“I had a nice time this afternoon with you, Peggy,” Willie said when they reached her front door.
She turned and smiled up at him. “And I had a nice time with you, as well. I can’t remember the last time I spent an entire day at Disney World.” She chuckled. “I think Sonya had to have been around ten. Needless to say, when we left the park that day, I swore when she went back she would be old enough to take herself. She wanted to ride on just about everything that was there.”
He grinned down at her. “Oh, like you did today?”
Peggy couldn’t help but laugh. She would admit that she had persuaded him to join her on a lot of the rides. For the first time in years, she had felt young and full of life. And each time she had caught him looking at her the way a man looked at a woman he was interested in, she had felt attractive. Toni had been right. Although she couldn’t understand why, Willie was interested in her. There had to be a number of other women who would love the attention … not that she didn’t. She just didn’t feel worthy. It’s not like she was a knockout or anything like that. She would think he’d want a much younger woman. Maybe not so young as Joe’s child bride, but definitely a woman in her forties or early fifties.
“Okay, what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”
She smiled up at him. Another thing she liked about him was that he was free with compliments. “I was thinking that it’s still relatively early,” she said, glancing at her watch. “It’s a little before seven. Would you like to come in and visit for a while?”
He held her gaze. “Are you sure that won’t be putting you out? You have spent the majority of the day with me.”
“Yes, and I loved every minute,” she said, smiling.
He gave her a dazzling smile, and she felt a stirring in her stomach. “Then I would love to visit with you some more.”

Courtney’s chest tightened at the sound of the doorbell announcing Lake’s arrival. How did you backpedal and become friends with a man who just a few nights ago had been your lover in the most intimate way possible?
That’s for you to figure out since this entire “just friends” thing was your idea, she muttered to herself as she headed for the door. But no matter what one part of her mind was thinking—as well as the dress-down she’d gotten from Sonya—she wanted to believe she was doing the right thing. Her parents’ marriage initially had been based on lust and not love, and her unexpected conception didn’t help matters. Over the years, she doubted they had ever truly been friends, and she prayed it wasn’t too late. She hoped their trip to Hawaii was just the beginning.
She opened the door to find a handsome Lake Masters standing there smiling at her. She returned his smile and fought back the urge to reach out and wrap her arms around his neck and devour his lips. No, she couldn’t do that, since they were just friends.
“Lake,” she greeted. “Won’t you come in.”
She stepped aside for him to enter, taking in his arousing male scent. “I just need to grab my purse off the table.” She quickly crossed the room.
“You look nice.”
She got her purse and turned around. “Thanks. You look good, too.”
He chuckled. “Appreciate the compliment.”
She could give him others, she thought, when she walked back across the room to him. She could tell him how good he smelled and how nice he was built. She could also mention how good it felt when his bare flesh touched hers or how butterflies went off in her stomach just from the sound of his voice.
“I’m ready,” she said, thinking her voice sounded rather breathy and deep.
“All right.”
For a split second, she thought his gaze turned hot and intimate. She blinked and the look was gone. Had she imagined it, or did he have that sort of control of his emotions?
“I thought that we would go see a movie, as well. Is that all right with you?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
He then led the way to the front door, and the one thing she noticed was that he hadn’t taken hold of her hand as he usually did. She missed the contact.

“I think I’m going to get up early tomorrow and join you in the fitness room.”
“Huh.” Ron, who was lounging on the sofa in his hotel suite flipping channels with the remote control, glanced over at his wife. He hoped he had heard her wrong.
“I said that I’m going to the fitness room with you tomorrow. I need to start doing something. I’ve been eating a lot this week. Maybe the treadmill will do me some good.”
He sat up. “Yes, but are you sure you want to work out that early? I’m there before seven.”
She gave a half laugh. “Yes, I’m sure. In fact, I plan to spend the entire day with you tomorrow and for the rest of the trip. We only have a few days left before we fly home.”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do that,” he said, his mind thinking about those few days he had left without getting a blow job. He was a true addict.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. And to make sure, I plan on going to bed early tonight. That way I can get up when you do in the morning. But now I plan on visiting the salon downstairs. I want to get my nails done.”
He got up off the sofa and crossed the room to her. He took her hands in his and looked at her nails. “There’s nothing wrong with your nails; they look fine.”
She smiled. “I want to change the color of the polish.”
He cleared his throat. “Will you be gone long?”
“Not too long. Why do you ask? Do you have something you want us to do later?”
“Nah, I was just asking. Take your time. While you’re gone, I might go play a game of golf or something,” he said.
His pecker was throbbing, since it knew just what that something was. If he couldn’t get satisfied in the morning, then he would contact Ashira now. He just hoped she was in her room. Her afternoons were usually free, since that’s the time he spent with Barbara. Damn it to hell, his wife had messed up his pleasure schedule.

