"Hi, we're here for a couples massage," I said to the smiling receptionist at the desk. "We have an appointment for two o'clock, under Wilson."
The receptionist referred to the datebook in front of her. The book was huge, with dark green leather and intricate patterns on the cover; it looked very old and much too grand for keeping spa appointments. She trailed a finger over the page, which was filled with an elegantly handwritten list, and then tapped the list with a perfectly manicured finger.
"Of course, here you are, Ms. Wilson. Right this way, please." She said. She stood and lead Brian and I across the airy lobby filled with huge green plants, down a long and winding corridor, and to a heavy, dark green wooden door. The door, like the datebook, seemed ancient and slightly out of place in a day spa.
She opened the door with a strong push, then stepped aside to let Brian and I pass by her and enter the room.
"You two can go ahead in and make yourselves comfortable. Help yourself to our specially infused water, it's very refreshing. Then you can undress and get comfortable on the massage tables. Your masseuse will be with you in just a few minutes." The receptionist gave us another smile and closed the door, leaving us alone in the room.
Brian was looking around in awe, and I can't say that I blamed him. The room was large, airy and comfortable, done in light wood and flowing white fabric, with tons of huge green potted plants scattered around. A fresh, sweet smell permeated the air, and I inhaled deeply.
"Wow, maybe I'll like this massage thing after all. This place is fantastic!" Brian said appreciatively. I smiled; he’d been very hesitant to come get a massage with me. He walked over to the table with the pitcher of water. I could see a mix of fruits and green leaves floating with the ice cubes, and it looked absolutely mouthwatering. Brian poured two glasses of cold, sparkling water, and held one out to me.
"Yeah, this is definitely the nicest spa I've ever been to. I’m surprised that a place like this was offering a sale!" I said, and took the glass from him. We clinked, smiling at one another as we took tentative sips.
Oh my god. The water was almost overwhelmingly crisp and cool. It tasted like dew on leaves, like summer rain, like a stream in the Garden of Eden. I had never tasted anything so sweet, so refreshing, so, so... Incredible.
I glanced at Brian, and his eyes were closed as he drank deeply. When they reopened, they were slightly dazed and unfocused.
"Holy shit, this is the best water I've ever tasted in my life!" He said, and I nodded my agreement. "What do they do to it?"
"The receptionist said it was some kind of special infusion. That’s usually done with fruits and herbs. Remind me to ask her for what’s in this on our way out. I'd love to try to recreate it at home." I said, and drained my glass as Brian did the same. When we finished, he grabbed the pitcher and refilled our glasses.
We drank in silence, and as I looked around the inviting, plant filled room, I felt myself begin to relax. I hadn't even felt particularly tense to begin with, but my muscles were softening and a sense of peace washed over me. I finished my water and set the empty glass down on the table.
"We better get ourselves ready for the masseuse." I said, and kicked off my shoes. I unzipped my sweatshirt and slid it off. As I was folding it, I felt Brian move behind me and press himself against my back.
I sighed and leaned into his strong chest, and his hands went to the bottom of my tank top, playing at the edges. He gripped the fabric and slowly, oh so slowly lifted it up. His strong fingers brushed against the curve of my waist, and I felt little tingles of electricity where his hand touched my naked flesh.
I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly wanted him. Badly. I moaned and pressed back into him, rubbing myself against the growing bulge in his pants. I lifted my arms and he slipped my shirt off, dropping it to the floor. He leaned his head down and kissed my shoulder as his warm, strong hands cupped my breasts, and I let out a sigh. Delicious warmth was pooling deep inside of me, and I found my hips moving on their own, rubbing against Brian's growing erection.
"Wait," I murmured as his mouth trailed hot kisses along my neck. "Wait, the masseuse will be here any minute." I said, and pulled myself out of the cloud of desire that I had been close to losing myself in.
"Right, of course." Brian said, his voice slightly dazed. “I don’t know what came over me.”
"There will be plenty of time for that later" I said, and turned around so I was facing him. I stood up on my toes and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.
I finished undressing as quickly and un-provocatively as I could, and hopped onto one of the two massage tables. I pulled the crisp white sheet over my backside and laid down, positioning my face in the small hole at the head of the table. Brian undressed and laid down on the table next to me.
"This is weird, I don't think I've ever had a special hole for my face before." He said, and I felt a small smile play against my lips. He really was being a good sport about this whole couples massage thing, despite his initial protests about being touched by a dude, as he put it.
