The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

abduction by secret police, 38, 42–3

Adel (Mayada’s employee), 36

African jasmine plant and Nizar Jafar Al-Askari (Mayada’s father), 364–5

Ahmed, reciting Surah 54–5, 127

Al-Ani, Sabah, 307–8

Al-Askari, Abdiya (Mayada’s sister), 86, 107, 146, 203, 260–1

Al-Askari, Fay (Mayada’s daughter), ransom by Mamoun, 361, 365–6, 369

Al-Askari, Jafar Pasha (Mayada’s grandfather), 49, 70–1, 72–7, 113

Al-Askari, Mayada

abduction by secret police, 38, 42–3

Alef Ba feature writer, 203, 204, 288

Al-Jumhuriya, 81, 146, 201–2, 282

Anna (nanny), 109

appearance of, 130–1, 333

arrests of, Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak’s intervention, 83–4, 292–4

Baath officials’ suspicions of printing companies, 41, 44, 52, 359

Baath Party, exemption from, 203–4

birthday parties, 259–60

birth of, 112

blackmail by Mamoun, 348, 365–6

Chemical Ali interviews, 204–28

childhood of, 106–111, 258–61

children (Fay and Ali), concern for, 38, 40, 43, 44–6, 52–3, 65, 79, 100, 240, 254, 262, 273, 326

children (Fay and Ali), reuniting with, 352–4

contacting families of shadow women, 361–3

“Darb Al-Sad Ma red,” 41

“Decoration of Perfection,” 118

democratic exercise of Chemical Ali, 228–37

depression of, 328–9

divorce from Salam Al-Haimous, 39, 92, 306

education of, 180–1, 203, 278

extrasensory perception (ESP) research for Saddam Hussein, 160

family home of, 83, 258

family tree, 26–7

Fay (Mayada’s daughter), ransom by Mamoun, 361, 365–6, 369

fifty-two as unlucky for family, 49, 275–6

fortune-telling articles, 160

gifts from Saddam Hussein, 152, 158–9, 160

government’s atrocities, deceiving herself about, 47

heart attack of, 64–8

homecoming of, 351–4

imprisonment by secret police, 38–9, 41–3

interrogation of, 96–102, 103

Iraqi Liberation Day, 355–71

“Itlalat” (Overviews) column, 146, 282

Jordan home of, 357–8

Kuwaiti invasion, 91–2

leaving home and country, 93, 351, 361, 366–8

letter to Samara (shadow woman), 355–70

Majalaty Wa Al-Mizmar, 282

marital relationship, 80, 88–9, 147–8, 228

Michael Simpkin and, 40

miracles at Baladiyat, 103–4

Muslim, evolution into, 238–9

Nostradamus translation by, 101

pictures taken with Saddam Hussein, 151, 152, 158

“pin-up hero” (Ayatollah Khomeini), 82–4, 292

political journalism and, 204, 238

print shop of, 35–7, 40–1

punishment for remaining in Iraq, 276–7

qabaj chirping, as sign of moving from current place, 329, 330, 332, 336

release, hope of, 251–2, 265, 329

release of, 332–8, 341, 343–6

rowdiness of, 110

Saddam Hussein, personal encounters with, 141–53, 157–60

Scottie (family dog), 43, 259

shadow women, affection for, 129, 266

“This Beautiful Silence,” 153–4

time, article on concept of, 146–7, 150

torture of, 250–8

treason, accusation of, 44

Um Sami family helped by, 163–72, 208

“Vertical Rays of Sun,” 154–9

world leaders, connections to, 81

writings, honored for, 101

See also Al-Barrak, Dr. Fadil; Chemical Ali; four black doors; Hussein, Saddam; Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife) “The Lady”; Samara (shadow woman); Sati, Jido (Mayada’s grandfather); shadow women of cell 52; torture

Al-Askari, Mustafa (Mayada’s great-grandfather), 37, 73

Al-Askari, Nizar Jafar

(Mayada’s father)