Ashira felt herself coming apart under David’s mouth when his tongue continued to lick her inside out. If they were giving a prize to the woman who’d come the most in a given week, she bet that she would win hands down. This had been some vacation, and she appreciated Ronnie for bringing her. As long as she could put up with his grueling sex in the morning, her afternoons belonged to her … and David. Oh, and she couldn’t forget Evan, another guy she had met a few days ago. But unlike David, she hadn’t invited Evan up to her room. They had done the thing in his room on a day his wife had taken a trip to one of the other islands to go sightseeing.
She heard the phone, wondering who would be calling and figured it could be only one person. “Don’t stop,” she all but screamed at David when he pulled his mouth away. “Ignore it.”
He smiled up at her before leaning back down and settling his mouth back on her. She sighed in contentment when his frisky tongue went to work on her again.

Anger flared in Ron’s eyes. Where the hell was Ashira? Granted, he had never tried contacting her in the afternoons before, but hell, she should be at his beck and call no matter what time it was. That suite he was paying for her to stay in wasn’t cheap.
He dropped back on the sofa, thinking she was probably out shopping, spending more of his money. She had a lot to make up to him, whether it was here or when they got back to Orlando. There would be payday. He grabbed the remote off the table. His pecker was still throbbing. He needed to do something. It would be taking a huge risk, especially if Barbara was around and wanted to be clingy, but he needed to get a quick fix from Ashira and bad.
Since she had arrived on the island a few days before they had, she would be leaving the island before they did. He wanted some time with her before she left. But at the moment, thanks to Barbara, he couldn’t figure out just how he was going to fit it into his schedule.
He jumped off the sofa when he heard the sound of his cell phone ringing and raced across the room to get it, hoping it was Ashira calling him back. He frowned when he recognized the caller ID. It wasn’t Ashira. It was Melissa. Why the hell was she calling him?
Angry beyond belief, he didn’t give her a chance to say anything and blared into the phone. “Listen, bitch, stop calling me. I don’t want you anymore. Get it? And if you call me again I’m going to file harassment charges and you’ll be locked up.”
He clicked off the phone and hoped like hell that he’d heard the last of her.

“So tell me about Peggy Morrison.”
Peggy glanced over at Willie. They were sitting on her back patio that overlooked a huge lake. Some of her neighbors had taken their boats out, and they watched as they made their way through the still waters. “I’m divorced and have been for almost four years now.”
“Are you and your husband still friends?”
Not hardly. She shook her head. Deciding to provide him with an honest answer, she said, “No, we are far from being, friends especially since our marriage ended because he was unfaithful.”
He held her gaze. “I’m sorry.”
“Thanks, but I’m over it now. It took me a while, though. We had been married for over thirty years. He met a woman and decided he wanted her more than me. So he asked me for a divorce to marry her.”
Willie didn’t say anything for a moment, and then he said, “I can’t imagine a man leaving you for another woman.”
She appreciated his comment. “Well, he did. But then what I failed to tell you about the woman was that she was younger than our daughter. So I guess in his book, he felt he was getting a good deal.”
“Well, the clock is ticking for the both of them,” Willie said quietly. “Your husband is aging, and so is she. Right before each other’s eyes. You have to have more in a marriage than looks and lust. There has to be love.”
She agreed. “I truly thought we had that. I also thought we were the perfect family. He showed me just how wrong I was.”
“No, it sounds like he was the one who was wrong. I loved, honored, and cherished my wife until the day she died. I never put another woman before her, was never tempted to. When we said ‘till death do us part,’ I meant it.”
Peggy thought Joe should have meant it as well, but he hadn’t.
“I understand you recently were the mother of the bride.”
Willie words cut into her thoughts. “Yes,” she said, smiling proudly. “Sonya got married a last month. It was a beautiful wedding.”
“And I’m sure you were a radiant mother of the bride.”
“Thank you,” she said, holding his gaze. She wanted to think he wasn’t saying the words merely to be kind. That he really meant them.
She watched him glance at his watch, and then he looked back at her and said, “How would you like to take in a movie tonight?”
She lifted her brow. “A movie?” She said the words as if she’d never heard them before.
He chuckled. “Yes, a movie. It’s still fairly early—at least too early for the teenagers. Believe it or not, they start to arrive at midnight. I noticed more and more kids don’t have curfews. Kelly did when she was growing up. I didn’t allow her to be out past eleven.”
She and Joe had had a similar curfew time for Sonya, Peggy thought.
“If we go to the movies, I prefer not being there with a bunch of teens. Some of them have no respect,” Willie said.
She had to agree. It had been ages since she’d gone to the movies, and then one night Barbara had talked her into going and they ended up leaving the theater before the movie had ended. There had been more action going on around them than on the big screen.
“Do you want to go?”
“Yes.” She pushed herself to her feet and smiled over at him. “I’d love to go.”
He stood up, as well, close beside her. “And I’d love to take you.”
At that moment, Peggy became aware of just how close they were standing, and then as if her lips were finally getting something they had wanted all day, he lowered his head and she leaned up and met him halfway.
Surprise and excitement rammed through her body the moment their lips touched, and it seemed that his fitted perfectly against the fullness of hers. Then he began kissing her in a way that she had never been kissed before. She felt her heart racing and heat flaming through her body, and then when she thought she was about to go up in smoke, he slowly released her mouth.
He then took the tip of his finger and traced it along her cheekbone as he stared deep into her eyes. He smiled. “I like kissing you, Peggy Morrison,” he said huskily against her moist lips.
“And I like being kissed by you,” she said honestly. “Please do it again.”
And he did.

