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21st Infantry Brigade, 8th Indian Division, XIII Corps (British)

Maratha Light Infantry, 1st Battalion of

Punjabis of

Royal West Kent Battalion of

92nd Infantry Division. See Buffalo Soldiers

442nd Regimental Combat Team. See Nisei soldiers

Abyssinian crisis (1935)

the Action Party (Italy)

Adolf Hitler Line, Italy

African American

Buffalo Soldiers

Tuskegee Airmen

Alexander, Harold

Gothic Line offensives by

Italy’s liberation and

Rome’s liberation and


Allied forces. See also battle(s); Gothic Line offensives; partisans; specific countries

11th Army Group of

15th Army Group of

amphibious landings by

defensive lines in Italy, 1943–1945, and

Desert Air Force

disagreements within

Italy’s armistice with

military strategies of

OSS operations in

Rome’s capture by

SOE operations in

Soviet tensions with

Trieste’s importance to

Allied Military Government, Italy

Alpe di Vitigliano Peak, Apennines

Monte Citerna ridge of

Monte Stiletto ridge of

Altanagna, Italy

Amadeo, 3rd duke of Aosta

Ambrose, Stephen


5th Army

1st Armored Division of

2nd Corps of

Buffalo Soldiers (92nd Infantry Division) of

XIII British Corps of

VI Corps

7th Army

34th Infantry Division

100th Infantry Battalion

101st Airborne Division, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment

135th Infantry Regiment

442nd Regimental Combat Team (Nisei)

Battle of Okinawa by

Battle of Saipan by

casualty statistics

on Gothic Line

Italy’s liberation and

OSS operations

Pearl Harbor bombing and

Tuskegee Airmen, 99th Fighter Squadron

American Red Cross

Ancona, Italy

Anders, Wladyslaw

anti-Japanese sentiment, U.S.

Anzio, Italy

Apennine Mountains, battles in

Ardeatine Caves, Rome, massacre at

Ardennes forest, Belgium

Arno River/Arno Line, Italy

artillery, German

tanks and

ASDIC radar system

Athens, Greece

Auriol, Vincent

Auschwitz concentration camp


Congressional Medal of Honor (U.S.)

Croix de Guerre (French)

Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (German)

Distinguished Conduct Medal (British)

Distinguished Flying Crosses (British)

Distinguished Service Medal (U.S.)

Distinguished Service Order (British)

Iron Cross Medal (German)

Legion d’Honneur (French)

Medaglio d’Oro (Italy)

Mentioned in Despatches (British)

Military Cross (British)

Military Medal (Canada)

Presidential Unit Citation (U.S.)

Silver Star Medal (U.S.)

Victoria Cross Medal (British)

Baade, Ernst-Günther

Badoglio, Pietro

Bailey bridges

Bailey, Len

Band of Brothers (TV show)

BAR. See Browning Automatic Rifles


of Belvedere (Italy)

of Berlin (Germany)

of Britain (UK)

of Chioggia (Italy)

of Colle Musatello (Italy)

of Coriano (Italy)

of Dieppe (France)

of El Alamein (Egypt)

of Gemmano (Italy)

of Kharkov (Ukraine)

of Loos (France)

of Lucca (Italy)

of Midway (Pacific)

of Monte Cassino (Italy)

of Okinawa (Japan)

of Ravenna (Italy)

of Rimini

of Saipan (Mariana Islands)

of Stalingrad

of Zama (Carthage)

Bawden, Edward


Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Belvedere, Battle of (Italy)

Berlin, Battle of (Germany)

Berretti, Evelina

Biggs, Aubrey

Birth of Venus (painting)

Black Warriors: The Buffalo Soldiers of World War II (Houston)

Bletchley Park, England

Boldrini, Arrigo “Bulow”

postwar career of

Bologna, Italy

Allied advance on

liberation of


Botticelli, Sandro

Bradley, Omar

Brazilian Regimental Combat Team

on Gothic Line

Bren light machine guns (Allies)

Brigade of Guards, (England)

Brigata Partigiana Stella Rossa (Red Star Brigade)

Britain, Battle of (UK)


