April 22. 1843

My Dear Thomas,

About a fortnight ago, I wrote to Peter D. Bernard, who married one of T. W. White’s daughters, and made inquiry about “The Southern Literary Messenger”, but have received no reply. I am very anxious to ascertain if it is for sale, and if it is, I wish to purchase it (through my friends here). You wrote me, some time ago, that the heirs had not made up their minds respecting it. Would you do me the favor, now, to call upon Bernard, or upon some one of the other heirs, and inquire about it? I can’t imagine why Bernard did not reply to my letter. If the list is for sale I would make arrangements for its immediate purchase upon terms which would be fully satisfactory to the heirs. But do not let them suppose I am too anxious. By the bye, there may be some prejudice, on the part of the heirs, against me individually, on account of my quitting White — suppose, then, you get some one of your friends to negotiate for you and don’t let me be known in the business at all. Merely ascertain if the list is for sale & upon what terms. Please oblige me in this matter as soon as possible, as I am exceedingly anxious about it. Tell Rose that Virginia is  much better, toe and all, & that she has been out lately, several times, taking long walks. She sends a great deal of love to all. Remember me kindly to the whole family & believe me

Yours most truly,
Edgar A Poe