had such a vice grip until Joy was born.”

“At one point, I was pulling on his shirt during a contraction and turned him sideways next to my bed. It’s hard to explain...” Franchesca waved a hand. “But, please, continue complaining about any pain you’ve experienced today. I’m so sympathetic.” She rolled her eyes.

Lucas winced. “Sheesh. Is this really what I have to look forward to?”

“Forward to?”

“That’s right. You guys didn’t hear the news. Erin and I are next.”

McKenna could hardly stand all the glowing going on in the room as Mike and Franchesca congratulated Erin and Lucas. Erin passed baby Colton off to Wes so she could hug Franchesca. The joy that filled the room was palpable. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel a bit of an outsider.

Wyatt had gone to call his mom and update her but had to go outside to do so because cell coverage was so bad where they were in the hospital. In some ways, McKenna was glad he wasn’t there at that moment. With all the marital and parenting merriment, she feared all eyes would turn to her and Wyatt, embarrassing them.

“If you had held on just a bit longer, babe, they’d have been born on Mother’s Day.”

“Don’t you dare say that, Mike St. Claire. I couldn’t have held on another second if I had tried.”

Everyone looked to the babies with a smile, the thought of Franchesca being a mother so close to Mother’s Day adding to the joy of the moment.

McKenna was suddenly in need of some fresh air. She hugged Mike and told him she’d be back, that she was going to get a water bottle from the vending machine. The quiet of the hall was a vast difference from all the voices that had filled Franchesa’s room.

The last thing she wanted was to bring down everyone’s merriment, but she couldn’t quite match their happiness. Yes, she was thrilled for her brother and Franchesca, and, yes, she loved that she was an auntie again. But the ache that filled her heart at her mother not being there was a heavy weight on her shoulders. She should be in that room, too, oohing and ahhing over her new grandchildren.

The fact that it was almost Mother’s Day wasn’t a positive to McKenna. It was like a twist of the knife in her heart that had been there since her mother’s death.

She took a turn and made her way down another hall. Her hands shoved deep in her pockets with her head down, she almost ran straight into a nurse.

“Oh! I’m so sorry.”

The two women looked at one another. “McKenna? McKenna St. Claire?”


They laughed and hugged each other.

“What are you doing here?” McKenna asked.

“I could say the same for you. Last time I saw you, you were headed to Brazil or something.”

McKenna smiled, remembering. She and Juliet had become friends on one of her trips to Africa. Juliet was working there as a nurse and the two women were on the same day hike.


“Right.” Juliet nodded.

“And you were saving lives in Africa.”

“Well, trying to do what I can.” Juliet motioned to her outfit—pink scrubs and comfortable shoes. “What brings you here?”

McKenna pointed down the hall she’d come from. “My brother’s wife just had twins.”

“Congratulations! That’s so great.”

“It is. What are you doing in Marietta?”

“Well, it’s crazy on a lot of fronts that I ran into you. When we met in Africa, you talked about Montana.” She shrugged. “I wanted to live in a small town for a while, so I chose Marietta. I got a job here at the hospital so... here I am.”

“No way! That’s so cool.”

“And I love it here. So, I owe you a thank-you. Are you staying around a while?” She shook her head. “What am I saying? Of course you’re probably planning your next big trip. Where are you off to this time?”

“I don’t know. Brazil sounds fun. That’s probably next on the list.”


Wyatt’s voice echoed down the empty hallway, the timbre in it sending a shiver down McKenna’s spine.

She turned to see Wyatt standing there, his hands in his pockets and a confused look on his face.

“Hi, there. I’m Juliet.” Juliet extended her hand and Wyatt shook it, but never took his eyes off McKenna. “Um. Well. It was good to see you, McKenna. Call me before you leave town. We’ll do lunch or something.”

Sensing tension, Juliet went on her way, leaving Wyatt and McKenna alone.

“You’re leaving?”

“No. Wyatt. That isn’t what I said.”

“That’s not how it sounded to me.”

“I know how that must have sounded, Wyatt. But let me explain.”

“You know what? It’s okay.” He put his hands up and took a step back. “It’s late and it’s been a long day. You need to be with your family. And I need to go home to Kaiti.”

With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving McKenna to watch him go.