1st Derbyshire Yeomanry

8th Army

1st British Armoured Division of

1st Canadian Infantry Division of

2nd Polish Corps of

4th Indian Division of

5th Canadian Armoured Division of

V Corps of

9th Queen’s Royal Lancers of

10th Royal Hussars of

X Corps of

27th Queen’s Royal Lancers of

XXX Corps of

Cape Breton Highlanders of

Film and Television units of

the Irish of

Lincolnshire Regiment of

Lord Strathcona’s Horse of

New Brunswick Hussars of

Perths of

Royal Canadian Regiment of

XIII Corps (U.S. 5th Army/British 8th Army)

1st British Division of

6th British Armoured Division of

8th Indian Division of

14th Army

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

at Battle of Dieppe

code breakers, Bletchley Park

decryption program

Essex Regiment

Expeditionary Force

on Gothic Line

Herefordshire Regiment

Intelligence Corps

Italy’s liberation and

King’s Royal Hussars, 15th/19th

Leicestershire Regiment (WW I)

Long Range Desert Group

Norfolk Regiment

Popski’s Private Army


Royal Air Force (RAF)

Royal Flying Corps (WW I)

Royal Legion

Royal Navy

SOE operations

Special Air Service

Special Raiding Squadron

Worcestershire Regiment

British Committee of Historians of the Second World War

British Foreign Office

Brooke, Sir Alan

Brooks, Henderson

Browning Automatic Rifles (BAR) (American)

Buchan, John

Bücher, Jäger Helmut

Buffalo Soldiers (92nd Infantry Division)

366th Regiment of

370th Regimental Combat Team of

598th Field Artillery Battalion of

casualty statistics

honors of



Burns, Tommy

Cadorna, Luigi

Cadorna, Raffaele, Jr.

Caesar, Julius

Calò, Carolina

Calò, Eugenio

Canadian forces

1st Corps of

5th Armoured Division, Westminster Regiment of

12th Royal Lancers of

14th Armoured Brigade of

at Battle of Dieppe

at Battle of Liri Valley

at Battle of Ravenna

at Battle of Rimini

Cape Breton Highlanders of

casualty statistics

desertion by

the Irish of

Lord Strathcona’s Horse of

Loyal Edmonton Regiment of

New Brunswick Hussars of

Perths of

Princess Louise Dragoon Guards of

Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry of

Royal Canadian Regiments of

Canadian War Museum

Caneri, Jean

Capa, Robert

Caprara, Italy

Carrara, Italy

Casaglia, Italy

Cassibile Armistice, 1943

Castello di Montegufoni, Italy

Catholic Party (Italy)

Cerpiana, Italy

Chappelle, Emmett

Charles II, King (of England)

Charles I, King (of England)

Chetnik guerrillas

Chioggia, Battle of (Italy)

Christian Democrat Party (Italy)

Churchill, Oliver

postwar career of

Churchill, Peter

Churchill tanks (Allies)

Churchill, Walter

Churchill, William Algernon

Churchill, Winston

military strategies of

at Moscow Conference

postwar political tensions and


Cinquanta (partisan)

Clark-Kerr, Sir Archibald

Clark, Mark

Gothic Line offensives by

postwar career of

Rome’s liberation and

Clinton, Bill

CLNAI. See Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia

Cold War, origins of

Colle Musatello, Battle of (Italy)

Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia (Council for the Liberation of Northern Italy) (CLNAI)

Communist National Liberation Front (Greece)

Communist Party


varied doctrines of

in Yugoslavia

concentration camps

in Jasenovac, Croatia

in Nazi Germany

in Trieste, Italy

Congressional Medal of Honor (U.S.)

Corfu, Greece

Coriano, Battles of (Italy)

Corinth, Greece

Crerar, Henry “Harry”

Crisolli, Wilhelm


Croix de Guerre (French)

Cromwell, Oliver

Cunningham, John “Cat’s Eyes”

Cunningham, Sir Andrew

Dachau concentration camp

Daily Telegraph

Dante Alighieri

Daugette, Clarence W., Jr.

defensive warfare techniques, German


geography’s influence on


using mines

scorched earth/intimidation tactics as

De Gaulle, Charles

de Laurentiis, Augusto “Ferreo”

Delle Monache, Nicola “Alfieri”


Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (German)

Dhanuwade, Naik Nathu

Dieppe, Battle of (France)

Distinguished Conduct Medal (British)

Distinguished Flying Crosses (British)

Distinguished Service Cross (U.S.)

