Creating our first property list (plist)

In the last chapter, we used a provided plist to load our cuisine list. We will do the same in this chapter, but now that you are familiar with what a plist is, we will create one from scratch together.

I use plists all the time, from creating menus to having a file that holds app settings such as colors or social media URLs. I find them very useful, especially if I need to come back later and update or change things.

Let's learn how to create a plist from scratch. To create a plist in Xcode, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the Model folder inside Location and select New File.
  2. In Choose a template for your new file, select iOS at the top, and then type Property in the filter field:
  1. Select Property List and then hit Next.
  2. Name the file Locations and hit Create.

You should now have a file that looks like mine: