Dear Sir,
On the principle of “better late than never”, I avail myself of a few moments’ leisure to say a word or two in reply to your last letter — the one from Brunswick.
The essay you enclose, on the igneous liquidity of the Earth, embodies some truth, and evinces much sagacity — but no doubt ere this you have perceived that you have been groping in the dark as regards the general subject. Before theorizing ourselves on such topics, it is always wisest to make ourselves acquainted with the actually ascertained facts & established doctrines. You see I treat you unceremoniously — deal with me in the same manner. Let me know frankly how “Eureka” impresses you. It is accomplishing all that I prophecied — even more.
In respect to Draper: — By a singular coincidence, he is the chief of that very sect of Hog-ites to whom I refer as “the most intolerant & intolerable set of bigoes & eyrants that ever existed on the face of the Earth”. I had him especially in view when I wrote the passage. A merely perceptive man with no intrinsic force — no power of generalization — in short a pompous nobody. He is aware (for there have been plenty to tell him) that I intend h~m in “Eureka”.
I do not exactly comprehend you about my being the “autobiographer of Holden’s Mag.” I occasionally hear of that work, but have never seen a number of it. (over[) ]
“The Rationale of Verse” appeared in the last November & December numbers of “The S. Lit. Messenger”. In the Feb. number (I think) I published (editorially) a review of “The Fable for Critics”: — it is not much. Lowell might have done better.
I have never written any poem called “Ullahanna”. What makes you suppose I did?
I enclose the last poem (of any length) which I have published. How do you like it? — you know I put much faith in your poetical judgments. It is from Willis’s “H. Journal”.
Do you ever see “The Literary World”?
Touching “The Stylus”: — Monk Lewis once was asked how he came, in one of his acted plays, to introduce black banditti, when, in the country where the scene was laid, black people were quite unknown. His answer was: — “I introduced them because I truly anticipated that blacks would have more effect on my audience than whites — and if I had taken it into my head that, by making them sky-blue, the effect would have been greater, why sky-blue they should have been”. To apply this idea to “The Stylus” — I am awaiting the best opportunity for its issue — and if by waiting until the day of judgment I perceive still increasing chances of ultimate success, why until the day of judgment I will patiently wait. I am now going to Richmond to “see about it” — & possibly I may get out the first number on next January.
Write soon & more frequently. I always receive your letters with interest.
Cordially your friend,
Edgar A Poe.
Please re-enclose the verses