"It's pretty standard for a massage table. Comfy, isn't it?"
"You know, it really is. Maybe we should get one of these for our bed at home. It'd make sleeping on your stomach way better."
Before I could reply, I heard soft footsteps against the wood floor.
"Hi guys, I hope you're ready for total relaxation today." A smooth male voice said. I started to get up to greet our masseuse, but he stopped me. "Please, don't get up! You two seem so comfortable already. My name's Forrest and I'll be your masseuse today."
"Hi Forrest, it's nice to meet you." I said, remaining face down as requested. It felt a little strange to be staring at the floor while speaking to him, but I went with it. "I'm Amy and this is my boyfriend, Brian. Will there be another masseuse joining us? We're getting a couples massage."
"Hello Amy, Brian. It's just me today, but don't worry, I am more than capable of taking care of both of your needs." Forrest said, and it sounded as if he was smiling. I briefly wondered what he meant by that, but before I could ask, he was speaking again.
"I'm going to use a massage oil, and if neither of you have any objections, I'd love to suggest our spa's custom blend. It's really lovely, and my personal favorite."
"Sure, that sounds good to me." I said.
"If it's anything like the infused water, go for it!" Brian said.
Forrest let out a good natured chuckle. "Ah, you enjoyed the water, did you? It's truly delicious, isn't it?"
"Hell yeah! Amy's got to get the recipe on our way out. We couldn't get enough of it!" Brian said. I couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm in his voice. For someone who didn't want to come here, he sure seemed to be enjoying himself.
"Let's get started, shall we?" Forrest asked, and I heard the clinking of glass as he selected a bottle of oil and opened it. A moment later, the most incredible scent wafted through the room.
Like the infused water, it was unbelievably, overwhelmingly fresh, and I felt like I had been transported to some blindingly green meadow on a perfect summer morning. I could practically see dew glistening on vivid blades of grass, feel the warm sun on my naked flesh, taste the sweetness on my tongue.
"Wow, that smells amazing..." I heard Brian mumble from next to me. His voice sounded like his mind was somewhere far, far away.
"I'm glad that you find it pleasing," Forrest said in his warm, soothing voice. "Now, I'm going to start by working your shoulders. Humans carry so much tension in the shoulders."
I felt Forrest’s hands slide up my back and over my shoulders. His hands were very soft and he had a great touch, gentle but firm. The oil on them was warm and pleasant, and left me tingling and glowing everywhere that it touched.
As Forrest started to rub my shoulders, his smooth, strong hands working at knots that I didn't even know were there, a sense of peace washed over me. I felt my body unwinding under his touch, muscles relaxing and unfurling. It was heavenly, and I could already tell that I was in for the best massage of my life.
"Is the pressure good for you?" Forrest asked, his hands still gliding over my shoulders.
"Yes, it feels great." Brian answered before I had a chance to say anything.
Wait, what?
I was fairly certain that Forrest was using both of his hands to massage me. I definitely felt him working on both of my shoulders at once. How could Brian be getting massaged too?
"Good," Forrest said, before I had a chance to ask. "I'm going to move on from your shoulders now. Just close your eyes, allow yourself to relax, let your senses take over and carry you wherever they may."
His hands slipped down, working my spine, the back of my ribs, all the way down to my lower back. When I felt his hands, slick with that warm, tingling oil, press the area right above my behind, a wave of pleasure rolled through me.
A low moan escaped my lips. A warmth radiated out from where Forrest was rubbing me, unfurling through my body and leaving me tingling. The heat was delicious, and I took a deep breath, letting the sweet smell of the massage oil fill my nose.
Forrest's hands glided over my back in large sweeping motions, traveling from my lower back up to my neck, and back down again. His rhythm was hypnotic, and between his relaxing touch, the warm tingling of the oil, and the sweet scent I felt myself getting lost. Carried away.
As he continued to massage my back, I suddenly felt a touch on my ankles.
What the hell?
I jumped at the new touch, and was about to ask Forrest if another masseuse had joined in, but he shushed me.
"Relax, now. Just give in and get lost." He murmured, his voice smooth and soothing. I felt the touch on my ankles begin traveling upwards, kneading my calves, and it felt incredible.
"Mmmmmm." I moaned as my legs and back were massaged simultaneously. Any questions I may have had quickly left me, and I was lost to sensation. I heard Brian moan from the table next to me, and he sounded as if he was in ecstasy.
