A Week Later

Although Ron Andrews hadn’t regained consciousness, the doctors felt his condition was improving every day. After glancing across the room at her husband, who was sleeping soundly in the hospital bed, Barbara stood to stretch her legs. Courtney and Sonya had left to go bring her something for lunch.
She walked over to the window and glanced out. Ron would be getting better, and she was glad of that. However, as she had told Courtney that morning, she did not intend to wait until he fully recovered. She had already met with an attorney to end their marriage. She was here now out of loyalty he truly didn’t deserve, and she wouldn’t waste another day of her life loving a man who had done nothing during the last thirty years but treat her like crap. He had continued to do so because she had let him, but all that would be coming to an end. Courtney had agreed with her decision.
“Mrs. Andrews?”
She turned to find Detective Blair standing in the doorway. She smiled over at him. The man had been kind. Every day he had dropped by to see how she was doing and to let her know how the investigation was going. She knew she owed him a bit of gratitude. He had believed her when she’d said that she had not been the one to shoot Ron. His partner, Detective Hollis, would have had her locked up in jail by now, since he’d been fully convinced that she had.
She crossed the room to him. “Detective Blair. How are you?”
“Fine. Is there somewhere we can talk privately?”
She nodded. “How about the coffee shop? I was about to leave and go downstairs and get a cup.”
“I feel the need for a cup myself.”
Together they began walking toward the bank of elevators. “I understand your husband’s condition is improving,” he said, glancing over at her.
Without looking at him, she said, “Yes. As you saw, he’s still hooked up to various machines, but the doctors are confident that he’s doing better each day. He’s a very lucky man.”
“In more ways than one, Mrs. Andrews. There are probably a lot of women who went through what you have, discovering what you did, who would not have come back, regardless of how severe their husband’s condition. You are a remarkably loyal woman.”
She stopped walking when they reached the elevators. She looked at him then. “I used to be,” she said in a low voice. “But every one has a tolerance level, and mine has reached its limit. It had to be my decision to make. My daughter or sister couldn’t make it for me. And I’ve made that decision. Several of them, in fact.”
Blair didn’t have to wonder what those decisions were, and he couldn’t blame her too much. Ronald Andrews would be losing his wife at a time when he would need her the most.
Moments later, they were sitting across from each other in the coffee shop. And not for the first time, he thought she was a beautiful woman. Sophisticated. Graceful. Classy and stylish. He had met Ashira Wilson, as well as Melissa Langley. Neither had a classy or stylish bone in their bodies. Both were young, immature, and foolish and thought the best way to get the things they wanted in life was with the use of their bodies. Personally, if he’d been given a choice, he would have chosen Barbara Andrews over them, hands down. Andrews hadn’t realized what a jewel he had, he hadn’t appreciated it. It would definitely be his loss.
“You said you had something to talk to me about, Detective.”
“Yes,” he said, looking at her, almost falling victim to the darkness of her eyes. Eyes he thought were simply beautiful. Hell, he even thought she had beautiful hands. His gaze moved to the one holding the coffee cup up to her lips. Mmm, beautiful lips, too. At that moment he decided she was someone he would like to know further. Later, when all this was over, he would contact her again, and it wouldn’t be a business call.
He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “I wanted to be the one to tell you that we have arrested the person responsible for shooting your husband.”
He watched her beautiful eyes widen. He watched as her beautiful hands placed the coffee cup aside. He then watched those beautiful lips move. “Who?” she asked in an almost whisper.
“Melissa Langley. She had lost their baby and tried calling Mr. Andrews to let him know, and he went off on her before she had a chance to tell him. Got ugly with her. Said some mean things. She felt distraught, bitter, and hateful. The reason she had exposed their affair to you was because he was dropping her for Ashira Wilson. Instead of you reacting like she had expected you to do, you did just the opposite and remained married. And then, somehow she found out that Andrews was also seeing Ashira, her replacement. That only made matters worse, and losing the baby was the icing on the cake.”
He paused for a moment and said, “Just so you know, her attorney is trying to work on an insanity plea, and in this case, she just might get it.”
Barbara really didn’t surprise him when she smiled and said, “And I hope in this case she does.”

