“Welcome back to the States, Lake. Did you enjoy your time in Paris?”
Lake looked at the beautiful woman standing by his brother’s side. Brandy Masters. He smiled, thinking how good they looked together. Brandy made Grey happy, and for that, Lake would be eternally grateful. “Yes, things went rather well, better than expected. We were able to close the deal without a hitch.”
“That’s wonderful. Come by the hotel for brunch tomorrow so the three of us can celebrate,” Brandy said, smiling warmly.
“I’ll make sure I do that.” Lake then glanced at his watch. The honorees had arrived more than an hour ago, so where was Sonya’s cousin? He hadn’t given much thought to the possibility that she would not attend. He was tempted to ask Brandy, since he knew she’d assisted Carla in getting out the invitations. However, he didn’t want to raise Brandy’s suspicions about anything. The last thing he needed was for one of his sisters-in-law to know that he was interested in any woman.
“Needing to be somewhere else, Lake?”
He glanced up and met his brother’s gaze. “Why do you ask?”
“Because you keep looking at your watch.”
Lake frowned. Leave it to Grey to notice every single thing. “No, I’m just trying to decide how soon I can leave,” he lied. “You know how I am about parties.” At least that much was the truth. In his line of business, he attended enough of them, but that didn’t mean he liked them. However, he had purposefully accepted the invitation to this one. He needed to see Courtney Andrews again to make sure he hadn’t gone off the deep end, and that he hadn’t imagined all those things about her. The woman had become too embedded in his thoughts, and he needed to remind himself why.
“So I guess you’ve heard Shane and Faith’s good news.”
Lake nodded to his brother. “Spoke to Mom this morning, and she told me. She’s excited about getting another grandchild.”
Grey laughed. “Ecstatic is more like the word. Now if she can get you married off, I’m sure she would be overjoyed.”
He was about to open his mouth and say something to that remark when Brandy said, “Oh, Courtney just arrived. Excuse me, guys, I need to speak with her for a second about something.”
Both men watched her walk off, and it took a second for Lake to control the rush of sensations that were trying to overtake him. “Who’s Courtney?” he asked, just to see if Grey knew anything about her that Devin hadn’t shared.
“Courtney Andrews is Sonya’s cousin,” Grey said before taking a sip of his wine.
At that moment, Lake felt it was safe to turn around. His heart almost stopped beating when his gaze did an appreciative sweep of the woman.
Her hair flowed in a silky wave around her shoulders, and she had a long, graceful neck. Beautiful. Especially her lips. They were full, inviting, the kind a man would want to nibble, taste, and devour time and time again. He forced his eyes to move lower, and they paused at her chest, taking in the delectable curve of her breasts in the sundress she was wearing before moving downward to her small waist. His gaze moved lower still, and from the flare of the dress around her hips, one wouldn’t know that she possessed one spectacular-looking backside. But he had seen it before and had liked what he’d seen.
His eyes then went to her legs. Nice. Long. Shapely. And the strappy, high-heeled sandals made them look sexy. Altogether, she was one hell of a gorgeous package, just as he remembered.
“Like what you see, Lake?”
For a minute he’d forgotten Grey was still standing there. It was too much to have hoped that his intense perusal of Courtney would go unnoticed. He turned back to Grey. “And what if I do?”
He watched Grey’s brow arch. “If you do, then I’m sure Brandy would—”
“No. I don’t want Brandy involved. Alexia or Faith either, for that matter.” He glanced back over his shoulder to Courtney before his gaze swiveled back to Grey. “I want to handle things my way without any interference.”
Grey lowered his drink from his lips, studied his brother. “Sounds serious.”
“Possibly, it is.”
“Just from one look?”
Lake shrugged. “This isn’t the first look. I saw her from a distance at Devin’s office, the day before I left the country.” And she’s been on my mind ever since. That part he decided not to share with Grey at the moment. He and his three brothers were close. They knew him. They understood him. They had long ago accepted that when it came to his personal business, he liked doing things his way. And if he wanted something bad enough, he got it.