I laid there, my back and my legs being massaged and slicked with warm, tingling oil. The touch on my legs began travelling upwards, snaking over my knees, up to my thighs. It was light and feathery, but not quite a tickle. I felt a tug from somewhere deep within me as tendrils of heat unfurled through my body.
My entire body was warm, and getting warmer with each delicious stroke from Forrest. I felt my pussy clench, a wetness was forming between my legs. I arched my back a little, and my hips began to circle on the table, completely on their own.
Shit! All of the sexual tension from right before the massage was back, and with a vengeance. How embarrassing, to be turned on during a massage. And here I was, with my hips circling, practically announcing my arousal to Forrest. I willed them to stop, but they continued moving of their own accord.
But Forrest either didn't notice or was too polite to acknowledge it, and he continued his rubdown of my back, shoulders, and thighs. I felt the touch on my thighs begin to travel upwards as the touch on my back began to descend.
They were moving in unison, all alternating between deep rubs and feathery light touches. Fingers snaked inwards on my thighs, gliding across my aroused and overly sensitive skin. The hot, tingling touch sent me reeling, and I felt a fresh wave of desire roll through me.
"Oh, god," I breathed, before I could stop myself. It just felt so good! A shiver climbed up my spine and my pussy clenched tightly.
The hands on my thighs and my back continued to travel, and as touches moved over my ass and towards the apex of my thighs, I realized what they were zeroing in on.
"I'd like to have you turn over now, so I can work your front." Forrest said, in his soothing voice. He sounded so calm and professional, I briefly wondered if I was just imagining that his touch had taken a sexual tone.
I did as requested and flipped onto my back. I heard a rustling from the table next to me as Brian did the same. I managed to catch a glimpse of Forrest for the first time as I moved. He was tall and muscular, with pale blonde hair and startlingly vivid green eyes. His face was handsome and his expression was the very picture of serenity. He wore a white t-shirt that stretched over a broad and muscular chest, and white linen pants that hung off of narrow hips. God, he was gorgeous!
I glanced over to Brian on the table next to me, and he gave me a dazed smile. I noticed that he was breathing heavily, the same way he did when we were fooling around. My eyes swept downwards, and I saw that the white linen sheet draped over him had a telltale tent in the middle.
At least I wasn’t the only one who was turned on here.
"Great, now close your eyes and allow yourself to be carried away." Forrest said, and I felt my eyes slip closed.
After a moment, I felt a touch on my ankles. The way it encircled them didn't feel like a human touch at all, and I gasped at the strange feeling. But the heat that radiated out from the odd, undulating tendrils made me forget my thoughts entirely.
It was warm and tingling, like the massage oil had been, but it was much stronger, seriously intensified. I felt that tingling heat rise up my legs, unfurling through my muscles and stoking the flames of desire that were burning deep within me.
As I was getting lost in the tendrils encircling my legs and slowly traveling upwards, I felt more tendrils at my shoulders. The new touch somehow didn't surprise me, and I let out a groan of satisfaction as they slowly undulated over my collarbone. They moved in slow, snaking patterns, gliding over my skin and down towards my breasts.
The sweet, crisp smell of the massage oil began to fill the room in a thick cloud, and it invaded my nose and lungs. I realized that I was breathing heavily, practically panting as I was filled with the sweet aroma.
My hips were moving again, in slow circles that mirrored the pace of the tendrils working my legs and my chest. I didn't try to fight it this time, and let my body respond to this otherworldly massage.
The tendrils on my chest snaked around my breasts, and the left was a mirror image of the right. They traced the curve along my ribs, down across the underside, and met in the middle along my cleavage. Then they reversed their pattern, and then back again.
As the tendrils on my breasts moved in their hypnotic pattern, the ones around my legs were moving upwards again, twisting around my knees and up to my thighs. The tips began tracing a tantalizing pattern along the electrified flesh of my inner thighs, leaving hot, tingling trails in their wake.
"Oh god, that feels incredible..." Brian panted from the table next to me. His breath was heavy and ragged, his voice tight and strained. He sounded the way he did when I was sucking his dick, and he'd murmur his appreciation as I worked.
The smooth tendrils at my breasts circled inwards, spiraling around my mounds before zeroing in and encircling my nipples. I sucked in a quick breath as they tightened around my nubs, sending darts of pleasure shooting through me. The tendrils squeezed and pulled, teasing and taunting me.