Distinguished Service Order (British)

Doggett, Clarence

Dollmann, Eugen

Domodossola, Italy

D’Souza, Eustace

postwar career of

Duhaime, Rodesse

DUKW amphibious vehicles

Dulles, Allen

Eden, Anthony

Edsel, Robert

Eichmann, Adolf

Einsatzgruppen (paramilitary death squads)

Einsatzkommando (mobile death squads)

Eisenhower, Dwight

El Alamein, Battle of (Egypt)

Evill, Sir Douglas

Executive Order 9066, U.S.

Fairbairn, Sergeant

Farneti, Mino

Fascists, Italian

Black Shirt

Cassibile Armistice and

German alliance with

Italy’s liberation and

propaganda by

surrender negotiations and

Yugoslavia’s occupation by

Femina Morta peak, Apennines

Ferrara, Italy

Feurstein, Valentin

Fiamme Verdi (Green Flame) brigade, Italy

the Final Solution

Fitin, Pavel

FlaK antiaircraft weapons (German)

Fleming, Ian

Florence, Italy

liberation of

Foglia River offensive, Italy

Forli, Italy

Fornasini, Giovanni

Fox, John

La Franchi partisans

Frankfurter Rundschau

Free Territory of Trieste. See also Trieste, Italy




Gaeta-Hilfe campaign

Galler, Anton

Gandy, Charles F.

Garand rifles (American)

Garibaldi (general)

Garibaldi Brigade (partisan group), 28th

Gemmano, Battle of (Italy)

Genoa, Italy

liberation of

George VI, King (of England)

German(s). See also defensive warfare techniques, German; Gothic Line offensives

anti-partisan edicts by

atrocities committed by

at Battle of Belvedere

at Battle of Kharkov, Third

at Battle of Rimini

conscription of prisoners by

defensive lines in Italy, 1943–1945

defensive warfare by

demographics, military

Einsatzgruppen (paramilitary death squads)

Einsatzkommando (mobile death squads)

Gestapo (Nazi secret police)

Italy’s surrender and

postwar escape of

postwar justice for


rastrellamento (“raking” operations)

Rome’s occupation by

Serchio River Valley occupation by

Sicily’s occupation by

SS-Allgemeine (Nazi administrative wing)

SS-Das Reich

SS-Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler

SS-Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police)

SS-Totenkopfstandarte, Death’s Head Unit

SS-Totenkopfverbände (Nazi concentration camp division)

SS-Waffen (Nazi military wing)

1st Panzergrenadier Regiment of

2nd Battalion Panzergrenadier Regiment 35 of

5th Panzergrenadier Regiment of

16th Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer of

Sonderverband Friedenthal

surrender of

trials/imprisonment, postwar, of

Wermacht Heer (regular army)

5th Alpine Division of




XIV Panzer Corps

29th Panzergrenadier Division of

LI Mountain Corps

LXXV Corps

LXXVI Panzerkorps

90th Panzergrenadier Division of

100th Gebirgsjäger Regiment of

114th Jäger Division of

162nd Division of

278th Infantry Division of

Wermacht Luftwaffe (air force)

Fallschirmjäger (Green Devils)

Ghadge, Naik Yeshwant

Giannino, Victor

Gothic Line, Italy

boundaries of/geography along

maps of

Gothic Line offensives

Adriatic assaults in

Battle of Ravenna in

Battle of Rimini in

battles post-

central assaults in

launch of

Mediterranean assaults in

partisan fighters in

planning of

Serchio River assaults in

sniper assaults in

weather/geography’s influence on


3rd Greek Mountain Brigade of

Allied forces from

Green, Benjamin

Green Flame (Fiamme Verdi) partisans

Gropler, Karl

Gustav Line, Italy

Hannibal (historic military commander)

Harrison, Signalman

Hartt, Frederick

Hawaii National Guard

Hearn, George M.

Heidrich, Richard

Heroclitus (Greek philosopher)

Herr, Traugott

Heydrich, Reinhard

Himmler, Heinrich

surrender negotiations and

Hitler, Adolf

assassination attempt on

Italian armistice and

Mussolini’s rescue by

Operation Mincemeat and

Pius XII kidnapping and

surrender negotiations and

Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth)

HMS Seraph

Hodges, Lewis “Bobby”

Holahan, William

Holland front


Holworthy, Arthur “Hol”

Hoppe, Harry

Horner, Reuben L.

