The sound of a phone pulled Marlee awake. Her eyes hurt from lack of sleep. She groaned as she reached over and blindly searched for her cell on the bedside table before she knocked it off.
“Want me to get it?” Cooper asked from beside her.
She opened her eyes and leaned over the side of the bed. “I got it.”
Everyone had stayed at the East Ranch last night. Most of that time, she and the others had stayed up going over several plans, none of which seemed to properly fit. It had been after three before she and Cooper finally found a bed.
But even then, they hadn’t slept.
The moment they were behind closed doors, they reached for each other. Their clothes came off quickly as they found pleasure in each other’s arms. Even after what she had told him yesterday, she didn’t regret spending the night with him. In fact, she was wondering if her words from yesterday had been said in haste.
Her thoughts ended there when she found the phone, just as the call went to voicemail. Marlee rolled onto her back and looked at the incoming caller ID. “Hmm. That’s odd.”
“What is?” Cooper asked as he turned toward her and threw an arm over her stomach.
“It’s Stephanie.”
Cooper’s eyes opened. In the next heartbeat, he rose up on his elbow. “Does she often call?”
Marlee shook her head. “Mostly it’s me calling her, though she has called me back if she has information.”
“Maybe she has information.”
“Or maybe she was in that house like I think, and she’s trying to divert my attention.”
They looked at the phone for a moment. It suddenly dinged, letting Marlee know there was a voicemail. With quick fingers, she unlocked her phone and pulled up the voicemail, putting it on speaker so Cooper could hear.
“Hey, Marlee,” Stephanie’s voice said. “It’s early, I know, but I had an all-nighter at work. You were right about that name you gave me yesterday. I couldn’t devote the time needed to it because I was working another case, but I dug into it some more. The woman’s real name is Karen Meader. She’s got friends in high places. Unfortunately, not high enough. She testified against some bad people, who are now looking for her. Those friends I spoke of, well, they got her a new identity, which was why you couldn’t find out anything about her. Wish I could’ve told you this yesterday. Hopefully, you didn’t spend too much time on her. On another note, I saw something come through regarding your particular cases. We’re looking into a couple near San Antonio.”
Marlee looked at Cooper after Stephanie rattled off an address and the message ended. “What do you think?”
“If you didn’t think you saw her yesterday, what would you think of the voicemail?”
“That she did exactly as she said.”
Cooper raised his brows as he turned onto his back. “If that was Stephanie in the house, wouldn’t she have made this call sooner?”
“I don’t know.” Marlee blew out a breath and looked at the ceiling. “She could be telling the truth, but she could also be working with Stella.”
“I was thinking about Stephanie last night when we were all talking. You said that she was part of your sister’s case.”
“That’s right. That’s how we met. She interviewed me as she did everyone. Once I was cleared of anything, I showed her what little I had come up with during my own investigation. She didn’t disregard me as others might have. In fact, she was interested in what I had. We compared notes, and she actually showed me what little evidence the Feds had collected.”
Cooper put one arm behind his head and used his other to hold her hand. “You like her.”
“I did, but that’s when I thought I knew her. I believed she was one of the good guys.”
“Not everyone in law enforcement is a good guy.”
Marlee turned her head to meet his gaze. “I know that. But somehow, I forgot that with Stephanie. For some reason, I believed she was above such things because she’s an agent.” She rolled her eyes. “God, I sound ridiculous.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. You believed you had a friend, an ally to help you out. Most people would feel the same as you. And for all we know, she was never in our town, and it wasn’t her in the house yesterday.”
Marlee hoped he was right, but she couldn’t be sure. “So, what do you think I should do now?”
“Forget yesterday. What would you normally do?”
“Call her back and thank her.”
“Then do it.”
Marlee thought about it for a moment and then gave him a nod. “You’re right. Regardless of everything else, I need to stick to what I’d usually do.”
She dialed Stephanie’s number and kept the phone on speaker so Cooper could listen. Stephanie answered on the third ring.
“Just got your message,” Marlee said. “Thought I’d try and catch you before you were too busy to answer the phone.”
Stephanie laughed. “That is one thing about this job. I’m always busy. Going one place or another.”