My back arched as I gave myself over to the tantalizing touches. I felt like I was on fire, my entire body hot and very, very bothered. I don't think I'd ever been as aroused before in my entire life.
As the tendrils at my breasts continued to work my nipples, the ones wrapped around my legs were on the move again, snaking up, up, up. They glided quickly over my thighs and zeroed in on my throbbing sex. I felt the tips of the tendrils move over my nether lips softly, barely a whisper of a touch. But even that tiny contact was enough to send me reeling, and I tossed my head back and let out a low, long moan.
They traced my slit, and I felt myself clench. My hips began moving again, back and forth, begging for more attention from those warm, tingling tendrils. They received the message from my body, loud and clear, and traced my slit again, this time with more insistence.
They moved against me, playing at my folds and spreading my wetness over my nether lips as the tendrils at my chest continued to snake around my breasts and tantalize my nipples. The feeling of so much concentrated attention, all at once, was overwhelming. My body felt like it was on fire.
The tendrils between my legs began to move again, and one landed on my swollen clit. Holy. Shit. An intense wave of pleasure crashed into me as that tendril began to undulate over my hot button. My breath caught in my throat, and before I could recover from the pleasure, another tendril slipped past my folds and plunged into my hot, hungry pussy.
"Oh, fuck!" I cried out as the tendril filled me, going deep. It expanded within me, pressing against my inner walls and stretching me out. I had never felt so deliciously, utterly filled in my life, and the pleasure was beyond overwhelming.
The tendril inside of me eased almost out, playing at my entrance for a moment, before thrusting back in with force, filling me up once again. While that was happening, another tendril stroked my clit, alternating between firm pressure and feathery light tickles. Other tendrils were still at my breasts, snaking around and squeezing my nipples, making me arch my back and press my chest forward, demanding more attention.
All of these tendrils were moving together, performing a perfectly synchronized dance of overwhelming pleasure. As they worked my body, I lost myself. I was vaguely aware that a stream of incoherent cries was coming from my lips, but I didn't care. Every nerve ending in my body was alive and buzzing with warm electricity. My toes curled, my scalp prickled, and waves of heat radiated throughout my body.
My breathing was ragged and heavy, and I could hear that Brian was just as lost to pleasure as me. He was letting out a stream of moans that were growing steadily louder and more urgent. I opened my eyes and glanced over at him.
He was on his back, like me, with his head tossed back and his mouth open in ecstasy. There were thick, vivid green tentacles, almost like vines, all over him. They snaked around his neck, moved at his nipples, encircled his biceps. I looked down and saw one wrapped around his cock, spiraling and moving over it at a steady pace. More green tendrils were wrapped around his balls, tracing a light pattern over the delicate skin.
The sight of him so lost to pleasure only fueled the fire within me, and I writhed under the tentacles that were working on me.
"Yes, oh yes, yes, yesssss...." I hissed, as the tendril inside of me fucked me with fervor. I was close, perilously close to the edge, and I was suddenly desperate for release.
All of the tendrils on me responded, each one moving faster and with more force than before. They wrapped around my nipples, squeezing and pulling. They increased the pressure at my clit, rubbing with fervor. And they fucked me harder, going deeper than before, swirling inside of me and filling me completely.
"Oh my god," I cried, my body beginning to tremble as waves of tingling, hot electricity washed over me. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"
And then there were more tentacles on me. I felt them spiral around my arms, my legs, my neck. They snaked over my thighs, around my wrists and ankles, over the soles of me feet and up the back of my neck. All of them were warm and tingling, and they all undulated together in a hypnotic rhythm.
The tendrils were strong. I realized that they were holding me down, forcing me to endure every little bit of this overwhelming pleasure. I tried to pull against them, but the feeling of complete and total restraint was oddly satisfying, and only fueled my burning desire.
And then the tentacle fucking me began expanding again, going deeper and harder than ever before. It pressed against my g-spot one final time while all the other tentacles tightened around me, and I shattered into a million pieces.
My entire body quivered as hot, tingling flames shot through my veins. Every muscle in my body tensed as every nerve ending was electrified. My toes curled, my fingernails dug into my palms, my back tried to arch off of the massage table, but the tentacles held me tightly. A growling, primal cry escaped my lips, coming from somewhere deep within me. I'd never heard myself make a noise like that before.