Horsbrugh-Porter, Andrew

Houston, Ivan

postwar career of

howitzers (German)

Huegel, Klaus


Hunt, David

Ibn Saud, Prince (of Saudi Arabia)

Icardi, Aldo

Imperia, Italy

Imperial War Museum, London

Indian forces

4th Division

8th Division, Maratha Light Infantry of

10th Division

Royal Indian Army Service Corps of

infantry weapons



Inouye, Daniel

postwar career of

internment camps, U.S.

Irish Guards

Iron Cross Medal (German)

Knight’s Cross of

with Oak Leaves

Isola della Donzella, Italy

Italian Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana

Italian Republic, creation of

Italy. See also Fascists, Italian; Gothic Line offensives; partisans

Allied Military Government of

Cassibile Armistice by

liberation of

map of Carrara in

map of defensive lines, 1943–1945, in

map of Florence and Bologna in

map of North and Central

map of Ravenna in

maps of Gothic Line in

maps of Lucca in

maps of mountains of

maps of Rimini in

maps of Serchio River Valley in

political parties of

Rankin Plan and

Socialist Republic of

Iwo Jima


Battle of Okinawa by

Battle of Saipan by

Imperial Navy of

Pearl Harbor bombing by

Russian alliance with



detainment/murder of


Kappler, Herbert

trial of

Keitel, Wilhelm

Kesselring, Albert “Smiling Albert”

anti-partisan decree by

defensive warfare strategies by

Gothic Line defense by

Rome’s occupation and

Sicily’s occupation and

surrender negotiations and

trial of

Kharkov, Battles of (Ukraine)

Kingdom of Italy, founding of

King’s Dragoon Guards (Welsh)

The King’s Speech (movie)

Kipling, John

Kipling, Rudyard

Kirkman, Sidney

Kohima, India

Kontrast magazine


Krätschmer, Ernst-Günther

Lake Orta, Italy

La Spezia, Italy

military trials in

Lawrence, D. H.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Lee-Enfield .303 rifle (Allies)

Leese, Margaret

Leese, Oliver

Gothic Line offensives and

postwar career of

Legion d’Honneur (French)

the Liberal Party (Italy)

Liberation Day, Italy

Liguria, Italy

Linklater, Eric

Liri Valley, Italy

Livorno, Italy

Ljubljana Gap

LoDolce, Carl

London Daily Dispatch

Loos, Battle of (France)

Lucas, John

Lucca, Battle of (Italy)

commemoration of

Lupo (partisan leader)

M1 Carbine rifle (American)

MacBeth, Hiram

Macey, Clifford

Mafia, Sicilian

Mahony, John Keefer

postwar career of

Majdalany, Frederick

Majdanek concentration camp, Poland


Maratha Light Infantry

1st Battalion, 21st Indian Brigade

5th Battalion

Marchioni, Ubaldo

Marshall, George

Marx, Karl

Marzabotto, Italy

massacre in

postwar trials and

Maschinengewehr-42 (MG-42) (German)


at Ardeatine Caves

at Marzabotto, Italy

at Oradoursur-Glane massacre, France

partisan-led executions and

of partisans

at San Polo, Italy

at Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Italy

Masters, John

Mauser K98 rifles (German)

McAdam, John

McCaffery, Jock

McCreery, Richard

postwar career of

McCullin, Don

McInnis, Jake

Medaglio d’Oro (Italy)

Menguzzo, Fiore

Mentioned in Despatches (British)

Meyer, Kurt


Midway, Battle of (Pacific)

Mihailović, Draža

Milan, Italy

liberation of

partisans of

Military Cross (British)

Military Medal (Canada)

Mitterand, Francois

Mk 2 fragmentation grenade (Allies)

Molotov, Vyacheslav

Monopoli, Italy

Monte Cassino, Battles of (Italy)

Monte Cauala, Italy

Monte Sole, Italy

Monte Verruca, Apennines

Montezemolo, Giuseppe

Montgomery, Bernard

The Monuments Men (Edsel)

Moroccan Goum soldiers

Moscatelli, Vincenzo

Moscow Conference (1944)

Mountbatten, Lord Louis

MP 38–40 machine pistols (German)