Marlee glanced at Cooper as she asked, “They’ve got you traveling? Where are you headed?”
“Oregon. It is pretty, but damn cold. Oh, well. Duty calls.”
“I won’t keep you, then. Just wanted to say thanks for the update on the name I was interested in. Thought for sure it was a dead end. You came through for me, though. Thank you.”
Stephanie made a sound on the other end of the line. “Don’t think twice about it. I’m just glad I could help out. Wish I could do more.”
“You do quite a bit for me. I’m not sure why, though.”
“Not sure why?” Stephanie repeated with a chuckle. “Marlee, I do it because you’re going after the bad guys just like we are. I’m constrained with rules and regulations, and while you are as a PI, as well, it’s not nearly as hindering as mine. One way or another, these criminals need to be brought to their knees.”
Cooper made a face as if he were surprised by the vehemence of her words.
At one time, Marlee would’ve been taken in by them, hook, line, and sinker. Now? Not so much. “I’m so glad you feel that way.”
“Anything you need, you call me. I’ve always told you that. I’ll help you out any way I can.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Just catch the bad guys,” Stephanie said and then hung up.
Marlee lowered the phone to the bed. “She said all the right things in the right tone and everything.”
“But?” Cooper pushed.
“I think she’s lying.”
“Do you call her during every case?”
Marlee thought about that for a moment and shook her head. “It’s easy for me to do that and get a little edge on the criminals, but I try not to take advantage of that. The few times I did call her, Stephanie always came through.”
“Has she really? Or do you just think she has?”
Marlee sat up and rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know anymore. When I think about how she could be in with Stella, then I think about all the times I might have caught Stella earlier. So many people would’ve been saved, and children would still be with their families.”
“You can’t think like that.” Cooper sat up beside her and wrapped an arm around her as he pulled her against him. “It’ll drive you nuts. I say follow your instinct. Right now, it’s telling you to mistrust everything from those you’ve trusted before. Listen to your gut.”
“You’re right. I can’t sit here and think about this. I’ve got to think about how we can take down Stella.”
Cooper kissed her temple. “Just make sure not to say anything in front of Danny or Ryan. We don’t want to put them in an awkward situation.”
“I need to run to my motel room and gather my things.”
“I tell you what. You get in the shower, have some coffee and maybe some breakfast, and I’ll go get your things.”
She smiled, looking deep into his green eyes. “Are you afraid something might happen to me?”
“You could come with me.”
“I could, but you mentioned a shower several times last night.”
She wrinkled her nose. “A shower does sound heavenly. All right. You win. But be quick.”
“I will.” He kissed her lips, lingering for a moment.
She watched as he rose from the bed and hurriedly dressed. At the door, he stopped and blew her a kiss. She wore a wide smile when she got up and made her way into the bathroom. Marlee took her time, lingering in the hot water as she let it loosen her tight muscles. Though, she had to admit, sleeping next to Cooper had done wonders for her both mentally and emotionally.
When she dried off and opened the bathroom door, she expected to find him sitting there waiting on her since she had taken so long. Then she realized that he was probably downstairs having coffee with the others.
Marlee dressed and finished getting ready. After she made the bed and picked up her clothes from the night before, she went downstairs. She heard voices coming from below and was met with smiles from Abby, Clayton, and Caleb.
“Morning,” she greeted them. “Is Cooper back yet?”
Caleb shook his head. “Just as he was heading out, Jace came downstairs. They didn’t leave until about twenty minutes ago so it’ll be a bit before they get back.”
Marlee poured herself some coffee. “I’m glad he didn’t go alone.”
“No one would be stupid enough to try anything with those two,” Clayton said.
Marlee smiled, but she couldn’t stop thinking of the man she had encountered the day before. That kind of guy wouldn’t let anything, or anyone, stop him. He would attack and ask questions later. She inwardly gave herself a shake. Her mind believed there were enemies lurking everywhere. In all her years as a PI, she had only been attacked once. No doubt Stella and her people were getting ready to bolt, not coming after Marlee or her new friends.
Besides, Cooper and Jace were highly trained individuals, not your ordinary civilians. No, she had nothing to worry about.