Sonya smiled over at Courtney as they headed back toward the hospital. Traffic wasn’t so bad, which she appreciated. She hated being stalled in traffic. “So, I see that you and Lake are truly together now”
Courtney glanced over at her and returned her smile. “Yes, and I know what he feels toward me is the real thing. He’s been just wonderful these past couple of weeks, especially with what’s happening with Dad. He’s truly special.”
Sonya grinned. “Yes, and I knew it the moment we met. That’s why I added him to my little black book.”
Courtney blinked. “Excuse me?”
Sonya laughed. “You didn’t even know it. It was priceless. I will never forget that day you told me none of the guys from the black book met your approval and then you told me about meeting Lake. I knew then that you hadn’t realized his name was in the book.”
Courtney opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. She then opened it again, needing to know something. “You were once interested in Lake?”
Sonya gave her a sly smile. “No, I thought he was special when we first met at a party that Carla gave, and that’s why his name went into the book. I considered him a future prospect, but that was when I was trying to fight my attraction to Mike. I really wasn’t focused on other guys as I wanted to be there.”
Courtney smiled. “But in the end, everything worked out for you.”
“And everything worked out for you, as well. I think you and Lake make a beautiful couple. I’ve seen how much attention he gives you. How he sees to your every need when the two of you are together. The man simply adores you.”
Courtney was pleased that Sonya thought so. “He’s asked me to go to Savannah in a couple of weeks to meet his family. It’s his mother’s sixty-fifth birthday.”
“Are you going to go?”
“Yes. As long as Dad’s condition continues to improve, I plan to go.”
Sonya nodded as she pulled into the hospital’s parking garage. “Has your mom made any decisions about Uncle Ron?”
“Yes, she plans to divorce him,” Courtney said without any regret in her voice. “And I support her decision. It’s about time she moves on with her life and finds her someone who appreciates the woman she is.”
Then deciding to switch subjects, she asked, “Have you come to terms with Suzette’s pregnancy, Sonya?”
“Not completely, but I’m getting there. Dad’s another one who’s made some stupid mistakes in his lifetime, but he’s my dad and I love him.” She then smiled brightly. “Mom’s doing great. She’s dating this man named Willie Baker. He lives in Texas, and they go out together whenever he comes to town. She claims they are just friends, but I can see it growing into something more. She likes him, and it’s obvious that he likes her.”
“And I’m happy for her,” Courtney said. “It’s my prayer that Mom will eventually find someone, as well. Life is too short not to live it happily.” Joy spread through her entire being. She still had the issue of her father to deal with, and every day she was praying that God gave her the strength to forgive him for the pain he had caused her mother. He was her father, and she loved him—that would never change—but she no longer respected him, and it would be a long time before she would feel differently.

3 Days Later

Barbara walked into Ron’s hospital room to find that the nurses had raised him up in bed. He had begun regaining consciousness a day or so before and had spoken briefly with Detective Blair, confirming that Melissa had been the person who’d pulled the trigger. He had yet to be told that everyone knew about his Hawaii tryst with Ashira. The woman had come to the hospital a few times, demanding to see him, but Barbara had requested that hospital security keep her from doing so … for the time being.
She saw how Ron tried to smile when he saw her. Any other time, his smile would have been all she’d needed, but not anymore. Those days were over. “I was wondering when you were coming,” he said in a slurred voice. There was a tube that went through his nose that still made talking difficult for him.
“I told you last night I would be back in this morning.” She had stopped staying all night. She refused to sleep uncomfortable any longer in the cot the nurses would bring in. He didn’t deserve that of her. “Ron, we need to talk,” she said, deciding this would be the day she made him aware of what she knew.
“Yes,” he agreed. “There’s a lot I need to tell you, Barbara. Things I want you to know”
She wondered if it was true-confession time for him. If coming so close to death had made him a “changed” man. If so, he could continue to go through his transformation without her. She would no longer be a part of his life. “There’s no need, Ron. If you want to tell me about Ashira Wilson, don’t bother. She’s told me everything. I know you paid for her to go to Hawaii with us.”
“Barbara, I—”
“No. Please don’t,” she said, holding up her hand. “Please don’t make matters any worse by apologizing. You did what you did because it was what you wanted to do, without any care or concern about me. Over the years, I’ve put up with your affairs, but no longer. What you did in Hawaii was unforgivable. You put me at risk. You—”
“No, Barbara. I never had sex with any of the others without using a condom. I would never do that to you,” he said in a whispered tone.
“But there should not have been a need for a condom, Ron. I was your wife. The only woman you should have been sleeping with. But—”
“I’m sick, Barbara. I have this sexual addiction, and I plan to get help.”
She nodded, believing him. But for her, it didn’t matter. It didn’t make a difference. “I’m glad, Ron, and I hope the next woman you marry reaps the full benefits of your recovery.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
She inhaled deeply. “I’ve filed for a divorce. According to what Ashira Wilson is saying, you were going to divorce me anyway to marry her.”
“She’s lying.”
“It doesn’t matter. She’s told so many truths about certain things that her lies don’t make a difference now. According to the doctor, if you continue to improve, you’ll be able to go home in a week or so. I won’t be coming back to see you. I had a moving company take your belongings to an apartment I’ve gotten for you. It’s close to your job and should be convenient. Things between us end here, Ron. I wish you the best.”
“Barbara, please don’t.”
Instead of having anything else to say or giving in to his pitiful plea, with her head held high she turned and walked out the room.