Museum of Resistance, Turin

Mussolini, Benito. See also Fascists, Italian

arrest of

Cassibile Armistice and

death of

puppet government of

rescue, by Germans, of

Naples, Italy

National Association of Italian Partisans

National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia/Narodno Oslobodilačka Vojska (NOV)

National Liberation Committee of Upper Italy

National Socialists

Nebelwerfer “Moaning Minnie” rocket shells (German)

Nepalese Gurkhas

New Zealand forces

Nice, France

Nisei soldiers (100th Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, U.S.)

in 92nd Infantry

assault style of

at Belvedere

formation of

on Gothic Line

NKVD (Soviet secret police)

Normandy, France

NOV. See National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia/Narodno Oslobodilačka Vojska

Number 1 Demolition Squadron. See Popski’s Private Army

Nuremberg trials

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Battle of Ravenna and

Chioggia’s liberation and

German surrender negotiations and

Gothic Line offensives and

Operation Chrysler by

partisan coordination by

Okinawa, Japan

Olive Tree (partisan group)

Operation Acheron

Operation Aintree

Operation Alarich

Operation Anvil

Operation Avalanche

Operation Bagration

Operation Barbarossa

Operation Boardman

Operation Chrysler

Operation Chuckle

Operation Coolant

Operation Crossword

Operation Dragoon

Operation Eiche (Oak)

Operation Fairway

Operation Flagpole

Operation Gela

Operation Husky

Operation Jubilee

Operation Market Garden

Operation Mincemeat

Operation Olive

Operation Overlord

Operation Pickaxe

Operation Rankin

Operation Simia

Operation Sunrise

Operation Torch

Operation Ulster

Operation Unthinkable

Operation Wool

Oradoursur-Glane, France, massacre at

Ordano, Ernesta

Ordano, Paola

Ordano, Vittorio

Osoppo group (Italy)

OSS. See Office of Strategic Services

PaK antitank guns (German)

Paladini, Arrigo

postwar career of

Panther tanks (German)

Pardini, Anna

Paris Peace Treaty (1947)

Parri, Ferruccio

Parrilli, Luigi


6th Assault Division of


Battle of Ravenna by

CLNAI organization for

Fiamme Verdi group of

La Franchi group of

Garibaldi Brigade of

German conscription of

Gothic Line offensives by

Italy’s liberation and

massacres/executions by

massacres of


OSS/SOE coordination of

political positioning/rivalry among

Red Star Brigade of

training/supply of

in Yugoslavia

Patriotic Action Group (Slovenia)

Patterson, Charles “Schoolboy”

Patton, George S.

Pearl Harbor, bombing of

Peniakoff, Vladimir

postwar career of

Perkins, Edward J.

Petacci, Clara

Pettingell, Neil

Phelan, John J.

PIAT antitank rocket launchers (British)

Piazzesi, Mattea

Pieper, Joachim

Pisa, Italy

Pius XII, Pope

kidnap plot against

Polish forces


2nd Corps of

conscripted to German Army

in Poland

postwar government and

Warsaw uprising by

Ponte Vecchio, Florence

Popski’s Private Army (Number 1 Demolition Squadron) (British)

Po River Valley

“Porterforce” unit (British)

Presidential Unit Citation (U.S.)

Pretzell, Horst

Primavera (painting)



Frontier Force Rifles

Infantry Battalion

Queen of Heaven Prison, Rome

The Rabbit (double agent)

Radio Victoria network

Rahn, Rudolf

Rankin Plan

Rasse- und Siedlungsamt, German (Race and Settlement Office)

rastrellamento (German “raking” operations)

Rauff, Walter

Ravenna, Battle of (Italy)

Red Army. See also Soviet Union; Stalin, Joseph

assault style of

demographics of

at Kharkov

post-World War II

at Stalingrad

in Yugoslavia

Reder, Beate

Reder, Walter

trial/imprisonment of

Red Star Brigade (Brigata Partigiana Stella Rossa)

Red Vet Pet (sunscreen)

Reich Main Security Office (RSHA)

Il Resto del Carlino

Rhodesian forces

Rimini, Italy

Battle of

the Risorgimento, Italy (unification)