“So, you came here tonight with a plan,” Grey said, not really surprised.
Lake shook his head. “I hate to disappoint you, but, no, there’s no plan.”
Grey chuckled. “Smart move. When it comes to a woman who has drawn the interest of a Masters man, things work better without a plan. Ask Quinn or Shane. They’ll back me on that.”
Lake had no reason not to believe him. He’d been out of the game too long, and after Liz, he never really cared to know how it was played. He hoped it would be like riding a bicycle. It was just a matter of getting back on and taking off … for what it was worth. He glanced back over his shoulder. And from where he was standing, it was worth a lot.
“She’s a lot younger than what I figured you’d be interested in.”
He turned back to Grey. “Yes, she is. From what I understand, I’m almost ten years older than she is.”
“Umm, I remembered what you once said.”
Lake frowned. He remembered what he’d once said, too. “Yes, but I might have a good reason to look at things differently now and not let age be a determining factor.”
“Don’t put too much into it, Grey. I haven’t even met her yet,” he said, trying to rationalize why he felt such a desire to have the woman standing across the room. Sure, she was attractive and had a great body, but he knew a number of women with those characteristics. Simple enough. But he had a feeling that there was something about Courtney Andrews that went beyond simple.
“I’ve met her,” Grey interrupted his thoughts by saying. “Besides being a looker, Courtney is smart, intelligent, likable, and she has a good head on her shoulders for her age.”
“I take that to mean she doesn’t come with drama.”
Grey grinned. “Lake, every woman comes with drama to some degree. It’s going to be up to you to decide just how much of it you’re willing to tolerate.”
Lake wasn’t surprised his brother would feel that way. Considering Grey’s in-laws, namely Brandy’s mom, Valerie, and her dad, Victor, he could definitely understand why Grey was saying that. Valerie and Victor never married, but after over thirty-something years, they were still embroiled in a love-hate relationship. But that’s where he and Grey were different. Personally, for him when it came to drama—especially of the family kind— he had a zero-tolerance level. No woman was worth it. He had Liz to thanks for his feeling that way. “Remember what I said,” Lake warned. “Not a word to Brandy and the others.”
Grey chuckled. “I’m married to a pretty smart woman, Lake. She’ll figure out things without my help. It won’t take a rocket scientist to detect that you’re interested.”
“Maybe not, but I don’t need or want anyone’s help, and I’m depending on you to convince Brandy of that.”
Grey laughed. “Her intentions are good. She loves you.”
“I love her, too, but I have to determine if Courtney’s the one on my own. You know the vow.”
Grey glanced back over to where his wife was talking to Courtney. “Yes, I know the vow.”
Lake nodded. All the Masters had vowed never to marry until they were sure they had found the perfect mate, and it was about more than a beautiful face, a nice body, and a pair of gorgeous legs.
“I’m going to move around and mingle awhile,” Lake said with a sigh of finality in his voice.
“And then?”
He met Grey’s inquisitive gaze. “And then when I feel the time is right, I will introduce myself.”

If only I could find a guy who loved me as much, Courtney thought, reflecting on her conversation earlier with Sonya and Mike. The newlyweds had had a fabulous time in Italy, and she could tell just from the way they interacted with each other that their marriage was off to a good start. They were simply perfect for each other.
And it was quite obvious to everyone that Mike adored his wife. Courtney, although she was extremely happy for her cousin, couldn’t help but feel a little envy. That’s what she wanted. That’s what she desired most of all: for a man to cater to her every whim, and she in turn would cater to his. She wanted a man who would be her soul mate. A man who would give her a reason to look forward to the end of every workday. A man she could share her secrets with. A man who would hold friendship with the same high regard that he would hold sex. Was that too much to ask for? Evidently it was, since she was twenty-nine and still didn’t have a man. But she refused to settle for just anything or anyone. She refused to think that anything was better than nothing. Instead, she was convinced that nothing from nothing left nothing, and she was a woman who wanted everything. In her heart, she felt she was more than deserving of a man who would treat her like a princess and make her his queen.