African jasmine plant and, 364–5

colon cancer of, 86, 142, 180, 261, 262

curse, early death of Al-Askari men, 261

death of, 86, 87, 101, 180

grave, visited by Mayada, 363–5

property confiscated by Baath Party, 261–2

Scottie (family dog) and, 43

shots, given by Mayada, 220

Al-Azhar, 113

Al-Bakir, Ahmed Hassan, 79, 138, 207

Al-Barrak, Dr. Fadil, 275–320

appearance of, 275

arrest of, 48, 101, 102, 310

arrests of Mayada, intervening in, 83–4, 292–4

Chemical Ali hatred, 206–7, 209, 223

Chemical Ali interview with Mayada, 206–7, 208–9

Daphne Parish helped by, 302–4

death of, 101, 308

Director General of Iraqi Secret Police, 46, 47–8, 277

disappearance of, 309

Dr. Kareem Al-Saadi helped by, 299–301

Dr. Mohammed and, 311–15

Dr. Saib Shawket helped by, 283–9

Fatin Fuad (fiancé), 278, 279–80, 306

gifts from Saddam Hussein, 48

Head of Intelligence Service, 205

helping others due to Mayada’s relationship, 165–6, 167–8, 283

Iraqi Military Attaché to Soviet Union, 277

Jinan Fuad (wife), 279–81, 306, 315

journalistic advancement of Mayada, 203–4, 282–3

manipulation by Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 86–7, 209–10

“pin-up hero” (Ayatollah Khomeini) of Mayada, 82–4, 292

Saddam Hussein’s advisor, 305

Salam Al-Haimous, helped by, 290–1

Sati Al-Husri’s papers, interest in, 82, 281, 282

Shiites killed by, 310

spy accusations, 308, 309

spying request of Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 301–2

torture of, 309, 310, 313

two worlds of, 87, 281–2, 291, 292, 294, 305

Al-Berezenchi, Haqi, 356

“Al-Da’wah al Islamiyah” (Islamic Call), 90

Al-Dulaimi, General, 314

Alef Ba, 203, 204, 288

Al-Hadithi, Dr. A., 97

Al-Haidari, Jalela, 283–6, 289

Al-Haimous, Mohy, 353–4

Al-Haimous, Salam (Mayada’s husband)

divorce from Mayada, 39, 92, 306

helped by Mayada, 290–1

military service of, 80, 82, 88, 147–8, 203

remarriage to Mayada to leave Iraq, 350–1, 365, 367–8

Al-Hakimiya, 307, 309

Al-Husri, Hilal, 113

Al-Husri, Salwa (Mayada’s mother)

Baath Party, exemption from, 203

birth of Mayada, on grandfather’s birthday, 112

book gift to Saddam Hussein, 146

breast cancer of, 369–70

clothing advice for Saddam Hussein, 145

Daphne Parish, life saved by, 302–4

death of, 370

Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak manipulation by, 86–7, 209–10

education of, 181

foreign printed material, smuggled by, 201

gifts from Saddam Hussein, 143, 304

heirlooms inherited from Jamila, 118

Jordan and, 39

message from Baladiyat, 68

Michael Simpkin and, 40

release of Mayada, 358–60

Saddam Hussein, personal encounters, 138–42, 145, 146, 181

Sajida (Saddam’s wife) and, 181, 182, 183–5

social successes of, 181, 199–200, 259–60, 302

spying request from Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak, 301–2

traveling of, 182

Al-Husri, Sati. See Sati, Jido

Aliya (shadow woman), 119–27, 137, 153, 177, 197, 263–4, 339

Al-Jaddir, Adib, 334

Al-Jaddir, Muayad (Judge), 334–5

Al-Jazaeri, Muhammed, 153

Al-Jumhuriya, 81, 146, 201, 282

Al-Khayat, Lutfi, 282

Al-Madina Pharmacy, 260

Al-Majid, Ali Hassan. See Chemical Ali

Al-Masbah, secret police headquarters, 47

Al-Mustansiriya University, 83

Al-Obousi, 77

Al-Qasr Al-Jumhouri, 147

Al-Ramadi Detention Center, 60, 122

Al-Saadi, Dr. Kareem and Nibal, 297–301

Al-Said, Fakhriya, 364

Al-Said, Nouri, 73, 74, 75, 78–9, 97

Al-Samawi, Sahib Hussein, 147, 152, 282

Al-Sharqi, Kamil, 204–5, 206, 210–11, 218

Al-Sullaikh, 304

Al-Tikriti, Barzan, 184, 280–1, 286–8, 315

Al-Tikriti, Dr. Abid Mahmud, 359, 360

Al-Tikriti, Hassan Majeed, 219

Al-Tikriti, Usama, 310

Alwiya Club, 362

Amani (shadow woman), 343

American University of Beirut, 86, 181

Amin Al-Amma (Director General of Iraqi Secret Police), 47, 205, 277

Amjed (Saddam’s private secretary), 147, 151

Anna (Mayada’s nanny), 109

Anwar (shadow woman), 138, 325, 343

Arab Labor Organization, 203, 204, 292, 296

arrests of Mayada, Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak’s intervention, 83–4, 292–4