I heard a noise similar to my own from Brian on the table next to me. His voice was ragged and hoarse, just like mine, as he gave himself over to his own orgasm.
I rode wave after wave of pleasure, my body one giant, raw nerve. The ecstasy was beyond overwhelming, and it seemed to stretch on and on forever. I gave into it, letting myself get lost in the intensity of the sensations.
Slowly, oh, so slowly, the feelings began to ebb. I took deep, steadying breaths as I came back down to Earth. I was only vaguely aware that the tentacles that had driven me so wild moments ago were gone. My body was still hot and tingling, my muscles were completely relaxed and feeling like jelly.
Finally, I opened my eyes. Forrest was still standing in the space between the two massage tables, his perfectly normal, albeit beautifully muscled, arms hanging loosely at his sides. Brian was breathing heavily, looking like he'd just been very thoroughly fucked.
"Our time is up. I hope that you enjoyed yourselves. I'll leave you two alone to recover and get dressed.” Forrest said in his serene, smooth voice. He clasped his hands together and gave both of us a serene smile. “And please, do help yourselves to some more water. It's very important to rehydrate after a good massage."
I slowly sat up, my body still tingling and glowing from the aftershocks of my orgasm.
"I'll make sure that Ivy has the recipe for the water infusion ready for you at the front desk. Enjoy the rest of your day!" He said, and turned on his heel to exit the room.
"Wow." Brian said, once we were alone. His voice was barely more than a whisper. "Are massages always like that?" He asked, still sounding very, very dazed.
"Um, no. They’re not usually so, so..." I trailed off, not sure how to finish my thought. I realized that I sounded just as dazed as Brian.
“Let’s book another appointment on our way out.” Brian said, and I could only nod in agreement. I definitely wanted to do that again.
Here’s an excerpt from Ghost Sex, by Rose Black!
When Charlotte moves into an apartment in an old Victorian building, she figures her new home is bound to have some quirks. What Charlotte didn't expect was to be sharing her bedroom with a very horny ghost!
Here's a taste:
My entire body was tingling, covered in goosebumps, but I no longer felt cold. Instead, there was a warmth rising up, radiating out of me from deep within.
I didn’t know what part of this scenario was most unbelievable. Was it the fact that I was almost definitely being groped by a spirit, or ghost, or whatever this was? Or that, instead of being frightened out of my mind by this strange paranormal activity, I seemed to somehow be enjoying it?
As my nipples continued to be torturously teased, I suddenly felt more cool tendrils at my ankles. My breath caught in my throat. I definitely wasn’t expecting that.
They began to move up my legs, tracing slow patterns as they went. Up, up, up they traveled, gliding over my calves, my knees, my thighs. When they circled in, snaking against my inner thighs, I let out a cry.
The sensation was overwhelming. The feel of icy hot vapors playing with my nipples and massaging my upper, inner thighs at the same time was unlike anything I’ve ever felt, or anything I ever expected to feel in my lifetime.
I began moving my hips, a burning desire building. These otherworldly caresses were stoking that fire inside of me, igniting an ache deep within my wet pussy.
I was hungry for more, my body yearning for satisfaction.
The otherworldly touches on my thighs began moving against my legs with more urgency, more force. I felt my legs being forced open, my invisible lover pushing my thighs apart. Once my legs were spread, the swirling fingers traveled upwards, homing in on my eager mound.
“Oh my god,” I gasped, arching my back as the tendrils traced the folds of my hot slit, leaving a trail of icy tingles in their wake. I’d never felt anything like that before, and it was beyond exquisite.
They kept at it, moving slowly, then quickly, then slowing down again. The icy vapors were teasing me, making my breath catch in my throat.
And then they zeroed in on my clit, rippling over and around it with insistence.
Holy. Shit.
More Titles By Rose Black:
Bred By The Fae
Bred By The Horny Incubus
Backdoor Babysitter
Deep Throat Babysitter
Double Stuffed Babysitter
Gangbang Babysitter
Ghost Sex
Ghost Threesome
Graveyard Gangbang
Red As An Apple
Ritual Gangbang
Ritual Sex Pact
Ritual Demon Breeding
Ritual Lactation
Sex Drive
The Babysitter Sluts
About The Author
Rose Black lives in New Orleans and likes to write down her dirty daydreams.
She hopes you enjoy them as much as she does.
Follow Rose Black on Twitter to be the first to know when new stories are released!