23. Fish mixed in broth
Having a different taste of fish sometimes is very nice. This recipe is something out of the ordinary and the taste is heavenly.
preparation time:
60 minutes
2 lb. fish steak
4 cabbage leaves
2 scallions
1 tablespoon of salt
1/2 cup of dry white wine
2 squares of hard bean curd
3 cups of chicken stock
1 tablespoon of green oil 1/2 spoon of ginger root
1/2 spoon of ground white pepper
Clean your fish and slice it. Mix your salt, white wine, in a bowl, dip your fish inside it, bring it out and allow it to cool off in the refrigerator for a while.
Wash your cabbage and slice it. Cut your bean curd and cut into squares. Wash and trim your scallions and greens.
Heat up your mixture of green oil, then remove from the heat. Heat up your chicken stock, bean curd, ginger, and salt in a pan, allow it to bubble then you include your fish and cabbage, cook for about 10 minutes.
When it is well cooked, serve with the soup in a serving dish. Serve while it is sizzling hot.