Asia (shadow woman), 325–6, 332, 343

Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal, 115

award (takreem), 154, 155

Aziz, Tariq, Prime Minister, 40. 90


Baath Party

intelligentsia vs., 180

joining, forced into, 67

Mayada’s family exemption from, 203

printing companies, suspicions of, 41, 44, 52, 359

property seized by, 261–2

Saddam Hussein and, 79, 138, 141–2, 167, 180, 203

Baghdad Al-Jadida, 348, 349, 350


death of prisoners at, 104

map of, 31

prisoners at, 43, 46, 102–3, 104, 253

Saddam Hussein murals, 31, 42

secret police headquarters, 31, 41

white-haired man at, 44–6, 52

See also Al-Askari, Mayada; shadow women of cell 52; torture

Bazoft, Farzad, 303, 304

beatings, 60, 61, 123, 126, 172

beauty of women, valued by Iraq, 57, 59

Bell, Gertrude, 213–15

birthday parties of Mayada, 259–60

blackmail of Mayada by Mamoun, 348, 365–6

Blair, Tony, 370

blank page in nation’s history, 371

breast cancer of Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 369–70

British fear and hatred of Jido Sati (Mayada’s grandfather), 110, 215–16

British Observer, The, 303

British occupation of Iraq, 74

Broummana, 109

burning, 124, 125, 161, 234–5

Bush, George W., 370


ceiling, hanging from, 60, 98, 266

Chemical Ali, 199–243

advancement in Baath Party, 208

appearance of, 197–8, 207, 211, 218

childhood of, 207, 219–20

children of (Omar, Hassan, Hibba), 226

democratic exercise, 228–37

diabetes of, 220

Director General of Iraqi Secret Police (Amin Al-Amma), 205

Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak hatred, 222–3

education of, 217, 219

fear he inspires in others, 224–5, 227, 232–3

interviews by Mayada, 204–28

kindness of, 223, 225

mental unbalance of, 237

military story for Mayada, 224

press, hatred of, 205, 206

social graces (lack of), 217

Sunni Muslim al-Bejat clan, 207, 208

sweets, love of, 220–1

voice (nasal) of, 216

wealth of, 225

children of Mayada (Fay and Ali)

concern for, 38, 40, 43, 44–6, 52–3, 65, 79, 100, 240, 254, 262, 273, 326

reuniting with, 352–4

Churchill, Winston, 74

cigarette burns, 124, 125, 161

Clark, Lady Terence, 303

clothing advice for Saddam Hussein from Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 145

coffins, dirt-filled, 58, 61

colon cancer of Nizar Jafar Al-Askari (Mayada’s father), 86, 142, 180, 261, 262

“Committee of Good Endeavors,” 200–1

compartmentalizing outside world, 53, 54, 274

comrades-in-tears, shadow women as, 179

contacting families of shadow women, 361–3

Cox, Sir Percy, 213

criminals’ families to be notified of crimes, 230–7

criticism of Saddam Hussein, crime of, 132, 312, 314

cruelty of Sajida Hussein (Saddam’s wife), 132, 133, 136, 188–91

curse, early death of Al-Askari men, 261


“Darb Al-Sad Ma red,” 41

“Decoration of Perfection,” 118

delirium from torture, 257–8, 265–6

democratic exercise of Chemical Ali, 228–37

depression of Mayada, 328–9

Der Spiegel, 201

detention, processing into, 48–9

dinar devaluation, 39

Director General of Iraqi Secret Police (Amin Al-Amma), 47, 205, 277

dismemberment, 171

Diyya (compensation for death), 155


electrical shocks, 62–3, 98, 122, 170, 256–7, 264, 265, 312, 315–16, 323

Eman (shadow woman), 135–6, 340

execution, feigned, 239–43

extortion of Iraqis, 173

extrasensory perception (ESP)

research for Saddam Hussein, 160


Faisal, King, 73–4, 75, 182, 213, 215

family members, killing of, 102

family tree, Mayada’s, 26–7

“Father of Arab Nationalism.” See Sati, Jido

Fatiha, 316

feet beatings, 63, 258, 264, 265

52 as unlucky for Mayada’s family, 49, 275–6

fingernails torn out, 124, 125, 234, 312

Fonoun magazine, 153

food for shadow women, 54, 56, 69, 94–5, 245, 327

foreign printed material, smuggled by Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 201