“Have you told Sonya about the baby yet?”
Joe glanced over at Suzette. God, he hoped it wasn’t going to be one of those days. He was getting too old for this. “No, I haven’t told her.”
He rolled his eyes. “Mainly because I haven’t spoken with her since she’s been back from her honeymoon. She’s a married woman now with a husband to take care of.”
Suzette snorted. “But that didn’t keep her from having a party, a party we didn’t get invited to.”
He wished for once he could come home to relax and not to his wife’s bitching. “According to Peggy, Sonya didn’t give the party. Carla did.”
“I don’t care who gave it,” she snapped. “We weren’t invited. If you ask me, we barely got invited to the wedding.”
He sighed, wondering why she was bringing all that back up again. She had beat it to death last month. “I don’t want to talk about it, Suzette. You’ve made it known to all who want to hear, just how you feel.”
“Well, that’s not good enough. I want to have a party. Here.”
“And who will you invite?” He didn’t want to have to remind her that she had few friends. She’d even lost those she had before marrying him after rubbing in their faces the things she had and they didn’t.
“I’ll think of somebody,” she said, smiling excitedly.
“We don’t have money for a party, Suzette,” he said firmly.
“Sure we do. You work every day.”
And he knew he would be working for a long while to come if he continued to let her spend all their money. He had put her on a budget, but that hadn’t worked. “We don’t have money for a party, Suzette,” he repeated.
He figured she finally heard him loud and clear, because after muttering a few choice words, she turned and stormed out of the room.
He pulled himself up off the sofa, deciding to call Sonya. He’d rather tell her in person, but Suzette had taken that opportunity away from him. Out of spite, Suzette wouldn’t hesitate to call Sonya herself and tell her. It was best that his daughter hear it from him. Taking his cell phone, he headed out to the garage, where he could make a call in private.

“Barbara, I think I’ll go out for a walk. Do you want to join me?” Ron asked, knowing that she wouldn’t want to. While at the salon, she had gotten her toes done, too, and he doubted she wanted to mess anything up with a pair of walking shoes.
“Yes, I’ll join you.”
He swirled around, surprised she had accepted his invitation.
She raised a brow. “What’s wrong?”
He shrugged and tried not to show his disappointment. “Nothing. I’m just surprised you’d want to go. You’re going to mess up your toenails when you put on your walking shoes.”
She looked down at her feet. “No, I won’t, since I’m wearing my open-toe sandals. And they are so comfortable. I’ll be fine,” she said, crossing the room and taking his hand in hers.
He wanted to snatch his hand back but didn’t. She was screwing up his plans for the afternoon.
“So where are we walking?” she asked.
“Nowhere in particular. I thought we’d take a leisurely stroll.”
“All right.”
On their way out the door, she leaned over and whispered, “And I have a surprise for you tonight, Ron.” By the tone of her voice, he knew whatever surprise she had would be sexual in nature. She probably had purchased a sexy nightgown or something.
“A surprise?” He gave her a forced smile. “I like surprises.”
She chuckled as he ushered her out the door and said, “I know you do.”

