Character List


The Sinclair Family:

Callum Sinclair

Edmund (Father – d.)

Ruth (Mother – d.)

Gavin (Brother)

Lydia (Wife)

Dela (Daughter)

Mor (Grandmother)

Elias (Uncle)

Hammond (Cousin)

Hawisa (Cousin)

Ian (Uncle

Clive (Cousin)

Lockie (Uncle)



Violet Danvers

Charles Danvers (Husband)

Cora Danvers (Daughter)

Gussy (Friend)


Other Sinclair Clan Notables:

Bailey – The Keep’s Cook

Peter – The Gate Watchman

Neil – Commander-In-Arms


Other Clans:

Keith Sutherland (ally)

Grady Mackay (ally)

Kieran Mackenzie (rival)


Other Notables:

Henry Bolingbrook – King Richard’s cousin

Sir Nicholas Colfax

Jumpin’ Joe Dunn – Tavern/Inn Keeper

John Dunn - Priest


d - deceased