fortune-telling articles of Mayada, 160

four black doors, 72–105

Iranian war, 82, 88, 89–91, 148, 158, 200–2

Kuwaiti invasion, 91–2

secret police, 93

U.N. sanctions, 39, 91, 92

Fuad, Fatin, 278, 279–80, 306

Fuad, Jinan, 279–81, 306, 315


Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 244

General Establishment of Constructional Projects, 191–5

General Publication Surveillance Directorate, 160

George V, King of England, 215–16

German Kindergarten and Primary School (Berlin), 110

gifts from Saddam Hussein

acknowledging by favors, 143

Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak, 48

Mayada Al-Askari, 152, 158–9, 160

Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 143, 304

gold donations from every family to support army, 185–7

Golden Harp of the Sumerians, 215–16

government’s atrocities, Mayada deceiving herself about, 47

grave of Nizar Jafar Al-Askari (Mayada’s father), 363–5

Gray, Thomas, 176

greed of Sajida Hussein (Saddam’s wife), 183–4, 185–8


Hameed, Dr. Hadi, 67–9, 175

Hamid, Abdul, II, 113

Hammadi, Dr. Lamya, 186–7

Hammadi, Dr. Sadoun, 186–7

Hamoudi, Saad Qasim, 40

Hashim, Sultan, Minister of Defense, 40

Hassan, Abid, 219

Hassan, Hashim, 219

Hassan, Suleiman, 219

Hayat (shadow woman), 325–6, 343

Head of Intelligence Service, 205

heart attack of Mayada, 64–8

helping others due to Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak’s relationship, 165–6, 167–8, 283