Mike glanced up when Sonya walked into the room. He immediately stood up from his desk when he saw a strange look on her face. “What is it, honey?”
He held out his arms, and she walked straight into them, not even wondering how he knew she needed a hug. She looked at him, into his gorgeous blue eyes that were tinged with concern. “That was Dad. He had something to tell me.”
“He and Suzette are having a baby.”
Mike didn’t say anything for a moment, and then he said, “And?”
She pulled back and glanced up at him with a puzzled look on her face. “And what?”
“And what else is there?”
She frowned. “What makes you think there’s more?”
“Because you’re upset.”
“Yes, I’m upset. Don’t you think that’s enough to get me upset?” she snapped.
“No, honestly I don’t. Your father and Suzette are married. She’s young and although he’s older, evidently he can still produce babies. What’s the big deal?”
Sonya pulled out of his arms and glared at him. The issue of her parents was one they could never agree on. “The big deal, Mike, is that my father is too old to have a baby.”
“If he isn’t too old to make one, then he’s not too old to have one.”
Sonya ignored him and kept talking. “When that child is graduating from high school, Dad will probably be in a nursing home.”
“You don’t know that, Sonya.”
“Maybe not for certain, but chances are that he will be.”
“Okay, so what’s your point?”
She placed her hand on her hips. “My point is, and I repeat, my father is too old to have a baby. Suzette got pregnant on purpose to tie him to her.”
Mike laughed. “Sweetheart, do you honestly think Suzette forced your father to perform in bed with her?”
“Mike, this isn’t funny.”
“You’re right. It isn’t.” He reached out, and although she tried to resist him, he pulled her back into his arms. “You want to know what I think?”
He smiled when he placed her head beneath his chin. “I’m going to tell you anyway. I think you’re jealous.”
She jerked back, bumping his chin in the process. “I am not jealous.”
“Aren’t you? For years you never shared your father. Then you had to share him with Suzette and now a new baby. Yes, you’re jealous.”
“You don’t know that, Mike.”
“No, but I know you. Get over it. Get over Suzette. Get over them.”
Sonya shook her head. “I can’t. They hurt Mom. I’m the one who went through hell when she couldn’t handle her husband of thirty years leaving her for a younger woman.”
“Yes, they did hurt your mom. They also hurt you. But life goes on, Sonya. Your mom is doing fine now, and so are you. And as for your father and Suzette, be happy for them. They deserve each other. Think positive. You’re getting a baby sister or brother.”
“Mike, I—”
He didn’t let her finish. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. The touch of his lips on hers immediately silenced her. They also inflamed her senses and made her think of one thing—one person. Mike.
She felt herself being pulled down with him to the sofa. She didn’t protest. Nor did she resist. When her back touched the leather cushions, she gazed up at him and said, “You know we haven’t finished talking about that, don’t you.”
He stood back and began removing his shirt. He smiled down at her with sparkling blue eyes. “Yes, we have.”