Her parents thought she was just too nitpicky. They believed she was looking for too much out of a relationship. She totally disagreed with them. The way she saw it, at her age, why should she waste her time on someone who didn’t have anything to offer her other than grief? She was too well established in her own career to want a man who needed her help in establishing his. She wanted to meet someone already on her level or above, and not someone she had to help get there.
Thinking too much about her love life—or lack thereof—was giving her a headache, so she snagged a crystal champagne flute off the tray of a passing waiter and took a sip.
She’d had a brief moment to talk to Sonya alone, but never had the heart to tell her cousin just what she thought of that little black book she’d inherited. Just as well, Courtney thought. The last person she needed to unload her problems on tonight was Sonya. This was Sonya and Mike’s night, and like the others in attendance, she had come to welcome them back home.
She took another sip of her drink and inwardly smiled. Vickie was supposed to have been her date tonight, but Dan had surprised Vickie and come to town. Just as Courtney had assumed, his new job was overloading his time, and his inability to get away for the weekends had nothing to do with how he felt about Vickie. Courtney was glad all of that had gotten straightened out. Dan was a sweetheart and Vickie was blessed to have someone like him in her life.
Thinking that she would remain at the party for another half hour at the most, she was about to cross the room and chat with Amber Jeffries, someone she’d gotten to know through Sonya’s friendship with Carla, when she happened to notice a man staring at her.
At first she thought it was Grey Masters, Brandy’s husband, but when she looked again, she saw it wasn’t Grey but a man who closely resembled him. She wondered if perhaps it was one of Grey’s brothers.
Courtney stared back, totally mesmerized as a sharp tingling sensation invaded her entire body. Something indefinable was taking place between them, and she didn’t understand just what. But the one thing she did know was that the man was simply gorgeous.
She wondered about his age, since even from across the room she could see the sprinkle of gray at his temples, which gave him a very distinguished look. On top of that, dressed in a polo shirt and a pair of dark trousers, the man had a build that emitted such raw physical masculinity that it almost took her breath away.
He was tall, over six feet easily, and the coloring of his skin reminded her of malted milk chocolate. Then there were his eyes—dark, impressive, and alluring. And the short, neatly trimmed beard was classic sexy and gave a look to his face that was totally sensual.
He stood leaning against a huge planter with his hands in his pockets and his focus entirely on her. She wondered if anyone ever told him it was rude to stare. But then she wasn’t helping the situation by staring back. Her eyes drew together in a slight frown, and as she watched, so did his.
Okay, so he was hot as sin, sexy as all outdoors. But she’d been in the presence of good-looking men before, so what made this one so gut-wrenchingly different? As she pondered that question, he moved, and her heart began racing when she saw he was headed over to her.
Even his walk was incredibly sexy, she thought as she watched him. He strode across the room appearing powerful, in control, confident. The nipples of her breasts began tingling with every step that he took.
She shook her head, thinking she had to be losing her mind, especially after the three disappointments she’d endured within the past three weeks. She couldn’t get her hopes up. She refused to assume anything. And more than that, she would not let her guard down, although the sensations flowing through her body were as intoxicating as the drink she’d taken earlier.
Her stomach tightened, and she could actually feel her navel tingle. This man was making chills and heat consume her all at once. She thought of turning and escaping to the nearest patio, but decided she’d never been a coward. No man had ever gotten this much of a reaction from her. She would handle it or die trying. And no matter what, she would not let him know the effect he was having on her. Even if it killed her. She inhaled, trying desperately to ignore the warm sensations overtaking her the closer he got.
And when he came to a stop directly in front of her, he stared at her a moment longer before extending his hand and saying in what she thought was a deep, sensuous tone, “Hello, I’m Lake Masters.”