historians and Saddam Hussein, 196

Hizb Al-Dawa Al-Islamiya (Islamic Convocation Party), 310

Hmoud, Dr. Abid, 359, 360

homecoming of Mayada, 351–4

hook, suspended from, 266

Hussain, Jalal, 116

Hussain (Mayada’s employee), 36

Hussein, Hala (Saddam’s daughter), 188

Hussein, King of Jordan, 60

Hussein, Qusay (Saddam’s son), 187

Hussein, Raghad (Saddam’s daughter), 156

Hussein, Saddam, 129–61

appearance of, 139, 150

Ayatollah Khomeini and, 89–91, 201

Baath Party, 79, 138, 141–2, 167, 180, 203

brutality, cause of, 135

charismatic personality, 79

clothes, love of, 145, 146

clothing advice from Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 145

criticism of, 132, 312, 314

Diyya (compensation for death), 155

education of, 217

extrasensory perception (ESP), 160

family members, killing of, 102

General Establishment of Construction Projects, 191–5

gifts from, 48, 143, 152, 158–9, 160, 304

Hala (daughter), 188

historians and, 196

Hussain Kamil, 156–7

Iraqi Liberation Day, 355–71

martyrs, Iraqi Army as, 202

Mayada, personal encounters with, 141–53, 157–60

Mukhabarat and, 142, 165, 192, 292, 309, 312

Mukhtar (dog), 131–5

murals overlooking Baladiyat, 31, 42

newscasts about, 166

Nostradamus translation by Mayada, 101

palace opulence, 148, 149, 196

pictures taken with, 151, 152, 158

power base, building, 142

procedures when meeting Saddam Hussein, 149–50

Raghad (daughter), 156

romanticism of, 153

Salwa Al-Husri’s personal encounters, 138–42, 145, 146, 181

Samara Shabendar (wife), 136–7

Sati Al-Husri admired by, 140–1, 144, 150, 151, 158, 159, 180, 212, 228

self-love of, 196

song about, 166

Sunni Muslim Al-Bejat clan, 207

support by Iraqis, 144

Tabaeya Iraniya deportations, 294–301, 304

takreem (award), 154, 155

tribal loyalties, importance, 207, 208

underestimation by Iraqis, 142

voice (nasal) of, 144

women interrogations, nonviolent, 100

See also four black doors

Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife) “The Lady,” 162–98

appearance of, 182–3

childhood of, 182

cruelty of, 132, 133, 136, 188–91

gold donations, wearing, 186–7

greed of, 183–4, 185–8

Kuwaiti royal jewels as hers, 187

Mukhtar (dog) and, 131–5

Rosa and ring from, 188–90

Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother) and, 181, 182, 183–5

Sara, problem with, 184–5

shopping with Salwa Al-Husri, 183–4

thief, Sajida as, 183–4, 185–7

Hussein, Uday (Saddam’s son), 134, 156, 204, 366–7


Iman (shadow woman), 137, 153, 177, 187–8, 315, 324, 336, 340

imprisonment by secret police, 38–9, 41–3

innocent imprisonment of Iraqis, 163–72

Institute for Archives and Librarian Studies, 278

intelligentsia vs. Baath officials, 180

interrogation of Mayada, 96–102, 103

Iranian war, 80–1, 82, 88, 89–91, 148, 158, 200–3


Baath party, 67, 79, 138, 141, 142, 167, 180, 261, 262

beauty of women, valued by, 57, 59

blank page in nation’s history, 371

brides, young, 221

British occupation of, 74

cash for arrests, 172–3

coffins, dirt-filled, 58, 61

corruption under Saddam Hussein, 39

criticism of Saddam Hussein, crime of, 132, 312, 314

dinar devaluation, 39

extortion of Iraqis, 173

gifts, acknowledging by favors, 143

gold donations from every family to support army, 185–7

innocent imprisonment, 163–72

intelligentsia vs. Baath officials, 180

Iranian war, 82, 88, 81–91, 148, 158, 200–3

Kurds, 92

Mahram, required for women traveling, 21–2, 351

maps of, 28–9

military coups in, 75–9, 167, 260

mourning custom, 142–3

Ottoman Empire, 37, 72, 73, 113, 114, 115, 116–17, 118, 119, 294

promise of future, 39, 71

royal family and, 77–8

sandstorms, 39

Shiites, 56, 89–90, 92, 254–5, 310

sons favored over daughters, 43

“staring,” crime of, 165, 168, 171

suicide as sin, 120

Tabaeya Iraniya document deportations, 294–301, 304

telephones bugged in, 338, 361–2

torturing of Iraqis, 60–1, 98, 122–5, 126–7, 136, 165, 170–1, 172, 234–5

travel prohibited during war, 159

tribal loyalties, importance, 207, 208

U.N. sanctions, 39, 91, 92

Wahhabi sect, 55

World War I, 74

See also Al-Askari, Mayada

Iraqi Liberation Day, 335–71

Iraqi lullaby, 240–1

Iraqi Military Attaché to Soviet Union, 277

iron beds/benches in Baladiyat, 52, 56

Islamic Call (“Al-Da’wah al Islamiyah”), 90

Islamic Convocation Party (Hizb Al-Dawa Al-Islamiya), 310

“Itlalat” (Overviews) column of Mayada, 146, 282


Jabbar, Abu, 292–3

Jameel, Captain, 76

Jamila (shadow woman), 245–9

Jassim, Latiff Nusaif, 153–4

Jordan, 59

journalistic advancement of Mayada, 203–4, 282–3

Journalists Federation and Writers Union, 203


Kadumiya, 347

Kamil, Hussain, 156–7

Kanaan, Abu, 194

Keer, Sir Clark, 75

Keynes, John Maynard, 87

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 82–4, 89–91, 201, 292

kicks, 175, 254, 256, 264, 265

King Ghazi, 75–6, 182

King of Jordan, 60

King’s College at Cambridge, 86

Kurds, 92

Kuwaiti invasion, 91–2

Kuwaiti royal jewels for Sajida (Saddam’s wife), 187


“Lady, The.” See Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife)

Lawrence, T.E. (Lawrence of Arabia), 72, 73

leaving home and country, 93, 351, 361, 366–8

letter to Samara (shadow woman), 355–70

“Lion’s Paw” mark, 73


Mahram, required for women traveling, 121–2, 351

Majalaty Wa Al-Mizmar, 282

Mamoun, 332–3, 344–9, 365

manipulation of Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak by Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 86–7, 209–10

maps of Iraq, 28–9

martyrs, Iraqi Army as, 202

Mayada. See Al-Askari, Mayada

May (shadow woman), 340

messages to families, 331–2, 337, 338–43, 361–3

military coups in Iraq, 75–9, 167, 260

miracles at Baladiyat, 103–4

Mohammed, Dr., 311–15

muezzin, 94

Mukhabarat, 142, 165, 192, 292, 309, 312

Mukhtar (Saddam Hussein’s dog), 131–5

Muna (shadow woman), 137, 174, 175, 177, 197, 239, 242, 245, 249, 251, 263–72, 323, 337–8, 344