Ron eased out of bed and glanced at the bathroom door. Barbara was taking a mighty long time coming out of it, he thought, annoyed. She had gone into the bathroom a few moments ago and had been locked in there ever since. So she had bought a new nightgown, big deal. How many new ones had he seen so far on this trip? At least five. And all of them had been cute and typical Barbara. Nothing to make him go hard or would make him want to rip the material off her body.
His mind then shifted to Ashira. He had tried reaching her again and hadn’t made a connection. Where the hell was she? He had tried sneaking away, but Barbara hadn’t allowed him any free time. And she still insisted that she would be going to the fitness center with him in the morning.
His brow creased when he glanced at the bathroom door. It was cracked a little. “What?”
“Are you ready?”
As ready as I’m going to ever be, he thought. But to her he said. “Yes, I’m ready.” Not hard but ready, he didn’t tack on.
“Okay, I’m coming out.”
Whatever. He watched the bathroom door open just a little wider and then a little more. He was sitting there getting bored to tears when suddenly it was flung wide open. He sat straight up. “Holy shit!”
The words escaped his lips before he could call them back. The woman standing in the doorway was wearing a black barely-there something. And it looked damn good on her. Barbara always had a nice shape, and tonight she was working it in that skimpy material.
“Wh-what are you doing?” His tongue felt thick in his mouth.
She smiled at him in a way he’d never seen her smile before. She then began walking toward him, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. When she walked, he could clearly see the dark triangle between her thighs.
“Come here, Ron.”
She wasn’t asking him. She was telling him. She’d never been bossy in the bedroom. He liked it. His body suddenly began to ache. He immediately felt hard. Fire was raging through his loins. Barbara had never been able to get this sort of a reaction out of him. And just from seeing her in a gown that showed more of her nakedness than he was used to being displayed. And to top it off, she was wearing stiletto heels. He’d totally forgotten what nice legs she had.
He slowly pulled himself from the chair and began walking over toward her. The hardness of his prick made it seem like he was carrying an extra load. The look in her eyes promised that she would lighten it. Blood began gushing through his veins.
He came to a stop in front of her. “Take off your pajamas and lie on the bed, Ron.”
He did as she ordered. He stretched out, wondering what she planned to do. It didn’t take long for her to show him. She eased on the bed with him and started kissing him on his mouth. Then moved lower. He closed his eyes, not believing this. Wondering if she was really going to do what he hoped to God she was.
The instant her lips touched his prick, he almost bucked off the bed. Desire, as raw as it could get, cut through him. He could feel his testicles throbbing, his member hardening. And when she sucked him into her mouth, he released one hell of a loud moan. He couldn’t believe it. This was his wife, and she was going down on him, and she seemed to be enjoying it.
Then he felt himself about to come and knew exactly where he wanted to be when he did. Opening his eyes, he moved quickly, flipped her on her back, pushed her gown out of his way, and entered her in one powerful thrust. She felt, hot, tight, and he knew it had been a long time since he’d gone inside her so deep. It felt good.
He continued to ride her, and she began making sounds. Real noise that she wasn’t trying to smother. The louder she got, the harder he rode. And then he couldn’t hold back any longer, which was just as well, because as soon as an explosion hit her, it hit him, as well. He slammed his mouth on hers, claiming it in one hell of a long kiss. He couldn’t seem to let up. Didn’t want to let up.
And then he was coming again, and all he could think about was that the woman beneath him was his wife. Nobody else’s wife. His.

Ron couldn’t move. His body felt like it had just been through a time warp. He and Barbara had been married for thirty years, and he couldn’t ever remember experiencing anything so hot with her. It’s a wonder the sheets hadn’t gotten scorched. She owed him some answers. He refused to believe she’d been holding back on him all these years.
He forced his head to move, to gaze her at her. Like him, she was lying flat on her back and barely breathing. Her eyes were closed. The lower part of her body was still quivering. Beads of perspiration had settled between her breasts. They were breasts, he would have to admit, that still looked good for a woman her age. He’d always appreciated the fact that they didn’t sag.
He sat up and bent over her. “You have some explaining to do,” he whispered.
Without opening her eyes, she smiled. Then asked, “Did you like it?”
He chuckled. Now was not the time to tell her he had a weakness for blow jobs. She’d been pretty damned terrific. He frowned. Too terrific for a beginner. “Who taught you how to do that?” he asked, suddenly needing to know.
She opened her eyes and met his. Her smile brightened to one full of pride. “I took classes.”
She laughed. He didn’t see a damn thing funny. “What do you mean you took classes?”
Despite his anger, she continued to laugh. The more she laughed, the angrier he got. When he made a move to get out of bed, she grabbed hold of his thigh. “Calm down, Ron. I don’t mean that kind of class.”
“Then tell me what you do mean, Barbara.”
“Okay,” she said, easing up in a sitting position. “I was looking through a magazine and saw this ad in the back. It was supposed to teach you how to do certain things to keep your man satisfied. So I sent off for the video.”
“It was a self-taught video.” She chuckled softly. “You won’t believe how many Popsicles it took.”
He raised a brow. “Popsicles?”
“Yes. For practice I used Popsicles to get the sucking motion right. I wanted to learn everything there was to know, since from what you revealed to the therapist, that was one area of our marriage where I was lacking.”
Suddenly he couldn’t meet her eyes. He shifted his attention across the room to a picture on the wall. “I never said you were lacking.”
“You didn’t have to, Ron,” she said softly. “Your affairs with all those women said it enough.”
He looked back at her then. Saw the pain he heard in her words reflected in her eyes. Seeing it hit him below the gut. “Barbara, I—”
“No, I don’t want to talk about the past, Ron. I know what you’ve done before, and I agreed to put it behind us and move on. But still, I knew I had to do something or you would stray again. I had to become your every woman.”
My every woman. He studied her features, felt a momentary rush of joy that she loved him that much. Then he felt like a total asshole because he knew he wasn’t deserving of her love. Never had been, even from the first. But she meant something to him. Always had. She had always been there for him, and he’d taken her for granted. Treated her like crap. He’d let other women disrespect her, and she still hung on to a man who wasn’t worthy of her. Not even now. If she ever found out just what he’d pulled with Ashira, how he’d brought his other woman on a trip meant to rebuild their marriage, he knew he would literally kiss her good-bye. That was one time she would never forgive him. Even now, he couldn’t forgive himself.
“Am I, Ron?”
Her question cut into his thoughts. “Are you what, Barbara?”
“Your every woman?”
He stared at her. Remembered the first time he’d seen her that day on campus. She’d been attending Spellman, and had come on the Morehouse campus with a group of friends. He thought her classy then and thought her classy now. And she was loyal to a fault. She had screwed up when she had married him. He was a man with a deep problem, an addiction he couldn’t seem to kick. At one time, he had felt a desire to get help but had failed to do so. Now he knew he had no choice. Every time he messed with other women, he was destroying the only person who ever truly loved him. He had to find a way to recover from his compulsive sexual behavior. It was Ashira now, but he knew eventually it would be another woman later. He couldn’t go on hurting his wife this way. He had hurt her enough.
He leaned down and kissed her softly and then said, “Yes, Barbara, you’re my every woman.” And then he kissed her again.