Roman Empire

Rome, Italy

Ardeatine Caves massacre near

German occupation of

liberation of

Via Rasella bombing in

Via Tasso prison in

Rommel, Erwin

Roosevelt, Franklin

death of

internment camps ordered by

military strategies of

postwar political tensions and

Ross, John

RSHA. See Reich Main Security Office

Russell, Dudley

Russia. See Soviet Union

Saipan, Battle of (Mariana Islands)

Salerno, Italy

San Fortunato Ridge, Italy

San Lorenzo in Strada, Riccione

San Polo, Italy, massacre at

Santa Maria Assunta, Casaglia

Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Italy, massacre at

San Terenzo Monti, Italy

Sassetta, Italy

Le Scalette Peak, Apennines

Schellenberg, Walter

Schmeisser submachine guns (German)

Schu-mines (German)

Scipio Africanus (Roman general)

Scottish Highlanders

Secret Intelligence Service, British

Sera River, Italy

Seravezza offensive, Italy


Serchio River Valley assaults, Allied

counterattacks by Germans in

Sherman, Raymond G.

Sherman tanks (Allies)

Shivaji, Emperor (of India)

Shrapnel, Henry

shrapnel wounds

Sicily, Italy

liberation of


maps of

Siena, Italy

Silver Star Medal (U.S.)

Simon, Max

trial of

Sitwell, George

Sitwell, Osbert

Skorzeny, Otto

Slim, William “Bill”


Smuts, Jan

sniper assaults

Socialist Party (Italy)

Socialist Republic of Italy

SOE. See Special Operations Executive

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sogno, Edgardo

Sommer, Gerhard

South African forces

on Gothic Line

Soviet Union. See also Red Army; Stalin, Joseph

Battle of Kharkov by

citizens in German army

military strategies of

NKVD secret police of

postwar political tensions and

surrender negotiations and

Special Operations Executive (SOE)

behind enemy lines

Gothic line offensives and

Operation Coolant by

partisan coordination by

Yugoslav operations by

Springfield M1903 (American)

Stalingrad, Battle of

Stalin, Joseph

military strategies of

at Moscow Conference

postwar political tensions and

surrender negotiations and

Sten submachine guns (British)

Stuart, Ken

Sturmgewehr assault rifles (German)


surrender negotiations

with Germans

with Italians

Soviet Union and

Suvereto, Italy

Sykes, Sergeant

Thompson .45 submachine gun (Allies)

Tiger tanks (German)

Times of London

Tito, Josip Broz

Tito, Marshal

Tompkins, Peter

Trasimene Line, Italy

Treblinka concentration camp

trials/imprisonment, postwar

Trieste, Italy

liberation of

Truscott, Lucian, Jr.


Turin, Italy

liberation of


Tuskegee Airmen

Tweedsmuir, Lord

Ultra decryption program

Usmiani, Antonio

USS Arizona (battleship)

USS Oklahoma (battleship)

Ustashe extremists (Croatia)

Vancouver Daily Province

Varsity Victory Volunteers


Pius XII kidnap plot and

Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford

Venice, Italy

liberation of

Via Rasella bombing, Rome

Via Tasso prison, Rome

Victor Emmanuel, King (of Italy)

Victoria Cross Medal (British)

Vienna, Austria

von Manstein, Erich

von Neurath, Alexander Konstantin

von Rundstedt, Marshal

von Vietinghoff, Heinrich

Wallbridge, Harold

war crimes, WW II

immunity deals and

trials and punishments for

Warsaw, Poland

Wenner, Eugen

Wentzell, Fritz

Westminster Regiment (Canada)

at Liri Valley

at Ravenna

at Rimini/Coriano

Whicker, Alan

Wilson, Henry Maitland

Winter, Jimmy

Wolff, Karl

Germany’s surrender and

Pius XII kidnap plot by

trial of

World War I

World War II. See also Allied forces; battle(s); German(s); Gothic Line offensives

Battle for Belvedere in

Cassibile Armistice in

Florence’s liberation in

Italy’s liberation in

Operation Unthinkable post-

Paris Peace Treaty in

Rome’s occupation/liberation in

Sicily’s liberation in

Soviet-Western tensions during/post-

Yalta Conference


communism in

German invasion/occupation of

liberation of

partisans of

Yunnie, Robert Park

Zama, Battle of (Carthage)

Zimmer, Guido

Zofferino, Gastalde