murals of Saddam Hussein at Baladiyat, 31, 42

Muslim, evolution into, 238–9


Nadir, Suhail Sami, 238

Nahla (Mayada’s employee), 36

newscasts about Saddam Hussein, 166

Nostradamus translation by Mayada, 101


Ottoman Empire, 37, 72, 73, 113, 114, 115, 116–7, 118, 119, 294

Overviews (“Itlalat”) column of Mayada, 146, 282

Oxford University, 181


palace opulence, 148, 149, 196

Parish, Daphne, 302–4

pictures taken with Saddam Hussein, 151, 152, 158

“pin-up hero” (Ayatollah Khomeini), 82–4, 292

poetry, Samara (shadow woman), 178

political journalism and Mayada, 204, 238

Political Section of Al-Baladiyat Secret Police Headquarters, 31

Porsun, Hussain Husni, 116

prayers in Baladiyat, 244–5, 327

print shop of Mayada, 35–6, 40–1

prisoners at Baladiyat, 43, 46, 102–3, 104, 253

procedures for meeting Saddam Hussein, 149–50

promotions for torturing Iraqis, 173

property confiscated by Baath Party, 261–2


qabaj chirping, as sign of moving from current place, 239, 330, 332, 336

QaQae Establishment for Construction Materials, 325

Qassim, General Abdul-Karim, 77


Raheem, Muhammed Jassim, 37–8

rape, 123, 128, 130

Rasha (shadow woman), 123–5, 323, 339

release, hope of, 251–2, 265, 329

release of Mayada, 332–8, 341, 343–6

remarriage of Mayada to leave Iraq, 350–1, 365, 367–8

Resat, Sultan Mohammed, 73

Revolution Command Council, 208

romanticism of Saddam Hussein, 153

Roula (shadow woman), 55, 131, 136, 336, 342

rowdiness of Mayada, 110

royal family and Iraq, 77–8

Royal Shahany School (Istanbul), 114


Saad, Dr., 228

Sabah, Dr. (shadow woman), 174–8, 179, 186, 191–7, 239, 251, 263–4, 266, 315–16, 322, 323, 332, 339

Sabah, Um, 306–8

Safana (shadow woman), 70, 266–7, 269–72, 320–3, 336

Salih, Hamdiya, 222

Samara (shadow woman), 103–4

advice for Mayada, 53–4, 94

care of shadow women, 248, 251, 262–5, 272–3, 315–16, 322, 324

cleanliness of, 327–8

encouragement for Mayada, 265, 329, 330–1

injuries of, 173–8

Iraqi lullaby, 240–1

lying to calm fears, 136

Mayada’s letter to, 355–70

miracles for Mayada, 103–4

mirror of, 130

poetry, 178

story of, 56–64

torture of, 161, 173–5, 343–5

Sami, Um, Omar and Hassan, 164–71, 208

sandstorms in Iraq, 39

Sara (shadow woman), 133, 242, 263, 272–3, 315–20, 323–4, 336, 341–2

Sati, Jido (Mayada’s grandfather), 106–28

alarm clock for family, 107

artist’s brushes and paints gift to Mayada, 111

Beit Meri resort, 106–112

birth of, 112

breakfast with, 107

British fear and hatred of, 110, 216

death of, 111, 140

Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak interest in papers of, 82, 281, 282

educational system improvements, 115

Governor of Bayna (Yugoslavia), 115

honesty of, 110

intelligence of, 114–15

Jamila Hussain Pasha (wife), 116–18

Ottoman Empire and, 113, 114, 115, 116–17, 119

Prophet Mohammad link to, 113

Saddam Hussein’s admiration of, 140–1, 144, 150, 151, 158, 159, 180, 212, 228 walks, 109–10

Scottie (family dog), 43, 259

secret police, 93

secret police search of print shop, 37–8

self-love of Saddam Hussein, 196

Shabendar, Samara (Saddam’s wife), 136–7

shadow women of cell 52, 35–71

affection for Mayada, 129, 266

Aliya (shadow woman), 119–27, 137, 153, 177, 197, 263–4, 339

Amani (shadow woman), 343

Anwar (shadow woman), 138, 325, 343

Asia (shadow woman), 325–6, 332, 343

compartmenting outside world, 53, 54, 274

comrades-in-tears, 179

detention, processing into, 48–9

Dr. Sabah (shadow woman), 174–8, 179, 186, 191–7, 239, 251, 263–4, 266, 315–16, 322, 323, 332, 339