“Thanks for taking me to the movies. I enjoyed it.”
Lake smiled. “So did I.”
Courtney felt her lips tingle. She wanted him to kiss her but knew friends didn’t kiss. At least they didn’t engage in the type of kiss she wanted. Lake had walked her to the front door. She wouldn’t invite him in. It would be plain suicide to do so. She knew her limits. She also knew her weaknesses.
“Well, I better go on in. It’s getting late,” she said, missing him already.
“All right. And I’ll be leaving on Tuesday, going out of town for a few days. I’ll be back on Thursday.”
“Oh. Well, have a nice trip.”
“I will.” And then he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Good night.”
“Good night.” And then he stood there until she had opened the door and slipped inside, closing it behind her.
Courtney quickly moved to the window and glanced out. She watched Lake’s tall form get inside his truck and stood at the window until he drove off. She had wanted him to kiss her. But he hadn’t, only because of what she had asked of him.
Okay, so she really shouldn’t be disappointed that he hadn’t done so anyway. After all, she had asked for his friendship. She had told him she didn’t want him for a lover, just a friend. She should be excited about the relationship they were now building. She should be grateful they were now taking things slow. Instead, she wanted to call Sonya to come over and give her one good hard kick.
Her phone rang, and she immediately glanced at the clock. It was after eleven. Who would be calling her at this hour? Thinking it could possibly be Lake contacting her on his cell phone, she quickly crossed the room. What if he asked to come back? What if he told her he didn’t like the friendship thing and wanted to be her lover again? She reached for the phone, wishing she had added caller ID to her phone plan. “Yes?”
“Where have you been?”
She raised a brow. “Sonya?”
“What’s wrong?” Something wasn’t right. She could hear it in her cousin’s voice. What was she doing calling her and not somewhere in bed with her husband? She thought newlyweds had sex all the time, or at least every chance they got. Did she and Mike have a fight?
“Sonya, where’s Mike?”
“He’s in bed asleep. I think I wore him out.”
Courtney smiled. Apparently they didn’t have a fight, and if they did have one, they had made up. So, if it wasn’t Mike, then what was wrong? “I went to the movies with Lake,” she said, deciding to answer Sonya’s earlier question.
“And he’s gone? You didn’t invite him to spend the night?”
“No. We only went out as friends.”
She heard her cousin’s deep sigh and then, “Courtney. Courtney. Courtney. When will you learn?”
“Definitely not tonight, so what’s up? What got you calling this late?” she asked.
“Excuse me?” Courtney said, not sure she’d heard Sonya right.
“I said Dad.”
Courtney raised a brow. “Uncle Joe?”
“What about him?”
“He’s going to be a father. Suzette is friggin’pregnant.”