Eman (shadow woman), 135–6, 340

execution, feigned, 239–43

food, 54, 56, 69, 94–5, 245, 327

graffiti, 52

Hadi Hameed (doctor), 67–9, 175

Hayat (shadow woman), 325–6, 343

heart attack of Mayada, 64–8

Iman (shadow woman), 137, 153, 177, 187–8, 315, 324, 336, 340

interrogations of, 54, 61–3

iron beds/benches, 52, 56

Jamila (shadow woman), 245–9

May (shadow woman), 340

messages to families, 331–2, 337, 338–43, 361–3

message to Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 68 muezzin, 94

Muna (shadow woman), 137, 174, 175, 177, 197, 239, 242, 245, 249, 251, 263–72, 323, 337–8, 344

number of women in, 51, 119

photographing of, 243

prayers, 244–5, 327

Rasha (shadow woman), 123–5, 323, 339

release of Mayada, happiness over, 332–9

Roula (shadow woman), 55, 131, 136, 336, 342

Safana (shadow woman), 70, 266–7, 269–72, 320–3, 336

Sara (shadow woman), 133, 242, 263, 272–3, 315–20, 323–4, 336, 341–2

sleep, difficulties, 94

social status and, 56, 70

stench of cell 52, 51–2

time as enemy of, 327

toilet, 51, 95, 327

Wafae (shadow woman), 55, 61, 179, 248, 263, 324, 340

See also Samara

Shatt-Al-Arab, 91

Shawket, Dr. Saib, 283–9

Shiites, 56, 89–90, 92, 254–5, 310

Sidqi, General Bakir, 75–6

Simpkin, Michael, 40

Sirri, Sahar, 172

slaps, 255, 256, 264, 265

social status and shadow women, 56, 70

social successes of Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother), 181, 199–200, 259–60, 302

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 244

song about Saddam Hussein, 166

sons favored over daughters, 43

spying request to Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother) from Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak, 301–2

“staring,” crime of, 165, 168, 171

suicide as sin, 120

Sunni Muslim Al-Bejat clan, 207, 208


Tabaeya Iraniya deportations, 294–301, 304

takreem (award), 154, 155

teeth torn out, 234

telephones bugged in Iraq, 338, 361–2

“This Beautiful Silence” (Mayada), 153–4

Tilfah, Khayrallah, 182, 284–5, 286, 287, 289

Tilfah, Sajida. See Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife)

time, article by Mayada, 146–7, 150

time as enemy of shadow women, 327

torture, 244–73

beatings, 60, 61, 123, 126, 172

blindfolds, 255–6, 257

burning, 124, 125, 161, 234–5

ceiling, hanging from, 60, 98, 266

cigarette burns, 124, 125, 161

death from, 249

delirium from, 257–8, 265–6

dismemberment, 171

Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak, 309, 310, 313

electrical shocks, 62–3, 98, 122, 170, 256–7, 264, 265, 312, 315–16, 323

feet beatings, 63, 258, 264, 265

fingernails torn out, 124, 125, 234, 312

hook, suspended from, 266

kicks, 175, 254, 256, 264, 265

Mayada Al-Askari, 250–8

promotions for, 173

rape, 123, 128, 130

release, hope of, 251–2, 265

Samara (shadow woman), 161, 173–5, 343–5

shadow women, 62–4, 95, 100, 161, 174

slaps, 255, 256, 264, 265

teeth torn out, 234

waiting to be tortured, 244, 252, 313

travel prohibited during war, 159

treason, accusation of, 44

tribal loyalties, importance, 207 208


U.N. sanctions, 39, 91, 92

underestimation of Saddam Hussein by Iraqis, 142

University of Baghdad, 269


“Vertical Rays of Sun” (Mayada), 154–9


Wafae (shadow woman), 55, 61, 179, 248, 263, 324, 340

Wahhabi sect, 55

waiting to be tortured, 244, 252, 313

“War for the Gulf” (Simpkin’s TV program), 40

white-haired man at Baladiyat, 44–6, 52

Wissam (Mayada’s employee), 36

world leaders, Mayada’s family connections to, 81

World War I, 74

writings of Mayada, honored for, 101


Yeni Mektebi (Istanbul), 116